Chapter 5
Misty black shadows kept flashing in front of his eyes, and there was a continuous humming in his ears.

The side effects of the mutation finally appeared in Zhu Jue's mind.

After Zhu Jue traveled to this world, he naturally explored various aspects of this special ability he acquired.

Where does ability come from?There is no way to check this.

But this does not prevent Zhu Jue from getting acquainted with this ability. The previous huntings and two months of private training attempts have given him some experience.

Mutations consume energy violently. The wider the range of mutations and the longer the mutation time, the more energy will be consumed, but even without mutations, his body will still feel hungry due to the passage of time.

Once in a state of starvation, the body will experience various reactions, including mental confusion, which Zhu Jue has always avoided.

After the mutation is over, Zhu Jue, who returns to human form, will suffer various mental shocks.

Hallucinations, tinnitus are the most common and arguably the least harmful.

When it is serious, he will see all kinds of strange black images around him, and even the things he touched after the first mutation will become extremely disgusting.

Of course, it is also an illusion.

This kind of hallucination will not last long. There is one thing that Zhu Jue has not been able to figure out. He is resistant to this kind of hallucination. In his opinion, these phenomena that can drive ordinary people crazy are just ordinary. upset.

Although the spirit will be damaged in serious cases, but because it is not continuous, so as long as he survives that period of time, his mental state can still recover.

This is like a kind of tolerance. Zhu Jue sometimes wonders if his predecessor was tortured so much that his soul was broken, and after he, the traverser, came, he automatically inherited this long-term torture. strong nerve
He crushed the monster's head on the ground with one foot, and dug out the white meat. Compared with the one obtained from the fish monster before, it was obviously wider and slightly beige.

"If you eat it, you won't get a stomachache. Go home and add some green peppers to stir-fry, and add some garlic to sterilize. It should be fine. No matter how long one is, it is more strange than the other. It is not easy to choose a name. The previous one was called a fish monster. You just Is it called Wing Monster? Locust Monster?”

Naming and classifying these monsters has always been a headache for Zhu Jue.

Their appearance is indescribable.

Ignoring it for the time being, I turned my head to the side of the person who was beaten to the brink of death by the monster before, and took a look at the big pool of blood under him.

"My friend, you probably won't be saved. I can help you and break your neck. You will die more quickly. No one will know that you gave up on your own."

There were many penetrating wounds on his body, and his arm was even cut short. Instead of waiting here to die from excessive blood loss, it would be better to die as soon as possible, at least with dignity.

"Help me. Money. Give it to the purse girl!"

The people on the ground were still struggling, and the words in their mouths were intermittent.
Zhu Jue was confused, but he could hear the wallet clearly. After groping for a while, he took out a wallet from his pocket. When he opened it, he saw the picture of the girl stuffed in it, and some scattered Coins and a few crystal cards.

"You mean you want me to hand over this wallet to her? Why should I help you? It's very troublesome to find someone."

"Give you permission, cancel it!"

A blue light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

"Informant, number 203, voluntarily revoked authority, deleting personal data. After deleting, enter standby mode."

A mechanical female voice came out from the watch, and the fastened watch fell off at this moment, and the light on the surface was dim at this moment.

"Give me this watch?"

Picking up the wristwatch on the ground, looking at it, Zhu Jue didn't put it on in a hurry, but put it in his pocket. As for the knives and guns on the ground, he didn't bother to get them. It's against the law to keep such weapons privately.

"Okay, I accept your request, and the things in it will go to this girl for a lot of money."

Since the watch is the reward, Zhu Jue will not touch it until the promise is fulfilled!

After leaving the scene with the things in hand, a police car drove up from the side of the street in less than 5 minutes.

Yecheng Public Security Bureau, this is the emblem outside.

"The target is the first sequence of pollution sources. Everyone pays attention to mental protection and seals off the scene. If the target is found, it is allowed to shoot directly!"

Heavily armed soldiers rushed out of the vehicle. A man in a straight black formal suit was walking in the forefront holding a gun with a lot of green patterns on its surface. They all wore special helmets and black masks on their heads.

After walking in, what I saw was the corpse of a monster that was twisted into two parts in the earth pit on the ground, and its head was smashed into pieces.

"Report to the inspector. Informant 203's death was confirmed. The preliminary judgment is that he lost too much blood. The watch he held disappeared. There was no sign of snatching. It should be that he voluntarily lifted his authority."

The officer, armed with a metal rod that unfolded the screen, ran to report to the inspector.

"With the strength of the informant stage, it is indeed impossible to kill the first sequence of pollution sources. His death is a normal phenomenon, so who killed it? How is the on-site analysis?"

Informants are the lowest level of existence, and it is extremely dangerous for their strength to meet any existence of the first sequence.

"Report to the inspector. The pollution source was initially confirmed to be known creature No. 6, and the cause of death was spinal fracture. Judging from the wound and traces at the scene, someone pierced its left shoulder blade with some kind of sharp object, and then used some kind of throwing technique to kill it. Kill it, and finally crush its head."

There are several circular searchlights around the monster's body. The light continuously sweeps across its body. The perspective of the monster's body and the judgment of the injury are carried out directly on the spot.

"Is there any information about the actions of the investigators or executive officers of the monsters of the first sequence?"

People who can kill this kind of monster in one-on-one close combat are definitely not ordinary existences!

"There was an arrest report from investigators at a nearby nightclub tonight, but there was no report on the discovery and killing of pollution sources by investigators or executive officers."

"It's not our people who did it."

Turning his head and glanced at the camera that was smashed by the iron rod, the inspector frowned, which meant that the other party did not want to reveal his identity.

"Report to the inspector. According to reports from the branch office in the old city, in the past two months, there have been many cases of the first series of pollution sources being killed in the old city in the east. All the corpses have broken heads. The most recent one was this evening."

In just a few minutes, all the information is being summarized through the network, big data analysis and sampling, medical procedure inspection, and virtual autopsy of the corpse.
This is the new era!

"A non-staff who specializes in hunting pollution sources appeared in the old eastern city? Why did he do this, why didn't he join the Public Security Bureau, and how did he protect his mental state from these monsters? Clean up the scene and contact the old man in the eastern City Public Security Bureau, I want them to investigate a person!"

The inspector had a vague premonition that he had discovered a special talent, such a person must be absorbed into the Public Security Bureau.

On the way home, Zhu Jue staggered, and the hallucinations after a complete mutation would last at least an hour, and this is the most serious time.

I don't even know why, it's too serious.

The road in front of him became crooked, and there was a wriggling black figure standing on the chassis by the side of the road. Looking up at the sky, he seemed to be able to see a huge black monster moving through the night sky.

The beating of the heart is accelerating, and the ears are full of strange buzzing.

Although Zhu Jue knew that as long as he could get through this period of time, this state still gave him a headache.

"Hiss~ Why does it seem to be getting worse today? No, we have to find a way to control this state. It seems that complete mutations still need to be cautious!"

When he came to an old-fashioned high-rise building, the shape was no different from those of the previous life. The houses were stacked together. His residence was on the roof. Naturally, there was no elevator in this kind of place. He felt that his breath was disturbed, but tonight, when he stepped on the top floor, his forehead was already full of sweat.

Consciousness inexplicably trance, then plunged into darkness.

Roar!Roar! !

There are monsters roaring in the shadows, and the ground under their feet is soft, not grass, but some kind of wriggling fleshy wall.

Zhu Jue stood in the darkness, in front of him, his icy blue eyes loomed in the void.

"Why did I come in again? Obviously, this happened only after a long period of complete mutation."

He had this experience before, it was the first complete mutation, and the final result was...death!

"No, come again?"

As soon as I recalled the scene at that time, there was a strong wind blowing towards my face, and the purple-black sharp claws slapped Zhu Jue's body from the side, and the flesh and bones were broken!
The next moment, consciousness returned to the body, and the already weakened state intensified again. Leaning on the edge of the roof, Zhu Jue was subjected to mental torture in turn.

This feeling is like wanting to take his brain out, put it in a grinder, crush it and extract the juice, and then use a syringe to pierce the skull to reperfuse it.
"Fuck, don't make me stronger!"

Zhu Jue, who could only vent his pain by cursing, was constantly twitching his legs, and the mental torture was hurting his body.

All he could do was grit his teeth and endure, even his five sense organs were knit together because of the pain.

"Well, cough, cough!"

In a trance, it seemed that someone was coughing at the side, and it seemed that he was preparing to open his voice before singing.

There was an inexplicably familiar singing voice in my ears. There was a girl singing, her singing was not very good, she was always out of tune, but her voice was very crisp:
I see you all

sweet honey u know what I mean
tell you i like you

Let's travel together hand in hand
Yeah yeah hey let's get it
I really want to tell you that I like you baby
"It's a love song? The atmosphere is not right. It seems to be the song "It's All You". ~"

Leaning on the edge of the rooftop, listening to familiar music, Zhu Jue was full of cranky thoughts, trying to relieve the pain by diverting his attention.

After more than 100 years, I accidentally heard the old song.

Close your eyes, the mental torment of this moment seems to have subsided.

In other words, Zhu Jue's soul, which has been fighting against the world for a long time, finally got a short rest in this familiar singing.

(End of this chapter)

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