indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 577 The Priest

Chapter 577 The Priest
"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He lives forever."

"When I was lost in the deep valley, he led me on the right path."

In a small church somewhere in the No. 13 community, Father Ryan was reciting the words and sentences in the scriptures, holding a stick of incense, and lighting the candles on the three-tiered iron stand in front of him one by one.

A few plainly dressed children were sitting on a row of benches behind him, with a small flashlight beside them, their legs were shaking because they were bored, and some yellowed sneakers were rubbing against the bricks underneath. It was because of stepping on puddles outside, leaving a few dark marks on the floor.

"Father Ryan, we are hungry, and you said you would treat us to a big meal last month."

The little boy who is already in the third grade of elementary school is the "big brother" of these children. They came here today because the priest in front of him told their parents that today is a day given by God, and he prepared a big meal to invite them .

Although this is the No. 13 community, their parents are just workers nearby, and the opportunity to have a big meal is not common, so they gladly accepted the appointment.

"It will be ready soon. When I light all these candles, the cake in the oven will look like it is in the window. Can't you smell the fragrance in the air?"

The nail of the thumb unconsciously scratched the incense ash wrapped in the incense sticks, so that the gap between the nails was filled with a layer of light red. The little finger turned around and passed through the gap. A layer of pale white mist, mixed with the smoke from the burning candle in front of him, drifted out.

"I seem to smell it. It smells so good. It's the scent of honey cream cake. I ate it on my birthday, and I still haven't forgotten it."

The little girl with two ponytails jumped off the bench, her face was full of expectation, and after a while, she seemed to have discovered something, and ran forward to the podium in the church, looking up at the front,

"Shinnosuke, come and have a look, this cross is so beautiful, Father Ryan, is it made of silver?"

"What are you thinking? It's just silver plating. I heard from my parents that it won't sell for much money."

A child doesn't care whether his words are appropriate or not. He just subconsciously imitates what an adult says.

Turning around abruptly, Father Ryan's eyes fell on the group of children who were gradually swarming towards the cross, twisting incense sticks with his fingertips, and inexplicable emotions accumulated in the sunken eye sockets.

"Faith is priceless. It is impolite to talk about other people's beliefs like this. You are only children, and you cannot be misled by these obscene ideas. It will be extremely regrettable that you will lose your bright future."

After lighting the last candle, Father Ryan walked slowly to the children and said softly,
"The cake should be ready, I'll get it for you, and the rest will have to wait for your parents to come."


Several children responded in unison.

Turning into the inner kitchen of the church, Ryan moved freely through the darkness, crossed the unplugged oven, and came to the innermost cabinet.

"This filthy world should not be where you live. Instead of sinking into it, let me lead you to a new world!"

Open the cabinet door and take out the things inside, put them on a plate, and after finishing the neat arrangement, turn around and return to the prayer hall without hesitation, and shouted again while walking,
"Children, the cake is baked, one for each person, don't steal other people's, what are you doing?"

The footsteps stopped in place, Ryan looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, the honey cream cake on the plate in his hand was only slightly warm.

The children who should have surrounded themselves were now surrounding a young man at the door.

"You are Father Ryan, right?"

The young man obviously noticed him too, raised his hand and waved, his face looked a little hesitant,
"I was introduced by someone. In fact, I have something to tell you."

"Sorry, sir, today is a day given by the gods. I am preparing dinner for these children and their parents. I really don't have time. Maybe you can come back after you understand. At eight o'clock in the morning, I will set aside free time for you. "

Ryan noticed the things in the young man's hand, some dried meat and snacks. Before the man could answer, he saw him lower his head and say something to the children, making them run out of the church with cheers.

"Hey, Shinnosuke, Kazama, you can't"

"Don't worry, I just gave them some coupons from the nearby supermarket, and on this condition, I fought for half an hour."

The young man interrupted the priest, took a few steps forward, rubbed his hands together, and looked left and right. It was a small church, and the walls on both sides were no more than five meters away from him, but he still looked a little nervous, always looking around His eyes stayed on the shadow in the corner, and when he walked in front of Ryan, he said in a low voice,
"Forgive me for being selfish, but I really need your help. I've encountered something that science can't explain. I've seen a therapist, but the goddamn medicine they prescribed didn't work. I think it's because Anything else. You're the only church near my house, and I don't know who else to turn to."

"I think a psychiatrist is a good choice, probably because you haven't taken the medicine enough, so the effect is not obvious."

Putting the dinner plate on the table next to him, Ryan didn't want to waste time with this young man.

"No, I don't have any mental problems at all. I can see ghosts. I can see ghosts walking around in front of me when I sleep, when I work, and even when I take a shower. Not physical, just some virtual Ying, others don’t believe me, I think you believe in God, you must know what’s going on with me, right?”


Ryan, who wanted to let people leave directly, began to look at the man in front of him, but he obviously didn't feel anything.

"Yes, ghost!"

The young man sat on the bench next to him, covered his face with his hands, and replied in a muffled voice,

"I don't know why. No one else can see it, but I can see it. If this continues, I will definitely be regarded as a lunatic by those people!"

"Sir, can you describe it in detail? I am willing to believe in you and help you, but only if I know the details."

Standing in the aisle, Ryan stared at the young man and asked.

"Sometimes I find that I seem to be in a dream. The world is different, and it becomes very beautiful. Occasionally, there are scary times. I can't tell whether I am in a dream or in reality. At first I can It’s clear, but recently I’ve been staying in another world for longer and longer, and I’ve begun to feel that it’s real, as if I should belong to that world.”

The young man's speech was a little confused, but Ryan still heard something he wanted to know.

It was the first time he had met a self-realized person, and it was really weird.

"Father Ryan, one thing is very important, just yesterday, yes, probably late at night, I was in a dream sorry, I don't know if it was a dream or something, I saw something weirder than a ghost, Right in the central empty layer of Qianfan City, I saw a black cocoon. I am not sure what it is, but I can feel that something is being bred in it. Do you think this is some kind of cocoon? omen?"

The young man continued talking on his own, then suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Father Ryan, his eyes full of expectation.

At this time, Ryan was on the contrary, stunned, his expression changed, and he looked at the young man with surprise and uncertainty.

The scene described by the latter is not what a servant of God or a believer can see at all, not to mention that the person in front of him doesn't even have the first two identities, but is just an infected ordinary person.

The gibberish of the insane?

Impossible, the probability of being so close to the truth just by making up is so small that it can be ignored!

Could it be that he really received the will of a great existence in the dark?

Just to be on the safe side, he decided to run a test.

So he turned to get the cake on the table.

"Sir, you have to understand that what others say is not necessarily correct, and what you see is not necessarily all hallucinations."

Passing the cake to the young man, Ryan continued,

"If you don't mind, this is my homemade honey cream cake. The sugar can help you stabilize your mood."

"Well, I don't need it, I really don't have an appetite now."

The young man glanced at the cake on the plate and pushed it away.

"Hunger just exacerbates the weird state you're in now, which in turn affects your thinking, and you're going to have to change it if you want to recover."

"I don't think so, I'm really not hungry, I ate when I came here!"

"Eat it!"

Pressing the young man's shoulder with his left hand, he secretly strengthened himself, and took a piece of cake from the dinner plate with his right hand.

Ryan didn't want to continue wasting time on this kind of thing, he had to confirm what this person was like as soon as possible.

The muffled sound of objects colliding.

A figure flew upside down and crashed into the table, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.

"I've already said that I'm not hungry, why don't you just keep talking honestly?"

The young man frowned, picked up the honey cake that fell on the bench, put it under his nose and sniffed it. There was no honey cream scent at all, but another weird smell.

Undoubtedly, this is Zhujue who came to search for the target.

Since Suzi failed to lock the target completely, Zhu Jue could only test one by one. Before coming to this church, he had tried two people, and this church was the location of the last coordinate.

Even so, Zhu Jue still didn't choose to do it directly. After all, the position was only in the church, and there was no guarantee that the other party was the priest here.

What he said just now was Zhu Jue's impromptu intention to gather as much information as possible while Father Ryan was surprised. Who would have thought that this guy would forcefully feed him cake like a pervert.

Although his physical fitness is different from ordinary people, Zhu Jue still didn't intend to try this kind of obviously added stuff, so he had to choose to reveal his identity.

Get started first!
 The next chapter is estimated to be too late today, and will be updated tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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