indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 352 Cooperation outside the contract

Chapter 352 Cooperation outside the contract
"Secret Scriptures of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" is the first time that Zhu Jue came into contact with the classics about indescribable things. I saw him use this kind of talisman when he was fighting with the Taoist of the Holy Spirit Sect in Rongxia City. It would be a lie to say that he was not interested in this book.

It's just that Zhu Jue didn't have a general idea of ​​these strange books back then, so he didn't choose to stay in Rongxia City for a long time. Afterwards, as various things came one after another, he gradually lost his attention to this ancient book.

Su Zi suddenly mentioned it at this time, which made the memory in Zhu Jue's mind suddenly come alive, but he still didn't understand why Su Zi raised this matter at this time.

The cooperation between the two parties did not exceed 3 days, and the time spent together did not exceed one day, so can we start talking about this kind of thing?
Zhu Jue reckoned that Suzi couldn't be one of those little girls who don't care about anything when they see a handsome guy, besides, she is not so handsome after all, is she?

"I know a little about this book. Just a little."

After thinking about it, Zhu Jue decided to ask about the situation first, emphasizing that he didn't know much.

"The "Secret Sutra of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" is divided into seven volumes, the first volume is the talisman of immortal sand returning to the soul, the second volume is the talisman of nourishing nature and prolonging life, and the third volume is the talisman of capturing demons and arresting ghosts. These three volumes are now in the hands of 'Zero'."

Suzi didn't care what Zhu Jue was thinking, and mentioned the memory that was still fresh in her mind after so many years, and looked at Zhu Jue halfway through, and said in a low voice,
"The shopkeeper once told me that you have obtained three scepter-holding ghost talismans from the Master of the Holy Spirit. You should have used them in the past five years."

The sound of the rain outside the window became inexplicably sticky in Suzi's words, and the rainwater splashing on the window splashed in all directions and spread out in a strange pattern. After a while, even the light on the restaurant side seemed to be a bit dim .

The content of this aspect is not something that can be discussed as ordinary things. Fortunately, both Zhu Jue and Suzi are strong-willed people and have not been affected by it.

"Storting demons and ghosts, I have indeed used them. Frankly speaking, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

There were originally three pieces of Zhu Jue's talisman for detaining ghosts, one was used in Fangdoushan for five years, the other was used in the marsh lake in Hesai Town, and there was only one left. point.

"The power contained in the remaining four scrolls is stronger than the last!"

Suzi clenched her hands quietly, looked into Zhu Jue's eyes, and said word by word,

"We must not allow any organization to obtain them. If those captive talismans, which are no less than terrifying weapons, are controlled by people with malicious intentions, it will bring great disaster."

Can't let any organization get it?
Zhu Jue chewed on this sentence, he probably understood the meaning of Suzi's words.

Zhu Jue has felt the power of those bastards who can deal with a small special force, let alone the guys who can be summoned in the remaining volumes will only be more terrifying according to Suzi.
The zero organization that owns the three-volume talismans of "The Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" will definitely not let go of this ancient book that contains powerful mysterious power. In contrast, the Yimeng who has witnessed the power of these talismans, don't they want it?

The former is undoubtedly evil, and letting them get the "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" will only bring more disasters to this world, but can the latter be called pure justice?

To be honest, even though Zhu Jue's current knowledge of the Yimeng organization is limited to the opinions of a few people, he can still categorically say that even in the Yimeng organization, there are some people with evil intentions.

"You want me to help you get those three volumes back from 'Zero'?"


Suzi seemed to want to say something, but she didn't continue to speak after all, but stopped after answering a word.

"If I can cause trouble for those guys, I can help for free."

Zhu Jue could sense that Suzi might have some hidden secrets to say, but he didn't bother to ask. He touched the tips of the chopsticks in his hand and added,

"As long as you can find someone who is 'Zero'. "The Secret Sutra of the Seven Chapters of Xuanjun", I only have one request. After you bring them back, help me make a few pieces of talismans that can hold demons and arrest ghosts."

Zhu Jue has a "Book of Dekian" in his hand, which may not be very complete, but even such a fragmentary copy makes him fall into some kind of strange fantasy uncontrollably when he dreams back in the middle of the night. It's not that he can use this to exercise his soul and occasionally acquire some special abilities. Zhu Jue has long put this book in his handbag and used it as a cushion.

As for "Secret Scripture of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun", this book sounds somewhat like a cheat book for cultivating immortals, but Zhu Jue's impression of cultivating immortals is to fly around with a sword, or stand in front of the enemy and shout what the sword is coming If he could do this, he might be eager to get this book, but the reality is cruel. The first three volumes of this book are either dealing with corpses or with Bayaki.

Besides, Zhu Jue thought about it secretly just now. Shouting "Baiyajilai" in front of others is somewhat embarrassing, and it is easy to be regarded as a cultist. It is better to hide a few pieces of demon arresting ghosts and use them to shady people. some.

Of course, if there are any useful talismans in the remaining four volumes, Zhu Jue doesn't mind talking to Suzi later.

"No problem, as long as you are willing to help, I can try to make the talismans in it."

While speaking, Suzi kept her eyes fixed on Zhu Jue's face. She didn't see any deception or prevarication from above, so she gave her own answer accordingly.

In fact, Suzi still has some things to say in her heart. She is in the Yimeng, and her every move seems to be free, but if she really has something to do with Ling, the organization will definitely follow up. There is a high possibility that she will not be able to keep the Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Jun.

Rather than being taken by someone in the organization, would this person be a better safekeeping object?

In the evening, after all, the sky above Dawn City did not have the ruddy glow of sunset, but was filled with lead gray dark clouds, and the whole city was also shrouded in heavy rain.

"Where is the place, Pasifica or some street in Heywood?"

Since it is an underground car race, it must not be compared on the main road of Shuguang City. The Public Security Bureau will not allow more than a dozen cars to collide with each other on the main road of the city. It is more likely.

"We are punters, and the webpage says that we will go to Jiang'an No. 6 Port, Heywood District, Dawn City at around 2 pm, and there will be people who will pick us up to the stadium."

Suzi flipped through the information on the audio-visual stick, held an umbrella with her empty hand, and walked side by side with Zhu Jue along the embankment.

"The port. So there will be a ship to pick us up, and the track isn't in Dawn City?"

The transportation system inside Dawn City is extremely developed, so naturally there is no need to take a boat.

However, when the black airship that looked like a stool in the sky flew over from the rain, Zhu Jue knew that he had guessed the beginning wrong.

But he guessed the result correctly.

Stepping on the "stool legs" with blue lights shining on both sides, boarded the airship. This strange-looking airship took off without stopping, and crossed the big river outside Dawn City to a place farther away.

(End of this chapter)

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