indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 600 Telecommunications

Chapter 600 Telecommunications
"The deputy director of Newcastle, through urban monitoring and official database inquiries, it has been confirmed that the infected person on the 12th Avenue is a victim of the new transmission method of the virus. The photos of the items found on the scene have been sent to Your computer, brought into the airship by a suspected Ouroboros member, was tested and determined to be a virus-laden device."

The bionic secretary stood at the desk and reported in detail what happened last night.

"The situation of the infected person."

Looking at the cut-away internal section of the "insulated cup" on the computer screen, Newcastle looked grim.

"Because of your early warning, the scene was controlled as soon as the infected person appeared, and the subsequent patrol team strengthened the isolation. Therefore, there were only five infected people including the driver of the airboat, and they were two security guards at the night scene. , the two passers-by closest to the driver of the empty boat at that time."

Under the premise of ensuring that the movement of the "mother" is limited, the spread of the virus is not fast, which is the main reason why the number of infected people is so small.

"What is the situation in other communities, are there any infected people?"

Reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief, Newcastle then asked.

"On the 16th and the 18th community, infected people were found, but after testing, they were all infected people, not the special infected people discovered last night."

"Maintain the existing supervision mode, notify the Security Department and the Community Patrol Bureau, and never allow any slack until the Ouroboros organization is completely wiped out!"

In any case, Newcastle would not believe that the Ouroboros organization only prepared a can of virus. In his opinion, there are only two possible situations at the moment.

The virus release last night was just a test by the Ouroboros organization, and they have prepared a series of follow-up actions. If not, it means that the infected people found in community 12 were only part of the poisoning operation last night, Qian Fan In some parts of the city, there are special infected people that they have not yet discovered!
Thinking of this, Newcastle's face that had just eased up became tense again.

Right now, this situation is no longer under his control, even if he knew in advance that there would be special infected people, but in the huge Thousand Sails City, Tiantang Zhinao always had omissions.

What's more, this is not a naturally occurring virus, but is being spread deliberately by cult members. In addition, their selection of targets is irregular, which has greatly hindered the epidemic prevention station's work on locating the infected.

"Contact Ms. Margaret, I don't think so, the alert standard must be raised, this is a war, we have to be fully prepared in advance!"

Facing the current situation, Newcastle can only choose to implement stricter epidemic prevention procedures. As the deputy director of the epidemic prevention institute, this is what he blames.

However, before the android contacted Ms. Margaret as Newcastle requested, another communication took over the line first.

"Deputy Director of Newcastle, there is a telecommunication from Sky City through the official internal line, is it connected?"

"From the castle in the sky, who?"

Mentioning that city, Newcastle frowned subconsciously. He never liked it, even though the latter was the pride of this super city.

"Sorry, this information is encrypted by Heaven Brain and cannot be queried."

"Tsk, connect."

Living in Sky City, able to use the government's internal communication network, even encrypted by the brain of Heaven, the identity of the other party is obviously extraordinary, and Newcastle can only temporarily let go of the idea of ​​contacting Ms. Margaret.

"I'm Newcastle."

Put on the Bluetooth headset placed on the side of the desk, and the communication is immediately connected by the bionic secretary.

"Your Excellency Newcastle, I have been entrusted by a certain lord to inquire about the truth about the recently discovered disease."

The voice on the other side sounded like a middle-aged man, probably not too young.

"This is an internal secret of the epidemic prevention institute. I have nothing to say. If there is nothing else, I have important matters to attend to!"

The big shots in Sky City may have to be served with trepidation by others, but as the deputy director of the epidemic prevention station, Newcastle has no interest in arguing with these guys at all.

There are more important things waiting for him to complete.

"Wait, Your Excellency Newcastle, I only have one question, how long will it take for the specific medicine for the epidemic to be developed?"

"I still say the special medicine, this is a secret, no comment!"

Newcastle was a little surprised, not because of the other party's question, but because the other party actually asked this question in this way.

Being able to use the government's internal communication network proves that the other party has a relationship in the government, not through the government but entrusting someone else to ask in private, which makes him puzzled.

The only thing that is certain is that the other party is not a member of the Ouroboros organization. They have internal contacts in the government. If they want to know the progress of the special medicine, they don't need to ask at all.

"From this point of view, there should be no results yet. My question is over. Goodbye."

Without giving Newcastle a chance to speak again, the voice fell, and the communication was immediately hung up.

"The gentlemen in Sky City actually started to care about the epidemic in the lower city. It's really rare to take this number to the security department. I want to know its source."

He took off the earphones, put this matter behind him for the time being, and raised his hand to let the secretary continue to contact Ms. Margaret. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the private mobile phone in his arms vibrated again. He lowered his head and glanced at the screen. The action becomes swinging outwards,

"Go out first, don't let anyone in."

Compared with the telegram received by the secretary, Newcastle obviously cared more about this. When the office door was closed, he hurriedly connected: "Lecter, do you have any news?"

Newcastle, who relied on Lecter's news to avoid a large-scale infection in advance, was always expecting the man behind him to say this, which seemed a little ambiguous. It should be that the man standing behind him could bring him more information.

"Mr. Rona needs your help."

On the other side of the phone, Zhu Jue looked up at a shop with a sign of a cross while talking.

In addition to the two sets of costumes, he also needs some props, but compared to the clothes, he has a really vague impression of the things in the hands of the members of the Ouroboros organization, the long sword is fine, and the shape of the lantern is not easy to describe , so I specially found this religious supplies store in the No. 25 community.

"Mr. Rona. No problem, of course I am willing to help."

Knowing that Rona should be enjoying his retirement life in Dawn City at this time, Newcastle understood the meaning of Zhu Jue's words.

"You will need to send a notice later. Mr. Rona did not specify the specific content, but he clearly mentioned that the notice must state that the epidemic prevention center has recently collected a group of severely infected people."

Watching Suzi and Gu Yinxing go in to communicate with the store manager, Zhu Jue put away the umbrella in his hand and put it in the umbrella basket surrounded by iron sheets at the door. He didn't go in, but just stood in front of the window outside the store, casually looking at the pile of umbrellas inside. In the miscellaneous utensil room, there is a TV placed on a small wooden table.

"For the epidemic prevention office to issue a notice, it must be a severely infected person?"

Holding the pen in his hand, he wrote down the main points on the notebook paper he drew next to him, tapping the tip of the pen on the fragile paper, but he still couldn't hold back his surprise.

"Yes, this is very important, and it must be done as soon as possible. If possible, it is best to transfer a few severely infected patients."

Zhu Jue did not explicitly explain the purpose of this request to Newcastle. On the one hand, it was for the sake of confidentiality. If you don't have time to explain, it's better to keep it a secret.

Based on the pleasant cooperation between the two parties before, Zhu Jue believes that Newcastle will not reject him because of this kind of thing.

While speaking, Zhu Jue's gaze subconsciously stayed on the TV screen. It was a religious talk show, and both the host and the guests were dressed in religious attire.

Of course, they are all regular religious personnel, belonging to those who have reported to the corresponding government departments and are allowed to preach.

This should be the method used by the manager of this store to attract specific customers.

Zhu Jue has always been insensitive to this kind of program, and as usual, he would definitely not watch it for a second time.

In fact, he did exactly that. He just glanced at the flow of people on the street, but because he was located near the window, he could not avoid hearing the conversation in the program:
"Recently, we have noticed that there are quite a few awakened people among believers. Yes, I call them awakened people. They claim to have dreamed of some strange scenes. I think this is some kind of omen. With the popularity of similar technologies, people's spirits are becoming increasingly empty. They need faith, not those spiritual drugs. We are trying to give more people the opportunity to get in touch with faith."

 There are some things today, let's change them for now

(End of this chapter)

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