indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 397 Selling Potions

Chapter 397 Selling Potions
Lord God?

Zhu Jue moved a small bench and sat down by the window, looking at the unconscious man on the recliner and the doctor who was doing a physical examination next to him, secretly thinking that if there was such a thing, he would choose superhuman blood Alright, or is it better to practice Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?

But if you think about it carefully, most of those "rewards from the Lord God" that were once regarded as miracles have become a reality in this era.

Whether it's strengthening potions or those weird equipment or combat skills.

It's not a rare thing for a long time.

Not long after Suzi and Zhu Jue arrived, medical staff from the Yimeng came to conduct a full-body examination on the unconscious man.

"There is nothing wrong with his body, and there is no damage to his brain. As for the current coma state. Sorry, I can't find the reason. Can you describe his coma state again?"

Turning off the instrument in his hand, the medical staff wearing translucent medical goggles looked at Fu Yingxiong. The whole body data of the comatose on the instrument was normal and could no longer be normal. When the external signs can give some information.

"His coma was a split-second thing, in fact he was talking to me the first time the page came up, but within about 2 seconds after I asked him to press the OK button, he fell into a coma, which I think is There is a good chance it is a web page issue."

The only difference before and after the coma is that the website appeared, and anyone would think that the problem lies in it.

"His electronic brain is not connected to the computer. Mr. Fu and you were beside him when the webpage appeared, so you faced the same situation as him during that time. As a result, he fell into a coma, but you... There is only one possibility , is a piece of information shown in the data just now, all the victims are young adults between the ages of 18 and 30!"

Suzi checked the brain-computer data in the brain of the comatose person, halfway through speaking, she suddenly got up,

"We assumed that this website would have some kind of impact on the people who saw it. It was just you and him, and you were over the age range of 18 to 30, so you weren't affected."

"But it doesn't make sense at all. How can a webpage with only two sentences affect people's spirit?"

Fu Yingxiong is not a stubborn old man. On the contrary, the things he has experienced have made his ideas bold, but this is obviously beyond the scope of what can be explained by common sense.

"I think now we can only wait until the comatose person wakes up or find out the cause of his coma, and wait for the new progress in Rongxia city's transformation of the prosthetic body, as long as we find out who is giving those slums People undergo prosthetic transformation, and what is hidden behind this incident will naturally be exposed!"

Right now they know too little information, no matter how strong Suzi's analytical ability is, it is impossible to think out of nothing.

After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Fu Yingxiong could only agree with Suzi's statement, because he couldn't think of a better way for a while, so he had to arrange the unconscious person to another lounge and send someone to take care of him.

"I also saw that web page last night."

Seeing Suzi and Fu Yingxiong fell silent, Zhu Jue, who had been sitting next to him until now, thought about it and said,
"But I thought it was a prank at the time, so I turned off the computer directly, and nothing unexpected happened."

"This is your usual style. By the way, how is the interrogation of the member of the 'Zero' organization? I have been following up the affairs here for the past two days, but I have not paid much attention to the progress of the dream inquiry."

Fu Yingxiong, who thought that Zhu Jue was going to say some important information, was not surprised by the former's behavior, and Zhu Jue's interruption also reminded him of another thing that he called the two of them here. The collar of the shirt was loosened, and he moved his neck and said to the person who had just returned,
"Ah Qi, go get something to eat and make your voice louder."

"It's only two o'clock in the afternoon, you want to eat?"

The back is against the window sill, half of the arm is hanging outside, gently pulling the flowers and leaves in the flower pot. This height happens to be able to see most of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong area.

The sun is just right, but the tall buildings are full of dilapidated corridors and mottled walls. After a few glances, I don't want to look again.

"The purpose of making things is to make noise, so as not to make others suspicious. Those are flowers that someone gave me. They are very expensive. Don't move around."

After closing the door of the back room, Fu Yingxiong also pulled out a stool and sat down at the table, tearing the oranges in the glass bowl on the table with both hands, looking at Zhu Jue and saying.

"The first dream consultation has been successful. We have obtained some information about the leader of the 'Zero' organization during the catastrophe in Yecheng five years ago. We are preparing for the second dream consultation tonight, trying to find some more in-depth information."

Suzi sat on the other side, reporting the progress of the dream inquiry.

In the kitchen next door, there was a sound of "呲啦~" accompanied by the collision of the spatula and the bottom of the pot. Zhu Jue became alert because of the sudden sound, and subconsciously stopped.

He stared at the petals on his fingertips for a few seconds, sneakily threw them outside, pinched the edge of the flowerpot to turn it at an angle, scratched his chin, and pretended nothing happened.

"Just knowing the appearance is not very useful. It is too simple to change the face with the current technology. It is best to find out their rally base through dream consultation. Only in this way can we have a clear goal of action."

If people could be caught by their faces, there wouldn't be so many people on the wanted lists of governments around the world.

"I understand. Tonight's dream consultation will focus on this aspect."

"Hey, you called me here just to hear you and Suzi talking about your plan for the Yi League?"

Zhu Jue, who sat on the side for a while, smacked his lips and couldn't help but say,
"Speaking of which, you are a repairman. I thought you would return to Rongxia City after you delivered the things. I didn't expect you to still be here. Judging by your status, you seem to be a small boss?"

"Hahaha~ I am also a skilled worker after all. I have been in the Yimeng for so many years. If I still can't make a name for myself, how can I go out to meet people? As for asking you to come here with Suzi, it wasn't you who contacted me last night to say that there are some medicines. Isn't it the right time to sell it?"

"You should look in the mirror. The expression on your face is as hypocritical as it is now. I know you must be looking for me for something else, but I really want to sell those potions. I originally planned to sell them at a high price. Someone else's, but now my subordinates are busy with something, and the other side can't connect to the line for the time being, so I consider you, at least we have cooperated, let's take a look."

Zhu Jue was not angry when he saw Fu Yingxiong with a smirk on his face, he put his hand into his pocket pretendingly, and took out a bottle of body strengthening potion from the space ring.

"What is its effect?"

"This bottle... should be a speed-enhancing potion."

After staring at the liquid medicine in the bottle for a while, Zhu Jue remembered the medicine introduction in the scroll that he had read last night.

"To what extent can it be strengthened?"

"I don't know. You can find someone to try. This bottle is a free sample for you. It is a very precious high-quality medicine. It is best to use it for people who have never installed mechanical prostheses. The effect may be better."

Naturally, those who can be stored in the interspatial ring by gentlemen cannot be low-level goods, but these medicines are meant for ordinary people to drink, and Zhu Jue doesn’t know if people who have undergone prosthetic body modification can do it, so I just explain it first, so that it will save time If there is a problem, it will be relied on.


Throwing the potion to the door should be a strong man with a role like a guard. The latter didn't hesitate, took it and poured it clean.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.
A cyan light spot flashed around the strong man in an instant, and immediately, as if attracted by some kind of attraction, it converged towards the strong man's thigh under the surprised eyes of Fu Yingxiong and Suzi.


Half-kneeling on the ground, the strong man gasped, and after a few seconds, a strange expression began to appear on his face, and he got up on tiptoes, as if he was doing some warm-up exercises.

A simple kick and the wind howls!
"Mr. Fu, I can feel that my legs are different. It is stronger than any body strengthening medicine I have ever injected!"

Not knowing how to describe his current feeling, Bob in ecstasy could only think of using other potions for comparison.

"I see it."

Fu Yingxiong really didn't know what to say at this time.

What is the light that glows around Bob after drinking the potion?
In his impression, this level of muscle strengthening was already on par with A-level superman injections, which cost tens of millions of injections!

"Wait, there seems to be something else."

Bob was trying out the effect, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind. After pondering for a few seconds, he raised his leg high and then slashed down.

The sharp wind suddenly sounded.

Fu Yingxiong stared wide-eyed at the palm-sized table beside him, and then at Bob who was a few meters away. The orange in his hand fell to the ground, rolling and splashing the juice.

Seeing the effect of this demonstration, Zhu Jue took out the speed potion from the ring without saying a word, opened a bottle and poured it into his mouth.

What he wants is not speed, but the control of the wind element in this potion!
Zhu Jue knew that it was not easy for a gentleman to collect potions, but he didn't know that these were special potion scrolls collected by the gentleman at a huge cost over the years. Precious items in exchange.

When he killed the gentleman, the former was seriously injured, and before he had time to show his ability, he was dealt with by Zhu Jue's repeated sneak attacks, so that Zhu Jue subconsciously thought that these things were all right, but in fact, it was just like that, so it wasn't too much. It's important, when I read the scroll last night, because I was not very refreshed, I just glanced at it, and after confirming the general effect, I directly classified it.

Now. I wish I regretted it.

"Ahem, pretend I didn't say what you said just now, and I suddenly remembered that the clothes at home have not been confiscated, so I left first."

Feeling the changes in his body, Zhu Jue coughed twice, got up and was about to leave.

"No, you can't go!"

Fu Yingxiong and Suzi got up at the same time, each shouldering one shoulder, and pushed Zhu Jue back to his original position!
(End of this chapter)

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