indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 388 Better

Chapter 388 Better

Zhu Jue could only use the scavenger to resist the oncoming crab claws like a heavy hammer in a hurry.

On one side is a monster nearly two stories high, and on the other is Zhu Jue in a human state. The volume contrast between the two is simply unbearable to look at.

Bang! ! !
The claws of the crab collided with the gravel, Zhu Jue gritted his teeth, and his legs sank suddenly until they sank into the beach!
As soon as he touched it, Zhu Jue immediately felt the powerful force from the Crab Lord, which was stronger than the power displayed by the terrifying meatball full of tentacles that he had encountered in the valley. a bit
And this is not the most important thing, Zhu Jue looks at the ice layer around him that has just been frozen not long ago, but has already melted away, and his face becomes more and more ugly.

This is the restraint that Bellorin said!
Zhu Jue's biggest destructive skill now is this blizzard. In several important battles five years later, he almost relied on this move to secure the victory. It can be said that he never missed.

However, at this moment, Zhu Jue had to admit that his ability could cause very limited damage to the monster in front of him. This is indeed the case. Since the crab master can be called the god of the sea by these priests, his ability to control the water element is very limited. It goes without saying about abilities, but Blizzard undoubtedly favors water element skills.

To put it bluntly, not only is there no such thing as an outstanding effect, but even a big discount has to be made.

Zhu Jue's full blown blizzard was cracked by the opponent in just a few seconds is the best proof!

"It's troublesome now."

His legs plowed two tracks on the soft sand, Zhu Jue shouldered the crab master's attack hard, thinking of ways to defeat it.

The current situation is exactly the same as the battle he had with Xing Zhicai in Guangyuan City back then, the fighting method he was proud of completely failed, and Zhu Jue still remembers that death fight.

I was thinking here, the Crab Lord didn't mean to wait, the eight legs under the body suddenly exerted force, and the force brought by the forward rush of the huge body immediately tilted the balance of power confrontation to its side, Zhu Jue didn't even have time After making a second response, the whole person rose into the air.

In mid-air, relying on the ability to stay in the air for a short time to relieve part of the strength, barely changed his posture, and landed on both legs.

In the end, a large pit with a diameter of nearly three meters was smashed out.

Lobelin, who was thrown out by Zhu Jue before, noticed that Zhu Jue was being knocked into the air, and quickly leaned over from the side.

"If you want to freeze it with ice, it is almost impossible to kill it. Sorry, I was too hasty to remind you first."

Looking at the monster on the breakwater ahead, Lobelin said with some embarrassment.
"It's useless to say this now, you have prepared for so many years, do you know how to deal with it?"

Zhu Jue didn't hurry to go up, the blizzard exhausted his physical strength a lot, he grasped the Mikayuetachi, which was transformed from a scavenger, his eyes shone with silver light,
"I don't know much about this monster. I do have some other abilities, but they are all a little short. If there is nothing particularly effective, then I can only fight in close combat and find a way to chop it up!"

Apart from the blizzard, Zhu Jue's strongest combat power is his powerful body. In order to kill this monster and take the treasure, he is ready to enter a fully mutated state again!



"Do you still remember the priest I mentioned to you on the balcony of the hotel at the Shuojin Chamber of Commerce station to guide me?"

Smashing a jet of water with a long stick, Bellorin continued,

"He asked me to find the Poseidon's treasure to lift the curse. At that time, I asked him what would happen if the treasure was guarded by the Poseidon's guard. The answer he gave me was 'wind'. Wind and water are enemies!"

"Ah? That's not right. To be reasonable, it's generally not the Thunder or Grass that counteract the water element. Sorry, I didn't say it."

Zhu Jue originally wanted to talk about attribute restraint, but later realized that this seemed to be an argument made in a game of catching babies, and it was not right to put it here.

"You mean the wind element can cause damage to it?"

"I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure, but that's what the priest told me."

There was some hesitation in Lobelin's words, as if he was weighing something.

"It doesn't matter, try it first!"

Zhu Jue, who was recalling the seals he had learned in a dream before, didn't notice the strangeness of Luo Beilin. At this time, Zhu Jue didn't care so much. While making seals with his hands, he rushed to the position where the Crab Lord was. .

Compared with Blizzard, Zhu Jue still can't achieve the explosion of wind element energy in the use of the former, so he can only try to consume it, and try the effect first.

On the other hand, Luo Beilin did not step forward again like Zhu Jue, but stayed where he was.

The body was completely drenched by the torrential rain, and the cold feeling circulated on the skin of the whole body, only those parts that had been deserted were unconscious.

"High Priest, what you said is right. If you want to lift the curse, you must pay the corresponding price. It turns out that everything is destined to become a servant of the wind. After escaping for so long, I finally returned to the original point!"

Raising the long stick in his hand horizontally, the gravel on Lobelin's face twisted and rolled.

The experience I talked to Zhu Jue on the balcony of the hotel before was not false, but several of them concealed the process.

Why were all the creatures in the Gateless City turned into blood and ashes because of the monster, but when Lobelin witnessed the monster, only a part of his torso was still cursed?
Why was he, a cursed person with nothing, able to get the help of the priest, and even grow up to this point today?

Can ordinary wizards bear such a terrible curse and survive for so many years?
Do not make jokes!
The crystals at both ends of the long stick flickered brightly and darkly. Lobelin made up his mind and moved his hands to the middle, pinched left and right and unscrewed it, and the central part of the long stick snapped off.

An amber jade fell from it.

Before Lobelin could reach out to pick it up, a gust of wind swept up, pushing his body back a few meters.

Xi Xi Suo So ~ Xi Xi Suo So ~
Unexplainable whispers suddenly sounded in Lobelin's ears, and the coldness on his body seemed to have sharp claws, cutting open his flesh and blood, and penetrating into his body, causing him to tremble uncontrollably.

He began to recall the stone monastery standing deep in the desert, the high priest who should not be mentioned, and the yellow silk mask on his face that would fall into some kind of weird fantasy just by looking at it.

And as those memories that shouldn't appear in Lobelin's mind began to appear, the gemstone in front of the center that seemed to have a strange imprint actually began to stretch. At first, it was only the size of a thumb, and as time went by, it began to stretch. expand.

In the end, it changed into the yellow silk mask in memory!

Enduring those horrible whispers, Lobelin staggered forward, and if this was his fate, then he was ready to accept it at this time.

He raised his hand and reached for the mask.

The moment of touch.

It backs off.
In Lobelin's astonished eyes, it retreated!
Go straight to the figure who is fighting the Crab Lord in front!

Compared to Lobelin.

It found better!
(End of this chapter)

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