Chapter 392
Aw~ Aw~
In the sound of the wind chime calling, Zhu Jue looked at the wind chime lying on his bed with a pair of bright golden eyes looking at him, and subconsciously turned around and stretched out his hand to rub its head.

"Long time no see, no, it should be an hour or so, forget it, nice to see you again!"

Getting up from the bed, holding the wind chime in his arms, Zhu Jue looked around the room and stayed for a long time on the time displayed on the smart glass of the window.

The sense of trance caused by the uncoordinated time of the two worlds made him a little uncomfortable for a while. His spirit was very tired, but his body was in a normal resting state, so this caused a kind of sleepiness to his brain. illusion.

It's probably a bit like the state of going to work after only two hours of sleep after a night's sleep. I believe anyone who has experienced it knows how uncomfortable it is that the brain is full of rusty parts.

"I knew I should listen to Lisanna, and come back after resting first."

Holding his forehead and taking a few deep breaths, Zhu Jue regretted not listening to Lisanna's warning, who was still in the dreamland.

This time I stayed in the dreamland for a short time, only one day and two nights, but I experienced a lot of things, fierce battles and high rewards, and sudden relaxation after high concentration, so that Zhu Jue is still a little I haven't recovered.

And because Zhu Jue entered the dreamland with the dream medicine, he couldn't bring back the physical items, just like the space ring still remained in the real world, so Zhu Jue specially asked Lisa when he returned alone. Na stayed in the Dreamland and sent his ring and the yellow jade to the town of Ultha.

Originally, Zhu Jue planned to send it there by himself, because he was going to visit the Great Elder Atal in the temple of Usa Town, and there is no doubt about the importance of these two treasures to him.

In the end, after asking Lisanna, I found out that the distance between Dilas Harbor and Ultha would take three full days even by non-stop sailing by boat. It took hours to walk overland to finally reach the town of Usa.

So Zhu Jue resolutely gave up the idea of ​​transporting it himself. He didn't want to be bumpy on the boat day and night, but just to be on the safe side, he still asked the scavenger to share another part with Lisanna to prevent anything from happening on the road. Accident.

After recalling the details of the dreamland for a while, Zhu Jue gradually recovered, rubbed Feng Ling's forehead, got up and took a can of energy drink from the refrigerator, and stared at the brand for a long time.

"It's not as fast as Moonshine Wine, so I should have prepared more before I knew it. Oh, the space ring!"

His forehead was against the refrigerator door, and he was sipping the liquid in the bottle. Zhu Jue was still affected by the damage to his consciousness caused by the experience in the dreamland.

Thinking subconsciously diverged, Zhu Jue suddenly remembered that there should be some moonshine wine in the space ring left by the gentleman, and then remembered that Lisanna reminded him that the gentleman had put a lot of good things in his space ring, and he just looked at it. This special ancient book was never opened again.

He sipped his drink with his neck back, swayed his body back to the living room, and subconsciously glanced at the window, the neon light outside the window was still dazzling.

Fengling was full of vitality as always. When Zhu Jue was awake, it always liked to scurry around and didn't run far. It just lay down on the sofa for a while and then rushed back to Dao Zhujue's side.

Opening the space ring, before Zhu Jue went to get something behind him, the sudden dizziness in his mind made him put down the ring immediately, and lit the remaining incense first.

After a while, according to intuition, Zhu Jue took out the wooden box after groping, and the black octavo book was naturally stored inside. Wait!

"How is this going?"

Opening the lid of the wooden box, what Zhu Jue saw was a yellow fluorescent mark.

It's activated!

Suddenly, in this airtight room, a wind appeared out of thin air, circling around Zhu Jue, who immediately reached out to close the wooden box, and stuffed it back into the interspatial ring.

Since getting this ancient book, Zhu Jue has only read it once. Although there is a yellow mark in his impression, there is absolutely no fluorescent scene, and the wind that suddenly appeared just like the first time just made Zhu Jue Subconsciously, he thought of the yellow silk mask he got in the dreamland.

Could there be some connection between these two things?
Now that the jade that the mask turned into is not in his hand, Zhu Jue can’t do the experiment either. After thinking about it, let’s write it down for now, and continue to think about this issue after getting the things from Lisanna.

Avoiding the box containing the ancient books, he took out the remaining moonshine wine, took a couple of sips, and then sorted out the scrolls and put them on the living room table to read one by one.

"Intermediate healing potion, body-strengthening potion and blood-burning potion, is this what the gentleman drank before?"

As Lisanna said before, the gentleman has collected a lot of medicines with many types of effects, and nearly [-]% of them are the formulas of various body strengthening medicines.

After all, like Zhu Jue, not everyone can rely on the evolved flesh of devouring monsters to strengthen their bodies. There are ways to exercise in the fantasy world, but most of them need persistent physical exercise, and the sooner you start, the better. .

When the gentleman found the space door and entered the dreamland, his body was largely set. Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for him to continue to practice any physical body, because the result would only be half the effort.

Modern technology can undoubtedly make up for this gap, but in order to achieve spiritual awakening, it is impossible to mechanically transform one's body. Under this premise, if a gentleman wants to make himself stronger, he must naturally rely on these Foreign objects are not just medicines from the dreamland, Zhu Jue also found some ability injections developed by the pharmaceutical group in the space ring.

It's not a veterinary injection, but a pure ability-enhancing injection, which is also called "Superman injection" in the market.

After flipping through some scrolls one after another, Zhu Jue just picked out two scrolls with special effects, and stuffed the rest back.

One is the eagle eye potion, the effect is to enhance vision, and the other is the inspiration potion, which is an enhanced version of incense in terms of effect, and it takes effect immediately, but the relative duration is relatively short.

As for those stuffed back, they are basically strengthening potions. Although Zhu Jue can no longer eat the meat of evolution, but because of the awakening of his soul, his physical strength has reached a terrifying level. These strengthening potions do not need to be thought about. He does nothing.

I specially found a thin rope to tie the two scrolls together and put them back into the interspatial ring. Zhu Jue thought about what to do with the extra scrolls and the potions that the gentleman left in the ring. Zhu Jue didn't have a collection habit. Stuff left in the ring just takes up space.

I promised Lisanna to give her some of it before, so I will leave a few bottles for her, what about the rest?
Should I take it out and sell it?
Lisanna mentioned that Gentleman sells some things in the Dreamland to those high-level people through some special channels, but she is still in the Dreamland, Zhu Jue doesn't know where the Gentleman's channel is.

"That guy should be interested."

Leaning back on the sofa, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, only to be connected after a few rings.

"Hey, Lao Fu, I have some strengthening potions on hand. No, it's not injections. I know that you can produce ability injections, but the ones in my hand are very special. I don't know how much more precious than those ability injections. This is a permanent strengthening potion! "

"Isn't that just enhanced injections? C-grade, B-grade or A-grade. These can be bought in the black market as long as you have money. Of course, if yours is cheaper, I will consider it. You change the method, don't take the initiative to contact He, instead, imitated the previous victims and put himself close to them. No, I was talking to someone else."

Fu Yingxiong stood behind a computer, watched the flashing data stream on the screen, patted the Yimeng members on the chair, seemed to think of something, and then said,

"The member of the 'Zero' organization you sent last time has made some progress in her interrogation. You can come and take a look when you are free. That part of the information is not very good and can be directly transmitted to you online. The Dawn City Network is 24 hours under the surveillance of artificial intelligence."

"Address, I'll go find you tomorrow."

Upon hearing the news about the "Zero" organization, Zhu Jue didn't care about selling medicines, so he spoke.

"Quickly, intercept this frequency band. Sorry, there is something urgent right now, and I will contact you later."

"Hey, hello, hung up?"

Zhu Jue, who was hung up, was a little surprised by the urgent voice from the other end of the phone. After thinking about it, he still didn't call back. He got up and prepared to go back to bed to rest. He was very tired now.

The screeching sound of the machine starting up.

Zhu Jue, who had just bent down to pick up the wind chime, turned to look in the direction of the sound.

At this moment, the computer case on the right side of the door suddenly heard the sound of a fan running, and the indicator light also turned green when it was started.

"The computers bought by the great race don't seem to be very good, and they still start up by themselves."

He leaned over with the wind chime in his arms, and prepared to turn off the phone manually while talking.

Who would have thought that Zhu Jue stood in front of the computer, but the desktop pattern on the screen began to flash a lot of "snowflakes".

Accompanied by the ear-piercing electric rustle, the entire screen began to dim gradually, and all icons faded and eventually disappeared.

In the end, only one line of scarlet font occupies half of the screen:

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really live?"

Zhu Jue is a little confused, what is this?
Below the question, two options slowly emerged:


The power button was pressed, the computer screen was completely dimmed, and Zhu Jue even disconnected the power cord at the bottom!
"What era is this? It's vulgar to still play this kind of meme."

Covering his mouth and yawning, he lay down on the bed and covered himself with the quilt.

Enjoy this quiet night.

(End of this chapter)

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