indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 61 Little Lynx

Chapter 61 Little Lynx


Squatting on the edge of the tree, holding a sausage that was still emitting heat, Zhu Jue's eyes focused on the pair of golden eyes that were still shining in the night in the distance.

Zhu Jue, who had just finished talking with the Public Security Bureau and was about to leave, got up and found this little guy hiding in the nearby grass. The black stripes and off-white fur had a special beauty against the moonlight.

A juvenile lynx, whose body length is not much different from Zhu Jue's paw, should be a newborn little guy.

He had killed a lynx at the foot of the mountain before, which meant that there was indeed such a creature living on Fangdou Mountain, but he never expected to see such a young one.

This kind of body must have not left the female lynx. Zhu Jue leaned on the trunk and looked around, but found no other adult lynx nearby.

Wait, this is just the small one, the one down there is just the big one
"It wouldn't be so coincidental would it?"

Zhu Jue stood up suddenly, and ran towards the little lynx. The latter was probably frightened, so he turned his head and burrowed into the grass, but how could such a small body outrun him? He picked it up on the ground and held it in his arms.

The coat color is different from the lynx at the foot of the mountain, but the coat color of this creature is not uniform, which is normal, but its eyes surprised Zhu Jue.

"Can a golden lynx have pupils of this color?"

Zhu Jue ignored the little lynx's struggle, stroked its back, smoothed its fur, and studied its eyes along the way.

Aw~ Aw~
The cry of the lynx is a bit strange. It is not as powerful as the roar of a liger. Instead, it is a bit like a cat or a fox, which is somewhat different from its very fierce face. But the young lynx To make such a sound, I really want to wish Jue my life.

He broke off the grilled sausage, put it in his hand, broke it, crushed it, and handed it to the little lynx's mouth. It sniffed it, and finally stopped struggling.

In fact, it was not by accident that it appeared here, but because it was separated from its mother, and it accidentally smelled the breath belonging to its mother in the mountains, so it groped along this breath and finally found Zhu Jue .

However, another aura on Zhu Jue made it feel a great threat. Normally, it would turn its head and run away, but that sense of intimacy restrained its footsteps.

In the end, he just shrank aside, looking at the creature that was quite different from its mother.

Now the grilled sausage is in front, and the gentle touch on the back still relaxes it. The instinctive hunger caused by not eating all day still overwhelms the fear, silently gnawing on the grilled sausage, and the three little tails behind him are somewhat Swing happily.

three tails?

Zhu Jue lowered his head and rubbed his eyes several times before confirming that this was not a hallucination caused by his mutation.

It seems that it was such a coincidence that the lynx he killed at the foot of the mountain was the mother of the little guy in front of him. Zhu Jue didn't feel much guilt. After all, if the lynx hadn't been caught before, It will also undergo a mutation, falling into madness and pain, and its cubs will definitely not survive.

And the baby lynx in front of me should be the cub born after the adult lynx was polluted. Judging from the fact that the baby lynx can already eat meat, its mother should have been infected for a while, which reminded Zhu Jue again. I saw the bite on the hind leg of an adult lynx before, but after thinking about it, it couldn't be the python bite I thought before.

Because pythons have rows of teeth, only venomous snakes have two fangs.

"Are you going to change?"

Zhu Jue returned to the bonfire with the little lynx in his arms, and looked at it with some pity. Such a beautiful little guy, when he thought that it might turn into that disgusting monster in the future, he felt a little melancholy.

Turning his head to look at Zhu Jue, there was still part of the unfinished sausage in his mouth.

The bright golden eyes are smart and beautiful.

"It doesn't matter, since you may become a monster, then I will guard you. Before you become a monster, I will raise you. In the end, if you really go crazy, I will end you myself."

Zhu Jue turned the little lynx over to face him. In the eyes of the latter, there seemed to be a beast howling in the shadow behind the creature holding it at this moment, which made it suddenly retract its limbs and claws, and its eyes were also frightened. squint.

"Hey, don't be afraid, I'm just looking for a reason for myself to bring you back."

He picked up his weapon case, put his sunglasses into his backpack, and opened the route that had been recorded in the Jade Bird system since he went up the mountain.

"Automatic pathfinding mode is on."

"Jade Bird's power is low, do you want to enter power saving mode?"

After one night's use and the previous strong light mode, the power of Jade Bird has been greatly depleted for the first time.

"Power saving mode."

"Command confirmation, mode on."

The front lights that originally illuminated the road ahead were turned off, and turned to surround the blue bird flying in front of Zhu Jue in a blue streamer. Fortunately, after reaching the mountainside, the woods began to become sparse, and the moonlight could illuminate part of the mountain road ahead. .

Walking somewhere, suddenly there was a slight rolling sound of stones beside him, Zhu Jue frowned, put the little lynx on the ground, touched the button of the weapon box in his hand, and was ready to draw the knife at any time.

"come out!"

The mutant's monster perception did not appear, but Zhu Jue didn't perceive it when the Faceless Sect members appeared before, so he thought it was a fish that slipped through the net.

"are you human?"

A figure turned out from behind the tree, a girl.

"If I'm not a human being, am I a talking tree?"

The other party's question was really meaningless. I glanced at her figure and saw that there was nothing out of the ordinary. After thinking about it, it should be the young man who ran away before. Since there was no danger, Zhu Jue turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait, there are monsters on this mountain!"

"Uh, so I'm walking down the mountain. Since I met you, let me remind you. Walk straight in my direction for about ten minutes, and you should be able to see the climbing path. If you feel dangerous, you can go here. Just wait, the police should be here soon."

Glancing at the route on the screen, he waved his hand and said.

Zhu Jue is not going to go down the mountain with them. On the one hand, he is afraid of being remembered. When the video is released, he will definitely be recognized. On the other hand, he has a special little guy on him. If he is discovered, he may be in trouble. , after all, this is a protected animal.

"Can you wait for me, I still have a few friends nearby, I'll let them go down with me."

"No, I have something else to do. Can you just wait here for them to come? Don't worry, there are no monsters on the mountain, at least not around here."

After finishing speaking, he trotted away all the way, leaving only his back behind.

(End of this chapter)

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