Chapter 616
The rain in the middle of the night turned into snow in the early hours of the morning, and it didn't stop until noon.

The damp and cold moisture filled the storage area of ​​the No. 16 community, and the people in the drowsy weather felt restless from the bottom of their hearts.

"The truck is coming soon, hurry up and tidy it up, two people will open the 021 and 022 warehouses, and the rest of the goods will be piled there after they are cleared out, and the private goods you put in there can't be kept. The higher-ups will requisition these two warehouses soon."

Standing at the door of the warehouse, the administrator with a high-power lamp in one hand and a trumpet in the other, was wearing a dark green windproof cloak with some unmelted snowflakes.

After shouting, the administrator twisted his neck, and accidentally found that the logo of the Wu Group on his chest was also covered with snowflakes. He hurriedly raised his hand to wipe it clean, then reached into his pocket, took out the cigarette case, and just took out a cigarette. There is a lighter handed up next to it.

"Uncle, what are you in such a hurry?"

The young man holding a lighter looked at the workers in the warehouse driving the machines, and his slack cheeks shook as he spoke.

As a relative of the administrator, what the young man who enjoys the slightest privilege has to do every day is to take good care of the uncle in front of him, even if he is just a warehouse administrator.

"The ghost knows that the order came suddenly, like the goods transferred from the No. 30 community. The type of the goods was not displayed, but the superior personally sent a phone call, asking me to unconditionally cooperate with the people who came with the goods later."

The administrator was also full of doubts at this time. Wu Group's warehouses were concentrated in the large storage area on the side of No. 16 community, which was used to store finished airships and materials for various aircraft. In his impression, the warehouse of No. 30 community seemed to be It is used to store outdated and slow-moving airships. Who knows that not only a few batches of goods will be transferred today, but also important goods that can be contacted by the boss in person.

drop! ! !
While speaking, the piercing sound of sirens came from outside.

The extremely bright high beams in front of the car shone directly on the door of the warehouse, enveloping the administrator and his nephew.

"Damn, do these guys understand the rules?"

The young man whose eyes were dazzled by the strong light frowned and was about to curse.

"Shut up, forgot what I just said?"

Patting the young man on the shoulder, the man narrowed his eyes and walked out.

Having been in this business for more than ten years, truck drivers who dare to honk their horns and turn on their high beams to attract people's attention before entering the warehouse are either laymen or have backgrounds, or they have brain problems. , no matter how you think about it, it should be the first two possibilities.

He trotted close to the truck, and when he got to the side of the cab, he raised his hand and knocked on the door, and the window rolled down.

The driver is a middle-aged man, looking down at him, and there seems to be a young man wearing a peaked cap sitting on the other side, holding a listening stick in his hand, and he can vaguely hear conversations and intermittent exclamations.

"There are three cars behind, we need two warehouses, remove all your people, we will take care of them ourselves, and no one will be allowed to approach, or you will bear the consequences!"

Before the administrator could speak, the driver turned his face and glanced at the administrator, his voice hoarse.

"No problem, the superior asked me to cooperate with you, so let's keep it simple, just do a warehouse check. I need to know what your goods are, otherwise I won't be able to record them."

"No counting, no records, you just need to vacate the warehouse and stay away from here!"

Before the administrator could finish speaking, the driver interrupted him violently. In the dark cab, there was a cold light in his eyes.

"Okay, I understand, I will inform the workers later."

There was a chill down the spine for no reason, and the administrator responded cautiously, because of nervousness, he unconsciously repeated words with the same meaning.

After working in this business for so long, he could vaguely guess that the truck contained some prohibited items, so he was not allowed to count them. The telegram from his superiors was the best proof.

At the same time, he also knew that it was best for him not to meddle in other people's business, and it would be safest to act as if he didn't know anything. As for calling the police, he didn't want to lose his job.

Not to mention that Wu's Group is one of the five major consortiums in Qianfan City, even if he went all out to call the police, no one would dare to check Wu's warehouse!

"Hey Wood!"

The administrator was about to turn around and leave, when the young man on the passenger seat in the cab let out an exclamation that made him slow down again, and looked back, the young man in the peaked cap was holding up a sample stick to show the driver, and the screen was facing him .

Because of the distance, he couldn't see the content on the screen very clearly. He could only vaguely distinguish the icon in the upper right corner, which seemed to be a program his wife usually liked to watch.

His wife is a devout believer and is keen to watch religious programs, but now there are young people who like to watch this?
"What are you looking at?"

Just as the warehouse manager was in a daze, the driver suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Sorry, I thought that friend called me. I'll go and arrange storage for you."

Withdrawing his gaze, he turned around and walked away quickly. The sight behind him made his back prick like a needle, making him dare not stay for even a second.

"Wood, is the thing in this guy's hand real or fake?"

Compared with the administrator who left, the young man in the co-pilot position obviously paid more attention to the strange events in the video.

"I think the demonstration just now is enough to make everyone believe that this gossip mirror is not a supernatural object. It is a sacred artifact that I found by chance. This is a revelation from the gods. There is a certain existence guiding me to help awaken it. Readers, I will be the agent of the gods in the world, and spread the gospel of the great existence in this suffering world. Do you still remember the space fluctuation that appeared in the No. 1 community at dusk yesterday? I think it is also a miracle, or the gods gave With the enlightenment of this world, mortals cannot reveal the righteousness, but I will be extraordinary!"

At the scene of the talk show in the video, a man beside him with a virtual cursor displaying his name: Fisher Faraz is holding a gossip mirror, and the mirror is still filled with black and purple mist that has not completely dissipated.

The palms holding the audio-visual stick suddenly tightened, and the expressions of the two people in the driver's seat were extremely ugly.

"The ants born in this sewage mud are trying to speak in vain. When the mission here is over, I will definitely kill him!"

A punch hit the inside of the car door, and there was a creaking sound, and the eyes of the young man under the peaked cap were full of murderous intent!
"Drag the progress bar back, I want to see what he just did."

Compared with the irritable young man, the driver is much calmer, said Fisher, who was talking eloquently in the video.

Moving the progress bar to 5 minutes ago, there was a slender girl in front of Fisher, with a pale face and a tired expression that did not seem to be fake, she collapsed on the sofa, muttering something incessantly, occasionally When the camera zooms in, you can still see a black patch between her neck.

He is no longer familiar with this image!

Immediately after, Fisher took out the gossip mirror, and while explaining specious religious theories, he brought it close to the girl.

In the next second, black and purple mist gushed out from all parts of the girl's body and gradually converged on the mirror surface of the gossip mirror. After that, the girl's condition was obviously much better. She sat up from the chair and said a few words of thanks if.

It was not enough to read it once, the driver dragged the progress bar back several times one after another, looking back and forth at Fisher's technique and the gossip mirror, he thought he could see through the opponent's technique, or holographic projection, or other things that were not good enough Countertop magic tricks.

However, no matter how he analyzed it, he couldn't find any flaws.

Finally stay on a certain frame.

At this time, the picture happened to capture the profile of the girl, and the driver stretched out his hand to zoom in on the picture with two fingers.

"The woman in the photo sent by the organization about the remnants of the Thorns Sect, do you remember what she looks like?"

"It's not her. I've seen that photo a few times. Apart from a similar figure, this person's face is completely different. Even with plastic surgery, it's impossible to restore this appearance in such a short period of time."

The young man realized the meaning of his companion's words, took out his mobile phone, opened the photos in the album, and compared them again. It was true that except for the somewhat similar back view, the rest couldn't be matched. He paused for a few seconds, saw that his companion did not speak, and continued said,

"When the matter here is over, the two of us will go there and bring that gossip mirror?"

In his opinion, it doesn't take much effort to deal with a magic stick. He just needs to go to his house and spend a few minutes to figure things out.

"The woman in the video fits all the characteristics of an infected person. If this gossip mirror is real, it can indeed absorb the energy in her body. During this critical period, no private actions are allowed. You must contact the adult and send the video. It's up to him to decide what to do next."

Unlike the young man on the co-pilot, he had seen the priest show off his methods, and the surging black and purple energy made him feel familiar.

At this juncture, he didn't dare to make his own claim, he threw the trial stick back to the young man, and signaled the latter to make a call.

The driver restarted the truck and drove towards the warehouse where the passable signal had been signaled.

In the face of such unexpected events, reporting is undoubtedly the safest way.


Very stable!

(End of this chapter)

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