indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 620 The game about to start

Chapter 620 The game about to start
Waking up in a dazed state, the man in black robe resisted the dizziness and observed the surrounding situation.

Not far in front of him is a half-open gate, and the streetlights are shining through the snow curtain, entering through the gap between the gate, reflecting the solemn statues on the left and right sides.

Is this a temple?
Are you still in community 27?
Memories before coma flooded into his mind like a flood, and he realized that he might have fallen into the opponent's trap. The man subconsciously wanted to struggle, but after he tried to move, he suddenly found that his limbs and mouth were completely covered by black and purple mist. It is so entangled that even the idea of ​​suicide cannot be realized.

"It's not slow to wake up. It seems that it was the right choice to ask Suzi to change the dose of the powerful sedative to ten people."

The voice came from behind, a little familiar, and he quickly remembered where he had heard a similar voice.

Weird Studio Video!
A slightly weird-looking cat wandered in front of the man, staring at the man with dark golden eyes, and swung its three tails back and forth.

Was it talking to itself just now?

The next second when the absurd idea was formed in his mind, the figure of the man in black robe turned around under the drive of the black-purple mist, and his attention was attracted by the scene in front of him again.

In front of the statue facing the gate, a tall man squatted on the ground. His arms could be seen constantly moving, and occasionally leaning forward with his left hand to support his body. Due to the dim light, the man in black could only vaguely There seems to be some kind of figure on the ground.

"According to my past habits, I caught the cultists. No, I usually don't catch you, because after doing it, you will basically turn into corpses, but this time is an exception. I really need your help. This is very important. Relationship To see if I can thwart the plot of 'Zero'."

Holding a brush in his hand, Zhu Jue sketched on the ground while muttering without turning his head. He didn't know whether he was talking to himself or to the man in black.

Hearing the title of 'Zero', the man in black robe struggled a little more violently, looking at the back of the man in front of him full of killing intent and contempt,

He wants to use his mouth to get out the organization's information?

Simply whimsical!

Death is just a shortcut to enter the Kingdom of God, and it cannot make him feel even the slightest bit of fear. This torture was doomed to end in failure from the very beginning!
"Don't get me wrong, I didn't intend to torture you."

As if hearing the inner monologue of the man in black, Zhu Jue finally finished his work, stood up, put away the tools in his hand, and glanced sideways at the man in black,

"It's true that I want you to help, but I don't need to ask for your consent. After about 5 minutes, you should volunteer to help me."

Zhu Jue noticed the disdain in the eyes of the man in black, and didn't say much, just walked past him and walked out, closing the door behind him.

When the last gleam of light disappeared, there was a whispered incantation outside the door.

The black-robed man is no stranger to such a scene, but in his past experience, he has always played the role of the person chanting spells outside the door.

The roles were reversed, this time, it was his turn to experience the drink called "Despair" brewed by unknown horror.

Not far in front of him, the huge magic circle lit up with stars, and the man in black had a premonition that something was about to happen. This state was somewhat like standing on the road and seeing an oncoming car, or It was on the surface of the deep sea area that I saw a triangular shark fin rushing from a slant
At a certain moment, an indescribable figure was reflected in his eyes, and because his mouth was filled with black-purple mist, he could only falter and let out a short breath.

It was like the sobbing of a dying beast, but it was still ferocious but couldn't conceal the death aura.
Outside the temple gate, Suzi and Gu Yinxing looked at Zhu Jue with some doubts.

"You left him alone in there?"

After catching the cadre of the Ouroboros organization, Zhu Jue said that he would ask him to help. Suzi thought that the former had thought of some special threatening means, but Zhu Jue took him into the temple and then wandered out alone. They couldn't help but wonder up.


Zhu Jue leaned against the pillars outside the temple. Seeing the two people who were puzzled, he remembered that they did not know the existence of the great race. He raised his eyebrows and said suddenly and seriously,
"I told him that if he doesn't help me, I will strip him naked and hang him at the entrance of some special clubs, and then write the word 'positive' on his lower abdomen. He is probably struggling now, but you can rest assured, in my opinion No man has ever been able to bear that kind of consequences, so he will definitely agree to my request!"

After listening to Zhu Jue's method, Suzi herself has facial paralysis, so she can't see anything. As for Gu Yinxing, her expression can be perfectly interpreted with an emoji package.

Black question mark.JPG!

However, no matter how confused the two were about Zhu Jue's plan, the temple door opened just 6 minutes later proved that Zhu Jue's "means" seemed to have miraculous effects?

Is there any meaning in writing the word "positive" on a man's lower abdomen, and then stripping him naked and sending him to the door of a special club?

What kind of club is a special club?
Suzi and Gu Yinxing fell into deep thought.

The man in black walked over the threshold, and walked to Zhu Jue under the watchful eyes of Suzi and Gu Yinxing. He uttered some low and strange accents, and then returned to normal after a while, and said in a muffled voice: "That's fine." !"

"How's the effect?"

Seeing the man in black, who may be called Ivanka now, Zhu Jue stopped joking and asked seriously.

"Different from the soul of ordinary humans, he can no longer be called a human being, at least at the soul level. Gadamon's power erodes his soul, so it takes some extra time to control the soul."

Just talking casually about the information I just perceived, for the great race, it takes 6 minutes to control a soul, which is really a long time.

"Haha~ You are qualified to say these words."

Looking up and down at the black-robed man who was glaring at him not long ago, Zhu Jue always felt that there was something funny about it.

Ivanka turned to Suzi and Gu Yinxing, who were still hostile to him, and asked, "Friend? Enemy?"

Even if the two couldn't understand the meaning of the word "positive" at this time, they knew that the mental state of the black-robed man in front of him had undergone a change that they couldn't understand. Facing Ivanka's question, they could only look at Zhu Jue.

"If it's an enemy, how could it be possible to stand here with me."

Zhu Jue rolled his eyes, opened his arms to embrace the wind chimes that had jumped on him, turned his hands over to his shoulders, and continued,

"Let's go, we are very busy now, before the real plan starts, I have to go in early to check the spot!"

"Since he can enter, there must be other people who have the ability to enter the deep world. If he falls into your trap, if he appears in the deep world, he will definitely attract attention. Once exposed, any of your plans will become empty talk. "

The great race did not agree with Zhu Jue's idea of ​​"stepping on the spot" and expressed his views straightforwardly.

Seeing that the man in black who was planning to die with them an hour ago began to discuss the issue with Zhu Jue face to face, and even vaguely considered for the latter, Suzi and Gu Yinxing really didn't know what to say.

"This is a gamble in itself. The probability of failure is as high as 90.00%. Zero point one is my capital, if I dare not even sell this little capital, how can I win?"

Zhu Jue turned his back to the lights of the street, and the wind and snow hit his back, but he couldn't make him flinch even for a second. Looking at the three people beside him, he finally uttered his heart,
"I want to use this [-]% to fight for a fortune!"

There was no longer any objection. Suzi and Gu Yinxing trusted Zhujue 100%. Even though they knew for the first time that this game was so risky, they had no intention of persuading him.

As for the great race, they stared at Zhu Jue, recalling the last playful conversation between the two sides when they met last time.

You must know that even the great race and the ancients are helpless, but this person in front of him seems to be planning his own plan with confidence.

It is very curious, what step the human being in front of him can do!
(End of this chapter)

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