Chapter 374
These people came at the wrong time!
When the black swan got up, he lowered his head slightly to cover up the disgust on his face, and when he raised his head again, he put on a rather enthusiastic expression.

Specifically, an awkward yet polite smile.

"So it's you guys, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Walking around from behind the table, since the gentleman started to cooperate with these people in front of her, she has dealt with them quite a few times in the past few years.

"Lisanna, it's boring for you to put on such a look. I remember I said it when we met last time, about a week. It was a week ago, right?"

Half of his face was surrounded by a black cloth, and the man with the strange tumor-like protrusion on his forehead was looking around with ease, and the faces of the people behind him were even more mocking.
"One of our companions was employed by the gentleman, I don't know what he did, and I don't really care much, the problem is that the guy died, and he died in the gentleman's employment mission, although we have no agreement, But it is our people who die after all, according to the rules, we have to show something."

"Of course, when I return to the Dreamland this time, one of my tasks is to give you a suitable compensation, so you don't need to worry at all. Just give me half a day, and I will start to make a list for you now."

Lisanna, that is, the black swan, was counting the time when Zhu Jue left, and regretted why she didn't ask him where he was going when the former left.

"If a few of you are willing, the president will return soon, and you can tell him what you have to say by then."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Lisanna can only find a way to procrastinate, and he will decide what to do next after Zhu Jue comes back.

"President. Gentleman? Isn't that guy dead?"

The leading man curled his lips and asked back, they had received the information in advance before they came, and the gentleman's position had been taken by another person, otherwise, how could they bring someone directly to the door.

Just as the Dream Brigade couldn't wait to have a meeting with Zhu Jue after killing Gentleman, the Dream Eaters organization also needs the channel of the space gate that was originally in the hands of Gentleman, and this time's succession is undoubtedly a very good opportunity for them.

"Mr. Fengling is now the president of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce. I have no right to decide anything. I have to wait for him to come back. So if you don't mind, I will start to sort out the compensation list now and wait for the president to return."

Although he wanted to tell these dream eaters that their companions were killed by the new president, Black Swan finally held back his mouth, kept smiling, and turned around to return to his position.

"No problem, you compile the list of compensation, I just have one request, the first item of compensation on the list must be the Burning Box."

The masked man with his upper body bowed slightly was like a poisonous snake locked on its prey, dormant, the voice under the black veil sounded eager, but the meaning was extraordinarily cold.

He made a condition that was destined not to be compromised.

The black swan stopped in place, glanced at the trembling waiter pretending to be an ostrich, waved his hand, and said, "Mr. Cohen, can I trouble you to wait for Mr. President at the door? If he comes back, please notify him immediately." Come here, okay?"

The waiter who heard this nodded hurriedly, turned around and wanted to run out, but when he came to the door, he was blocked by a dream eater.

"Let him go, we came here to discuss compensation, not to seek revenge, there is no need to make things so complicated, Lisanna, you and the gentleman should both know where the scorching box is, the new president said now Maybe you don’t even know there is such a thing, you tell me, and of course the Dream Eater will show you that box, you are not qualified to own it.”

There is no doubt about the importance of the space gate. As there is still room for things, the Dream Eater is obviously not prepared to do everything.

"In fact, I also think so. The Burning Box has been in our hands for a while, but so far we haven't found a way to crack it. Maybe a few of you have the method to open this treasure box?"

The black swan is standing in the shadows, half of her face is bathed in the sun, her brown-black skin is a little shiny, she has only one purpose now, and that is to drag the people in front of her as much as possible,
"As a matter of fact, if President Fengling knew that you were able to open the Burning Box, he might be willing to give it to you."

"Compared to these perfunctory things you are saying now, there is one thing that I find very strange. If I remember correctly, you are a dog under the hands of a gentleman. Oh, it may make you unhappy to say that, but you give the gentleman It’s been a few years since I’ve been doing business. I always thought that you would take the gentleman’s death as a chance to get a higher position, because as far as I know, you are the gentleman’s confidant, and you know most of the things he knows. Clearly, now that he is dead, don't you think about accepting all his inheritance?"

The masked man took a step forward impatiently, and continued,

"As long as you are willing, we can help you get rid of that new president. Then you will be the only president of the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce, and then"

"Then in order to win your support, hand over the chamber of commerce and the space gate to you, and then dispose of them as waste, or are you going to let me join you and believe in a god who doesn't even know what it is?"

Regarding the situation of the Dream Eaters organization, Black Swan dare not say how familiar she is, but she still has some understanding of the cooperation over the years.

To be attached to them, it is better to seek help from the Dream Brigade, after all, most of the members in the latter organization are normal people.

"Lisanna, Lisanna, Lisanna!"

After listening to Black Swan's words, the masked man chanted her name in a low voice as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot, and some black lines appeared on his forehead like a tumor.

"How can you talk about that great existence, how dare you despise that great existence, you should pay for it!"

Black Swan noticed the sudden ups and downs of the other party's emotional state, and she didn't know exactly which words she said stimulated the other party, but years of combat experience still made her choose to retreat to the window immediately.

However, when she really got close to the window, she realized that the window frame from which the sunlight was shining had been covered by a layer of sticky, disgusting black silt at some point.

The open door was closed, and the room, which was still bright a second ago, suddenly fell into darkness, with only the light that barely leaked from the gap in the door providing weak illumination.

"For the next period of time, I'm not going to let you talk anymore, because I have to make sure that the next time you speak, you will beg me, beg me to listen to your secrets, and beg me to let you be a slave under my feet. At that time, I promise Will consider your request on its own."

Raising his hand and shaking it forward, the people behind the masked man either drew their weapons, or moved their wrists and necks, and stepped forward with mocking laughter.

The black swan looked back at the corner behind her eyes, and without hesitation she clenched her fist and smashed at the window that was sealed by mud. She, who can be regarded as a gentleman's confidant, is naturally not weak, but the fist that finally landed on the window frame not only It failed to break through this layer of shackles directly as expected, and was even surrounded by these silts in turn.

While she was bound by the mud with one hand, the dream eater approached, and someone punched her directly on the cheek.

There was a dull crash.

The screams that sounded did not belong to the black swan.

A mass of gravel derived from her bound arms condensed into a sand fist before the Dream Eater's fist fell, and recoiled at the Dream Eater's jaw.

It was not powerful, but it was sudden enough that the attacked dream eater was hit before he could defend himself.

"This is the son body, is that you?"

Her eyes widened, and the black swan looked at the lump of gravel that suddenly gushed out of her body in surprise. She knew it was a time bomb that Zhu Jue had imposed on her, but she never knew that it was threatening her life and at the same time it could Guard her in this way.

After repelling an enemy, the sand fist immediately spread in front of the black swan, and finally formed a sand shield, blocking the rest of the dream eaters.

Taking advantage of this emptiness, Black Swan also clenched her fist with her vacant left hand. This time she did not choose the window, but directly locked the target on the wall next to it, and punched it down without saying a word.

The walls of this era are built with cement and masonry, and of course there will be no such things as steel bars inside. Although it is more difficult to break through than windows, it can barely be shaken with the strength of a black swan. A stone pit is still no problem.

At this time, she was not in the mood to fight back or delay the time. The other party's actions were obviously premeditated, and maybe they had calculated that Zhu Jue was not in the chamber of commerce, so they came to surround herself, the only person who knew besides the gentleman.

Having no time to think about the situation outside the sand shield, Black Swan made up his mind to find a way to break the wall, as long as he could escape to the street, then anything is possible!
Facts have also proved that human beings under crisis can indeed unleash their great potential. After just a few punches, a large number of cracks appeared on the wall near the window, and light even penetrated in the center.

Black Swan didn't notice that shortly after the sand shield opened, there was another noise outside.

"It's a little bit worse!"

With a low shout, the last punch landed in the center of the crack.

In an instant, the wall cracked, and the sunlight representing hope filled the entire room. The black silt on the windows disappeared without a trace. The street outside the room was already full of people watching the excitement.

Panting heavily, the black swan pressed the broken wall next to it, retracted the sand shield and was about to jump directly from the second floor.

It's just that she just stepped out with her front foot, but the voice behind her made her figure abruptly stop in place.

"What are you doing there? The wall repair fee is deducted from your salary!"

Zhu Jue's voice was as flat as ever.

At this time, the black swan sounds particularly pleasing to the ear.

(End of this chapter)

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