indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 372 The Domineering It

Chapter 372 The Domineering It
"Sir, please don't move around, keep the current posture. You can relax a little bit, because it's just a portrait, so it doesn't need too much artistic processing, it will be done soon."

The painter wearing a Scottish-style beret raised his paintbrush, and compared with Zhu Jue's face in front of him, most of the portrait on the drawing board in front of him had been completed.

Last night, Zhu Jue came here as a gentleman to announce the appointment of the new president. This morning, he changed his original identity and came to the chamber of commerce again under the leadership of the black swan. There are more than a dozen of them, so it is naturally impossible to just tell the post station on the Dilas Harbor side to know.

Do you come to every station like this?
Not to mention whether there is time, Zhu Jue doesn't have this kind of thought, so at the suggestion of the black swan, he decided to notify by letter. The portrait he is painting now is also part of the letter, and he will send it to someone immediately after the painting is finished. Copy it, and then send it together with the letter to the post stations of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce in various cities, so that the managers of the post stations in various places can get to know the new president first.

"There won't be any shitty seizure of power, right? I don't want to have to deal with those who are loyal to gentlemen in the future."

After sitting for nearly half an hour, the impatience on Zhu Jue's face was already visible to the naked eye, and he didn't shy away from the fact that the painter was right in front of him, so he looked directly at the black swan who came in from the door and said.

"Please rest assured that the gentleman has a strong control over the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce. Since you are his designated successor and have the official transfer documents, you have the right to let him leave the Chamber of Commerce for anyone who questions this matter. What's more, there are people who don't have eyes. The gentleman is not dead, is he?"

Unlike Zhu Jue, the black swan was more or less concerned about the presence of outsiders, and rounded up the words again.

The painter who was "concentrating on painting" glanced at the young man opposite without any trace, and immediately moved his hands much faster. After the painting was finished, he was unwilling to stay for a moment. He took the painting off the drawing board and looked towards the black swan. As soon as I handed it over, I turned around and left.

"It's finally over, what's in your hand?"

Zhu Jue twisted his neck, and accidentally saw the exquisite card in Black Swan's hand.

"The governor's invitation to the reception at Dilas Harbor may have been sent out because news of the gentleman's return spread and he knew about it, so he sent the invitation. Now that you are the president, I will explain the situation to them later. "

Sending invitations to gentlemen, it doesn't matter if Zhu Jue replaces him as the president of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce, but when he enters the door, everyone treats him as a gentleman, and he will have to explain himself when the time comes. The black swan saw Zhu Jue's expression Knowing that this matter must be useless, without further ado, he changed his mind and took the invitation back.

"I want to go out for a walk alone. You should handle the affairs of the chamber of commerce. Help me pay more attention to the things about the scorching box. Didn't the dream eaters want to ask us for such things? Just wait for them here Come, just ask what is the use of this treasure."

Zhu Jue didn't have any special goals for this trip into the dreamland. To a large extent, he just wanted to experience the effect of the dream medicine and see what the scorching box was, so he originally didn't plan to stay for a long time, but now that It is undoubtedly a waste if you have the resources of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce and don't use them to benefit yourself.

"In addition, please help me pay attention to some things that are beneficial to the soul, such as moonshine wine, incense, and potions. In short, prepare a copy of good materials. I will read the scrolls in the space ring by myself when I go back."

"The expedition team from the Chamber of Commerce should return this month. Maybe they will bring back some valuable information. Would you like to wait a little longer?"

The role of the expedition team in this era is not only to go to various remote places for adventure, they will also pay attention to various valuable items and news in the process. A large part of the reason why major chambers of commerce form or hire expedition teams is that Therefore, if a chamber of commerce really wants to grow big, it must have a solid background, otherwise it will not even have enough goods to live in, so what will it use to compete with other chambers of commerce?

Not to mention that gentlemen are more eager for these strange items or news than other chamber leaders, so the Sparkling Gold Chamber of Commerce has always spent a lot on expeditions. Correspondingly, the things brought back by the expedition are often It can also be a surprise.

"Understood, let's talk about it later, haven't you come back yet?"

Zhu Jue, who had been in the room for nearly half the morning, was really in no mood to sit back in his chair and listen to the black swan talking about the expedition. He left the chamber of commerce after a few perfunctory words, and wandered alone in the Dilas harbor.

Great Elder Atal once said that people from all over the dreamland can be seen in the port of Dilas. This is true. It happened to be dusk and night when I came here yesterday through the dream medicine. For people of this era, The nightlife is not so rich, pubs and nightingale shops are the best places to go, but for ordinary people, sleeping at home at night is the best choice.

But now it is morning, which is one of the busiest times of the day. Zhu Jue walks on the street, almost every few steps, he can see some travelers or sailors whose appearance and attire are quite different from those of the locals. Or talking and laughing loudly in groups of three or four, or wearing a veil alone, watching some sneaky shuttles in the streets and alleys.

Zhu Jue's original idea was to find a decent tavern and go in to find someone to inquire about some news, but when he got to the door and felt the excitement, Zhu Jue stopped in his tracks instead.

What should I ask when I go in?
This question suddenly appeared in my mind, and quickly took root.

Ask these people if they know anything that can make them stronger?

No one knows his own strength better than Zhu Jue. Many things have actually lost their effect on him. For example, the red and honey-colored gemstones he got before have a good effect at first, but as he gets further behind, he can The less power you can draw from it.

To be strong, Zhu Jue must find a new method, and the sailors in the tavern can really know about this kind of thing. Taking a step back, if someone really knows, then his brain is going crazy or he is full. Tell yourself such a precious news to this stranger?
How do those people who just sit in the tavern and give the bartender one or a few gold coins to know important information do it, please teach me?

As soon as he thought about it, Zhu Jue lost his interest, just when someone came out of the tavern, the smell of sweat and the smell of alcohol, which could not be said to be a matter of preference or dislike, hit his face, his mind, which was still wavering a second ago, immediately became firm, turned around and left Out of the tavern, back on the street.

It’s just that there is no wind chime by my side, Zhu Jue’s good mood was quickly consumed by the thinking in front of the tavern and the black stone towers around him, and he didn’t even bother to continue shopping, but went straight to the road along the road last night. piece of beach.

After all, there is a difference between the beach at night and the beach in the early morning. Last night, I just felt that the ordinary beach was illuminated by the sun and the cool sea breeze in the morning, and the feeling was immediately different.

Walking down the steps outside the breakwater, Zhu Jue was going to step over the large stones that were discarded nearby after the surrounding buildings were built to take a stroll on the beach.

However, only halfway through, Zhu Jue stopped when he passed a piece of granite that was half the height of a person.

He was surprisingly familiar with the stone in front of him, not because he had been here last night, but because he had seen it in other places before.
At this moment, a crab the size of half a palm emerged from the sand under the stone.

Facing Zhu Jue.


(End of this chapter)

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