indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 52 Worship

Chapter 52 Worship
Candles, incense sticks, these things were rare in Zhu Jue's previous life, but I didn't expect to see them on the road on the side of the mountain today.

These two objects may be nothing if they are separated, but as long as they are put together, it is no accident that they are a kind of decoration with a certain sacrificial significance.

Worshiping ancestors, please ask the Stove Lord or a certain construction site to start work.
Inserted on the side of the road, facing this Fangdou Mountain, worshiping the mountain god?

Going back along the road, standing on the edge of the stone pile, although the vehicle drove by before, although I saw it, it was only a quick glance, and now I see what this somewhat careless altar looks like.

There are several flat stones piled up in a pile, with incense sticks and candles inserted in front, and on the ground between them is a triangular bone piece painted black, with a strange symbol painted on it with white powder .

"He Ye, help me find out what this kind of altar means."

After taking a photo and sending it back, Zhu Jue didn't know much about this kind of sacrificial ceremony.

He Ye on the other side was stunned when he received the photo. He seemed to think of something in his mind for a while, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.

"This should be some kind of ritual, maybe a folk custom or something, but this triangular bone piece is very strange, it should be a sacrificial utensil, but the symbols on it can't find similar types on the Internet, it's a bit like graffiti or random drawing. "

The pictures were intercepted and searched for the same kind, but no new information appeared.


Zhu Jue didn't think so. He bent down and reached out to grab the triangular bone on the ground, wanting to see what it was made of up close.

He doesn't care about offending or not, since the thing is here, someone must have taken it, and if others can take it, of course he can take it too.

Breaking sound!
Zhu Jue, who had just bent down, suddenly came to the stage with his right hand, as if the sky had eyes, and forcibly caught something thrown from the mountain.

A rock with dirt and grass clippings on it.

Looking up, there is a fault nearly 3 meters above the ground in front of it. It should have been deliberately chiseled like this when the road was built, in order to prevent any broken wood and rocks from the mountain from falling down the slope on the road and causing adverse effects. .

At this time, in the forest on the fault, a man in a brown coat and a hood was looking down.

"Throwing stones is not a good habit. Even if you don't hit people, it's not good to hit flowers and plants."

Clutching the stone in his hand, Zhu Jue stared at the man, looking at the distance and angle. He was the one who smashed the stone just now.


The person on the other side didn't respond, and the two just looked at each other up and down.

One eye is hidden under the hood, and the other is hidden behind sunglasses.

The action of the other party in the next second made Zhu Jue's face suddenly darken.

I saw him moving his hands in a strange posture in front of his chest, and the final closing movement was to fold his hands together and bow forward.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the action of putting hands together is a common action when asking for help, and it is often accompanied by a small swing.

But the people in the woods made a ninety-degree bow immediately after this hemaste movement!
The meaning has completely changed.

When is this pose most common?

Go to the grave!

The moment the person in front of him made this movement, Zhu Jue felt something strange, as if in the weeds on the side of the road, among the branches of the mountain forest, or behind the road sign behind him, there was something staring at him. fucked myself.

If it were someone else, it might be over after a few words of cursing, and they might think that the other party is disgusting them, but who makes Zhu Jue special?

This guy is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Worship me? Court death!"

Throwing down the mountaineering bag, three steps and two steps forward.

The three-meter-high geological fault, Zhu Jue can't guarantee that he can jump directly on it, but there are some protruding stones on the fault, and if you get close, you can use your strength to jump in three steps, like a dexterous gazelle, chasing the mountain the man.

The man on the mountain didn't expect that the people he met on the side of the road would be so fierce, and he would go up to a place more than three meters high.

Looking at Zhu Jue who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, he retreated again and again.

"Isn't it quite mysterious just now? Why, are you cowardly now? Why don't you show me another one!"

Hands clasped together, knuckles creaking.

"No, how can I worship you, just now I was just worshiping the mountain god, and I just didn't want him to get angry."

Childish voice, the hood on the top of the head was taken off, the black hair was shawl, but tied with a red rope at the end, and a young girl with a fair face appeared in front of her eyes.

"Didn't you throw the stone just now?"

Zhu Jue narrowed his eyes, and then asked.

"I threw it. I saw that you wanted to destroy the altar. This is our custom in Fangdoushan. If the altar is destroyed, we will invite disaster."

The logic is clear, the reason is justified, and with that cute face, any other man should nod his head in approval at this time, and then wave his hand to show that he misunderstood.

Put on a magnanimous look, and secretly look forward to the next "encounter" with this little beauty in my heart.

The fist brushed against her face, and the wind from the fist wiped away the smile on the girl's face. The fist hit the tree trunk beside her, shaking off a pile of scattered dead leaves and branches.

The current posture is that Zhu Jueshu is slamming the girl in front of him, but there is no ambiguous atmosphere between the two, and the dangerous atmosphere is quite strong.

"Tell me, what is that altar down there for? Otherwise, the next punch might be your head. It's cruel!"

At this time, Zhu Jue had already turned off the video recording function of the sunglasses, and even turned off the communication with He Ye.

This segment is not suitable for broadcasting, he is a law-abiding citizen.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

The girl suddenly lowered her head and rushed out towards the fault. Zhu Jue turned around to chase after her, but found that her speed was not slow. She was on the edge, and this guy jumped down without any hesitation.

On the road ahead, there is a tour car passing by.

"Stop the car, someone seems to have fallen over there!"

The people in the car were the young men and women that Zhu Jue had seen at the high-speed train station before.

"Xiao Gao, go and have a look."

The girl sitting in the co-pilot patted the arm of the person next to her, and the latter hurriedly stopped and ran over with the two young men in the back seat.

After helping him up, he realized that it was actually a sweet-looking girl.

"Are you OK?"

Holding the girl's shoulders, the man who was called Xiao Gao before didn't think the floor was dirty at this time.

"My leg seems to be sprained, it was on top just now"

He raised his eyes to look up, but found that the person just now was gone, so he quickly changed his words,

"Accidentally sprained my foot and fell, can you take me back to town? I will thank you!"

The girl clasped her hands together and nodded to the people beside her.

"Of course, I'll carry you on my back."

Carrying a girl, the focus is on a beautiful girl, why not?
It's just that when they turned to leave, they didn't notice that the white smoke from the stick incense in the small altar behind was engulfing their coats in a sudden gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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