indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 596 Warm water boiled frog

Chapter 596 Warm water boiled frog

Clutching her forehead, she woke up on the sofa. The strong dizziness made Gu Yinxing get up and rush to the bathroom outside the living room after a short groan.

Suzi next to her got up immediately, wanting to check on her situation.

"Don't worry, she was affected in the illusion, that's why she is like this, it will be fine after a while."

As soon as Suzi walked to the door of the living room, Zhu Jue just woke up, heard the sound of water flowing in the bathroom, glanced at the empty seat beside him, and immediately realized Gu Yinxing's current situation.

"What's going on inside?"

Suzi stopped and looked back at Zhu Jue.

His state is much more normal than Gu Yinxing's. Maybe it's better to describe it as no change, as if he just leaned on the sofa and fell asleep for half an hour just now.

"It's hard to say, some unexpected discoveries need your help to verify, come with me."

Still remembering the scene under the bone tree before leaving in his mind, Zhu Jue waved to the wind chime, got up and walked out as well, and when he reached the door of the living room, he walked slowly, glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and shouted,

"Ginkgo, you are staying in the clinic, and there is still half a bottle of moonshine wine on the table, which can help you ease your mental state!"

There was a vague echo from the bathroom, which was replaced by vomiting before it could be heard clearly.

"Will it be better after a while?"

Suzi repeated the last half of what Zhu Jue said before, using a questioning tone.

"Of course, she can still spit out after entering the illusion of Gadamon, which shows that her spirit has not experienced any major problems. If someone else enters, I am afraid that even moving will be a problem at this time. Besides, it will be troublesome for a while. She got used to it after spitting."

Some things have to be experienced after all, instead of becoming a person who can't move as he said, it's better to vomit a few more times.

The principle is very similar to that of some people who drink a lot, in order to drink a few more glasses to prove their drinking capacity, they always secretly go to the toilet to "pick" their throats during the banquet.

"Where are you going?"

Going down the stairs, it was already late at night, Suzi took the key of the empty boat and asked about the destination.

"You don't need to fly an airship, and it doesn't take much time to walk."

After estimating the path just now, regardless of the lurking in the middle and the time of staying, that part of the road is indeed not far away.

During the interval of talking, Zhu Jue's eyes fell on the street outside the door involuntarily. There was a middle-aged man on the side of the road carrying a paper box containing a lot of fried food and some strange skewers that Zhu Jue hadn't tried much. , with an umbrella tucked around his neck, pacing back and forth in the snow while eating hazel.

Following the previous route in the illusion, as expected, Zhu Jue soon met a man on the street who was yelling at his mobile phone and leaning against the wall near him, holding a wine bottle, A drunk with a flushed face, because of the light projected from the lamp above his head, Zhu Jue couldn't see if there was any alcohol left in the bottle.

The red light pierced through the snow curtain, and the airship with the life medical sign flew into the street from the empty layer of the outer block.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, they stopped at the door of a house. Three heavily armed life medical security personnel pushed and even threatened the surrounding pedestrians to push away in an almost arrogant manner. They quickly cleared the place, and then several more wore protective clothing He rushed into the house, and ran out quickly carrying a long white bag with the life medical logo painted on the outside.

Body bag!
After closing the team, the empty boat rose again and disappeared into the traffic flow between the central space.

Only a mother and son standing at the door were left at a loss.

"You seem to know that someone in that room is going to die?"

Suzi, who was standing across the street a few minutes before the arrival of the airship, looked at Zhu Jue next to her, very puzzled.

"Well, there are some discoveries in the illusion. But why is life medicine appearing here?"

This house is where the Ouroboros trio stayed. Zhu Jue knew that something would happen here, but he thought that the person who came should be the epidemic prevention center.

"Corpse research!"

Suzi answered very simply.


"Recently, with the increase in the number of infected people in the lower urban area, Life Medical Group is likely to be interested in the business opportunities there. It may also be that they want to study the mutation of infected people, so they started to compete with the epidemic prevention office for infected people, regardless of whether they are dead or alive."

"How did you know?"

Shaking off the broken snow on the umbrella, Zhu Jue continued to move forward.

"The Rangers, when they borrowed their equipment, put a 'back door' into their system."

Suzi raised her hand and tapped her temple,
"What they can see, I can see too."

"Hey~ I don't advocate this kind of behavior of yours, let's not take it as an example! I found that you are not as rigid as I thought"

While talking, Zhu Jue leaned down and bumped into Suzi with his shoulder. The latter took a step to avoid it, but was reacted faster. Zhu Jue, who was leaning back in advance, bumped into him with a strange posture, and staggered to the side.

"I help them upgrade the system, fix three vulnerabilities and expand the scope of monitoring to two communities. This is the reward."

Without contradicting him, Suzi stared at Zhu Jue and said.

"Ahem~ We're here."

Zhu Jue looked at the street ahead, and changed the subject in a way that couldn't be more blunt.

For many people, this time is the most "high" time for nightlife, so the crowd on the street is still quite dense.

There are various shops on both sides of the street, most of which are restaurants and electronic product stores. The importance of the latter in this era is not much different from that of eating, and there are also high and low points. For example, a store near Zhujue's side At the door is a new mechanical doll, doing various actions in conjunction with the holographic projection, and the products in his hand are constantly changing.

And the store opposite it has a much dilapidated facade, with a clear sign outside: second-hand store (discount promotion).

What's interesting is that the customers coming in and out of that second-hand store are much more lively than the one across the street.


When Zhujue was comparing two electronics stores, Suzi had already scanned around and found nothing unusual.

"Just at the intersection ahead."

Lift your finger forward.

Under the several-meter-high traffic lampposts, the flow of people passing by. There are not many ordinary vehicles in the No. 23 community. All the money went to buy an airboat that is more convenient to travel in Qianfan City, and the middle class has convenient public transportation.

"Whether you can hack into the hue value detector at the intersection is very important."

This kind of area uses a movable hue monitoring device, in order to avoid errors and omissions caused by detection blind spots as much as possible, and the number is several times higher than that of the blocks where private clinics are located.

"Hacking the official network, advocating it?"

Suzi's tone was still very flat, but no matter how Zhu Jue heard it, she sounded a little yin and yang.

"The Qianfan City government has nothing to do with me, invade, invade casually!"

Generously waving his hands, Zhu Jue was as casual as at his own dining table, but his voice was kept extremely low, for fear of being heard by passers-by.

It didn't take much time. The hue detector is not an important confidential device. On the premise that it is not destroyed but only shared, the encryption program in the device system is no different from the "no entry" sign hanging in the suburbs in Suzi's opinion. How many.

"The invasion is complete, start to read the data. Zhujue, the hue value of these people."

The data flow in her eyes slipped, and Suzi's perspective had shifted to the sky above the crowd at the intersection. After just a few seconds, she noticed something was wrong.

"Their hue values ​​are all going up, right?"

"Although there is only a small-scale increase, the hue value of the crowd passing through the intersection is generally increasing. Why is this happening?"

After selecting more than a dozen targets for secondary detection, Suzi quickly confirmed the situation.

"Of course it's the work of Ouroboros, those guys really can't rest for a moment!"

In Gadamon's illusion, there is a bone tree here, and those "passers-by" who showed weird images in Gu Ginkgo's spiritual world, when they passed by it, their bodies deteriorated invariably.

At the same time when he discovered this phenomenon, Zhu Jue immediately realized that this bone tree growing in the illusion might affect the real world!
"There is definitely more than one bone tree in the illusion, and this method has a large-scale impact on the mental state of the residents of Thousand Sails City. If I hadn't gone in and seen it with my own eyes, it would probably be difficult to find."

At this time, Zhu Jue was quite fortunate that he chose to find the great race to understand the situation, otherwise it would be extremely difficult for him to notice this move of the Ouroboros organization.

Although the operation method of the Qianfan City Hue Detector is a large-scale monitoring, it does not record the hue status of each passerby in real time, because it is not only meaningless in the eyes of the designer, but also adds an excessive burden to the system .

You must know that a person's mental state will change with the changes in the surrounding illusions. For example, watching a horror movie or encountering some happy or unhappy things recently will cause changes in the hue value. If even this has to be reported for testing , with the population of Qianfan City, it is undoubtedly a waste of public resources.

Therefore, at the beginning of the design, there is an alarm baseline in the hue detector, for example, a limit is set at the turbidity of the hue value of 35. If the hue value of a passer-by exceeds this line, it will immediately report to the monitoring department and start Track this person all the way, and the small-scale hue value fluctuations detected by Pixel are completely outside its alarm and monitoring range.

"Need to notify Newcastle?"

Although we don't understand the intention of the Ouroboros organization for the time being, it is certain that they have absolutely no good intentions.

"Do you think it's useful to tell him that there is a bone tree in Gadamon's Illusionary Territory, so the whole street should be closed?"

Zhu Jue waited and watched the crowd coming and going in front of him, and said in a muffled voice,

"No matter how absurd this kind of thing sounds to most people, even if Newcastle believes that the government of Thousand Sails City will not easily do something that may attract attention, the Ouroboros Organization may have pinpointed this point , You should also know the story of the boiled frog unless we take the initiative to expose it, but doing so is meaningless except to let the Ouroboros organization know that I can enter the Gadamon Illusion!"

"Then we just stand by and watch?"

If such a large-scale mental impact is left unattended, the consequences will be unimaginable!
"Whoever says it doesn't matter, it's just another way, you wait for me here, don't move around."

Zhu Jue leaned towards the center of the intersection ahead as he spoke.

Turning up the collar of his windbreaker, Zhu Jue walked among the crowd, becoming an ordinary passer-by.

However, if someone stood in front of him, they would find that black and purple mist had begun to fill his eyes.

Inside the trousers, spiritual energy poured into his legs.

"Clap your hands if you feel happy~"

Humming softly in his mouth, he attracted the attention of several passers-by. Zhu Jue raised his hand in a pistol gesture and nodded at them.

Walk a few more steps, raise your legs, and sing softly: "If you feel happy, stomp your feet!"

bang~ bang~
Two muffled sounds shook the passers-by around for a while, and they all stopped immediately and looked around blankly.

In the next second, the street trembled violently, and countless cracks spread wildly from Zhu Jue's feet in all directions!

"Fuck! It's about to collapse! Run away!!!"

Someone shouted in the crowd, this is the No. 23 community, and the street of the No. 24 community is underneath. There is an empty floor of tens of meters. If you fall down, you will die!
So everyone subconsciously withdrew from the intersection.

In just ten seconds, this place became an open area.
"Is this the other way you said?"

Suzi stood by the side of the street, looking at the stone-splashed street in the distance, and subconsciously asked someone who was coming.

"Of course, it will take at least a week for them to fix it. What are you waiting for, withdraw!"

Zhu Jue raised the corners of his mouth, raised his left eyebrow, and left in the direction he came and went with a flick of his neck.

Since the Ouroboros organization affects the real world in this way, it means that they have a lot of demand for the souls of the infected.

As long as you grasp this point, there is a lot to do!

(End of this chapter)

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