indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 591 The Kingdom of God

Chapter 591 The Kingdom of God
Want to get rid of the current state and even benefit from it.

Zhujue has only one way to go, find and destroy Gadamon!
This is also the only feasible way given by the great race, and there is no other choice.

The problem is that Gadamon is one of Mi Go's most precious creations, how easy is it to find it?
Zhu Jue, who has no clue, pins his hopes on the great race, hoping that it can give him some advice.

Therefore, after Zhu Jue had a general understanding of his abilities, he took advantage of the opportunity to mention the kingdom of God to the great race, and also took out the guiding incense and the special instrument that he got from Ryan, and tentatively asked about these things What exactly is it.

The result is whether it is from the teachings of the Ouroboros organization or the summary and analysis of various information collected by Zhu Jue at the moment.

The "Kingdom of God" mentioned by the members of the Ouroboros organization is undoubtedly the most likely area where Gadamon is hidden. Apart from this, Zhu Jue can't see other possibilities.

Therefore, how to enter the Kingdom of God to confirm whether one's guess is true becomes the key.

Scooped a spoonful of egg drop soup into the bowl, swallowed half a bowl of rice like a porridge, picked up a large piece of white meat dipped in minced garlic and soy sauce and stuffed it into the mouth, and then put down the bowl with satisfaction. took a sip of the juice.

After Suzi took away all the bowls and chopsticks, Zhu Jue took out the guiding incense and the special utensil from the interspatial ring, and put them on the table.

"I went out today and asked a certain friend, and he told me that these two things are created by Mi Go. As for the principles and the like, I am not talking nonsense here. own method remembering what they do."

The introduction and analysis of the great race is really lengthy, plus it doesn't care whether Zhu Jue can understand or not, so there is no meaning of explanation. The latter can only rely on a fairly good memory to understand as much as possible.

Not to mention, Xu has had a lot of dealings with ancient intelligent races. As one of the few human beings who can chat and laugh with them, Zhu Jue really made him understand part of the content.

"The 'Kingdom of God' that the members of the Ouroboros organization speak of is actually a spiritual illusion created based on Gadamon's ability. No, it is not just an illusion, it is more like another world, but it is different from the one we are in. The real world is overlapping, and it can only be entered and exited in the state of the soul for the time being. You can also understand it as the spirit world in some horror movies, which is the place where ghosts live, but death alone cannot enter. To the pass!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Jue looked left and right at Suzi and Gu Yinxing, reached out to pick up the two things on the table,

"To put it simply, that world is a bit like the online games I often play. You have to verify your identity first, then register, and finally you have to log in. Guiluxiang, and this device, is the illusion created by logging in to Gadamon It's just that the guiding incense is for ordinary players, that is, leeks. Bah, bah, bah, it's a pass for ordinary Ouroboros organization members, and this device is for GMs. I'm quite straightforward. ?”

"But last time you tried to use the guide incense in the attacker's house, and the result was that the login failed. Do you think it can be used successfully?"

Suzi's comprehension ability was beyond words, Zhu Jue had just finished speaking, then picked up the special artifact and asked.

"The me now is different from before. I can go in whether it's the guide incense or it, but because I'm too special, I can't just go in casually."

Zhu Jue, who has a part of Gadamon's ability, naturally has a pass. In fact, there are not many people who are more qualified than him, but it is precisely because he has Gadamon's power that he cannot enter.

The entire illusion must be under the surveillance of the Ouroboros organization and Mi Go. Just imagine that if Zhu Jue rushed in at this time, it would probably take a few seconds for his mental state and soul, which is different from ordinary people, to be noticed.

Gadamon would consider Zhujue as "one of his own" because of the daughter energy in Zhujue's body, but the Ouroboros organization and Mi Ge would not!
At that time, Zhu Jue will probably face the encirclement and suppression of both sides. If it is in the real world, Zhu Jue will not be afraid of them now. At worst, it will be a battle to see who is stronger.

But in that illusion, Gadamon is the absolute leader. If Zhu Jue is delayed, Mi Ge can forcefully attack him by mobilizing Gadamon's power. At that time, Zhu Jue will fall into absolute panic. passive.

The great race mentioned this possibility when talking with Zhu Jue, and the suggestion it gave was that if you want to destroy Gadamon, you must first find Mi Ge!
According to it, Mi Go wants to control and maintain the illusion created by Gadamon, and their souls must also exist in it, not to mention that the current Gadamon may not even be considered a semi-finished product.

To put it bluntly, if it is just Gadamon, as long as you don't provoke it, then there will be no danger, because it has no self-thought at all, as long as Zhujue's head is not bubbled, maybe it can still be in the illusion. Do whatever you want.

Speaking of this, the great race also specifically used the ancients as a typical example.

The ability of Shoggoth is not as good as that of Gadamon, but it made the ancients so miserable. The most important point is that Shoggoths have wisdom and can achieve self-evolution, and why the biological technology of the ancients is used in the wrong place
Zhu Jue was very sensible and didn't answer. God knows if these two intelligent races would have any communication with each other in their time.

His other bottle of Gardamon daughter body potion is still in the hands of the old man!

All in all, Zhu Jue needs to hide the particularity of his soul and sneak in, first find a way to find Mi Ge.

"Uh, you want to enter the Kingdom of God without being discovered by the Ouroboros organization. How can you hide your soul?"

For Gu Ginkgo, this question is really beyond the outline.

"It's up to you!"

Zhu Jue's eyes turned to Gu Yinxing, his eyes were full of anticipation,
"My friend's attainment in soul is the most powerful existence I have encountered so far. It just so happens that they often do things like transforming souls."

"They, transform souls?"

Gu Yinxing vaguely had a bad premonition, clenched her hands under the table into fists to cheer herself up, and said in a deep voice,
"As long as we can stop the Ouroboros organization, I can accept any request!"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to exchange souls with you, but I'm going to let you wear it to enter the Kingdom of God, and then I will use a small spell I got from that friend to follow you in!"

Pushing the special instrument in front of Gu Yinxing, Zhu Jue raised his eyebrows.

Because Gu Ginkgo has taken a fruit that contains part of the power of the Gadamon daughter body, she is also the owner of the pass to a certain extent, that is to say, not only can she log in through these two things, but her soul performance is also similar to those The members of the Ouroboros organization aren't much different.

This is undoubtedly the best cover!

(End of this chapter)

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