indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 358 The Second Dreamland

Chapter 358 The second dream
The rain outside the window did not stop, and the water droplets hung on the glass, drawing twisted tracks of different lengths.

The virtual clock on the glass inside the window is beating, one second after another, and occasionally when it is the hour, there will be a flash of light and a slight ticking sound.

On the refrigerator in the living room, the paw of the wind chime just opened the upper door, and the light yellow light illuminates the sink behind, and the remaining water droplets on the wall of the pool scatter a little light under the reflection.

Swinging the tail behind her, she made an arc in the air and reached into the refrigerator to draw out a bottle of unlabeled milk, unscrew it with her paw, and pour it into the plate on the low table in front of the sofa, one... a cat enjoying herself slowly supper.

The darkness envelops the wind chime, and the latter obviously likes this atmosphere very much. His bright golden eyes looked around, and finally landed on Zhu Jue, who was tilted at 75° in the middle of the bed and was twisted in all directions.

Feng Ling tilted his head and stared at it for a while, licking the milk paused, and made a purring sound in his mouth. It found that today was different from the past, a bit like the night a few days ago. It is surrounded by an aura that makes it feel uncomfortable.

He came to the bed, put his paws on the edge, put his head in front of Zhu Jue, and arched it lightly.

No response, he should be completely asleep.

"The sea. Why is it the sea? Crab, strange crab, what does this mean?"

Zhu Jue on the bed babbled something that Feng Ling could not understand. He was not a person who liked to talk in sleep, at least Feng Ling seldom heard Zhu Jue talking while sleeping.

But tonight he did.

What followed was an indescribable atmosphere descending on the room.

Feng Ling jumped onto the bed, hid on the inside against the wall, leaned on Zhu Jue's left arm and looked out, looking for the source of this atmosphere.

Its gaze shifted from the door to the work room, then from the work room to the sofa, and finally landed on the window beside the bed. The rainwater that was originally flowing from top to bottom outside the window began to deflect at this moment, no longer Falling according to the normal natural law, but it seems to be random, but in fact it starts to arrange with some special law.

Feng Ling witnessed the whole scene, and kept pointing his head at Zhu Jue, but the latter never woke up.

The night will eventually pass away, and at dawn the next morning, Zhu Jue was woken up by the fluffy meat balls shaking non-stop on his face.

"Fengling, what's wrong?"

Holding it up with both hands in the armpits of the wind chime, Zhu Jue looked at the restless it with some doubts. In the past, it was lazier than himself in the morning, but today it was a little abnormal.

Aw~ Aw~
Keeping calling out, Feng Ling broke away from Zhu Jue's hand, jumped onto the window frame next to it, and kept beating the window with its front paws. After seeing the strange phenomenon on the window last night, it kept trying to wake up Zhu Jue , I want him to see that scene too.

However, when Zhu Jue woke up and looked over at this time, all he saw was glass covered with water droplets, and there was nothing else.

"You mean what ever happened here?"

Zhu Jue naturally trusted the wind chime very much. Its abnormality quickly broke away from the sleepiness when he just woke up. He opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at the rain lines on the glass.

But even if I stared at the two eyes, I still didn't find anything special, so I could only turn around and rub Feng Ling's forehead, and asked softly, "Did it appear when I was sleeping last night?"

Feng Ling nodded.

"And then disappeared?"

Nod again.

"Understood, thank you, let's go wash up first."

Zhu Jue smiled and picked up the wind chime and took it to wash his face.

Standing in front of the sink, Zhu Jue was holding an electric toothbrush in his hand, leaning forward, leaning against the sink, thinking about what happened last night amidst the buzzing sound of the toothbrush.

The Book of Dekian once again affected his dreams.

It's just that this time is completely different from the last time. Last time in a dream, Zhu Jue met a "mentor" and learned a spell under his guidance. Although the effect is mediocre, it is still a real skill, but Zhu Jue didn't understand the meaning of the dream last night.

At first, he appeared on the coast, with the endless deep blue sea in front of him. This kind of image should be very common in the dreams of ordinary people, so Zhu Jue didn't pay much attention to it at first, and just treated it as an ordinary dream. After a while, he found that countless crabs began to appear among the reefs on the shore under his feet.

They covered the entire beach, piled up together, and gradually formed some indescribable shape.

These contents alone are nothing more than that. Zhu Jue, who has recently been mentally affected, is used to hallucinations. This statement may sound a bit weird, but Zhu Jue has actually been used to being in this environment five years ago.

The mental confusion after each mutation would make him suffer unspeakably, but his mental will at that time was already 99% muddy, close to the level of breaking the watch, no matter how bad it was, it couldn't be bad.

What really made him realize that this dream was not simple was the starry sky after the sea and the crabs disappeared together. There, someone came through the starry sky, but stopped in the void, with his head half raised, as if thinking about something, and then He felt his whole soul shake.

It is not biased towards chaotic and crazy vibrations, but rather a strange hazy feeling. This kind of feeling is probably like a window through which light shines through. Zhu Jue can see the shadows inside, but wants to know what happened inside. It is impossible.

The dream came to an abrupt end.

"What a headache!"

After rinsing his mouth, Zhu Jue scratched the back of his head and returned to sit on the sofa in the living room. The content of last night's dream in his mind was already blurred, so he could barely write down some content with a pen and paper. It must represent something, but I couldn't find the relevant content in my memory for a while.

Full of doubts, Zhu Jue didn't stay at home for a long time, but went out to the Archaeological Association, because Olivia's information has not stopped since just now.

Zhu Jue walked into Olivia's office and glanced at the new desks around, but there was still nothing on them.

These are the positions of the team members led by Olivia.

"Did you call me here in such a hurry to find something new in Hesai Town?"

Finding a nearby place to put the breakfast on, Zhu Jue pulled out the chair and asked Olivia, who was looking serious next to her.

"It's a matter of other places. When we went to Hesai Town, didn't I mention to you that all the people in my team were sent to support a large-scale mission of the Archaeological Association. According to the latest news within the association, there are A major accident caused heavy casualties to the team performing the task!"

Olivia also only found out about the situation after she came to the office this morning, and immediately contacted Zhu Jue.

"When did the field mission of the Archaeological Association be safe? If it weren't for me in Hesai Town, if you took people there, you would have encountered a 'major accident'. What happened?"

"It is said that the underground ruins collapsed suddenly, directly crushing an entire archaeological team, nearly 50 people, underground. So far, no response has been received."

"Archaeological team? No wonder."

When the archaeological team was mentioned, Zhu Jue's face was a little more stupefied.

Without exception, the field tasks in the Archaeological Association are all related to indescribable objects. Under such a premise, the speed of the replacement of the old and the new in this department should not be too fast.

To put it bluntly, the casualties of this department are unavoidable, and the Archaeological Association has clearly foreseen this, otherwise the welfare benefits of the Field Service Department will not be raised to an exaggerated level, and as long as they can survive many missions, The promotion is also very fast, and the Archaeological Association is nothing more than trying to make up for the Department of Field Service in this way.

However, the archaeological team is a completely different story.

The archaeological team is different from the field team. The former is more responsible for the highly professional relic exploration, which undoubtedly means that professionals are required to carry out this part of the work.
There must be real core personnel of the Archaeological Association inside, including archaeologists who have conducted detailed research on indescribable objects and the accompanying elites of various departments. The 50 people in this team are not a joke. It is unacceptable for the association.

"With today's technology and the fact that the teams sent there are all professional, this kind of underground operation has been carefully calculated in advance. If an accident occurs now, there must be some kind of accident."

"So, you brought me here, you don't want me to save people, do you?"

Zhu Jue frowned and asked straightforwardly.

"To be precise, you are going with me. The Dawn City Archaeological Association has decided to send a rescue team, because the subordinates who were supposed to report to me were all there to provide support. As the team leader, I naturally have to lead the team. They, my gut tells me it's not going to be easy this time around."

Olivia didn't deliberately hide anything. In her opinion, if Zhu Jue helped, the success rate of this support would undoubtedly be greatly improved.

"I can't leave Dawn City in the short term. I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter."

Regarding Olivia's request, Zhu Jue did not hide his embarrassment. At other times, he might nod his head, but the recent monitoring of the gentleman is in a critical period, and he plans to deal with this matter before entering the dreamland next time If you leave Dawn City with Olivia at this time, let alone whether you can save people by running there now, if something happens to the gentleman when he leaves, will he come back or not?

Besides, the rescue mission does not know how long it will last, and the situation at the scene is not yet clear. Zhu Jue is not an employee of the Archaeological Association, and there is no one in the archaeological team that he cares about, let alone Zhu Jue never thinks that he is anything. Indispensable characters, with such a huge organization as the Archaeological Association, he would not believe that there were not enough rescuers.

"Okay then, I'll take someone there by myself first, and if I find anything new, I'll contact you later."

Olivia didn't mean to force Zhu Jue to help, after all, she didn't know much about the local situation, and the favor that Zhu Jue owed her before was very precious, and she didn't want to use it rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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