indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 622 Broken World

Chapter 622 Broken World
When Zhu Juezeng followed Gu Ginkgo into the Gadamon environment, he was a little curious about what this illusion looked like in the eyes of the cult members of the Ouroboros organization, which made them chase after it so frantically that they were even willing to sacrifice everything for it.

Now, with the help of the Great Race, he is in it.

The streets paved with marble tiles extend into the distance. Behind the green trees growing on both sides of the road are tall pure white houses. The style is similar to that of ancient Roman buildings. The open and closed architectural lines all reveal the simplicity of returning to nature. beauty.

There is a faint melodious music fluttering in the sky, it is clearly in the street outside the No. 23 community, and you can see the vast blue sky when you look up.

Zhu felt that if any residents in Qianfan City's cramped and dark middle and lower-level communities saw this scene, they would undoubtedly be addicted to it in an instant.

"It would be great if the Kingdom of God was real, but unfortunately, it's just a dreamlike bubble after all, and it can only deceive those cultists who are empty in their hearts."

Zhu Jue raised his head, he also likes this kind of scene, but it's a pity that it happened in Gadamon's illusion.

Behind this beauty lies an extremely dirty soul and crazy evil ambitions!
While Zhu Jue was lamenting the surrounding environment, the great race was not idle, standing in the middle of the street in the image of a man in black robes, raising his hand and pushing.

There was a crisp cracking sound suddenly in front of the empty body.

The empty space condensed into a solid body at this moment, and the cracks visible to the naked eye opened with the palm of the great race as the center, like a cracked mirror, revealing the dark world behind it after a while.

"The presence of Mi Go is not detected nearby, you can enter."

The outstretched arm suddenly swung to the right, and the hole the size of a human head instantly expanded into a size that can be walked by one person. The great race didn't say much, and took the first step.

Zhu Jue followed closely and crossed the boundary of the illusion. Unexpectedly, he didn't feel any strange feeling.

Don't get me wrong, Zhu Jue is not a jitter, but because of his own situation, he should be affected when he is close to Gadamon.

As far as Zhu Jue himself is concerned, in order to ensure that there will be no accidents when he actually takes action, he is already prepared to bear this kind of physical and psychological pressure, which itself is also a key part of this visit.

Standing in the middle of the street, subconsciously avoiding two oncoming pedestrians, Zhu Jue looked at the surrounding environment. Compared with the illusion he was in before, this deep world was unexpectedly real.

Whether it is the street view or the lights projected from the surroundings, it is no different from the real world. If it weren't for the pedestrians ignoring him and the buildings showing broken scenes, Zhu Jue even suspected that the great race made a mistake and brought him back in the state of soul. No. 23 community.

It's easy to verify where it is.

The prophecy when he first arrived at Thousand Sails City had given Zhu Jue a certain reminder that the location of Gadamon should be at a high place in the central space.

He trotted to the outer street on one side, and turned his gaze to the position indicated in the divination method. Apart from the staggered corridors in the air, all Zhu Jue could see was the broken stones floating in the sky. It doesn't exist!

"what happened?"

Turning around to look at the great race still on the street on the other side of the lane, Zhu Jue had no choice but to run back and ask.

Zhu Jue imagined all kinds of unexpected situations that may be encountered after entering the deep world, but he never thought that after entering the deep world, not to mention Mi Ge, even Gadamon would disappear.

"The choice of coming in to check in advance seems to be correct at present. This is not a normal phenomenon in the deep world where Gadamon lives. Mi Go will not believe in any life forms other than his own race. Gadamon is their survival in this era. It is absolutely impossible to completely expose the core of the "Ouroboros" organization you called, and what you see now is nothing but a double illusion created by Mi Go with the power of Gadamon."

Obviously, the cooperative relationship between the Ouroboros organization and Mi Go is not to the point of honesty. The tail snake organization is the deep world, but what is certain is that Zhu Jue is not in the world where Gadamon is.

In short, the Ouroboros organization may have the support of Mi Go, but just like the relationship between the ancient Zhujue, the great race and Zhujue, they are all wary of each other, which is nothing more than the promotion of interests short-term alliance.

In fact, Zhu Jue has also discussed this issue with the ancients and great races. You must know that whether it is the opportunity for him to notice the problem in Qiansail City, that is, the consciousness conversion technology that appeared in the killing game, or the bone tree, Gadamon and others. Almost all the special abilities possessed by the cult members of the Ouroboros organization come from Mi Go.

So here comes the question, why does the Ouroboros organization impress Mi Go?
Two completely different races, after all, there is nothing to do with seeing each other late, and there is only one possibility, the same year, the same month and the same day. What Ge is tempted to help with is not limited to a certain item, and may also be other conditions.

It's just that Zhu Jue had very little information at that time, and he couldn't draw a conclusion for a while, so he had to let it go in the end.

"You mean Gadamon is still deeper?"

Thoughts turned around, and finally I still have to return to the matter in front of me, Zhu Jue frowned and asked,

"Can you find a way to get in?"

"Yes, you only need to strengthen the bond with Gadamon to you, and the second reverse summoning will take you one step closer. However, the soul ability I control is insufficient, and it is limited to entering the second-level illusion, the last barrier You must use your abilities."

With the degree of "care" Zhujue received from Gadamon, it is not a problem to cross this illusion through reverse summoning.

"Wouldn't this attract Mi Go's attention?"

Zhu Jue never tried to use the consciousness conversion device because he was worried that Mi Ge could perceive his existence through this device.

Right now, there is only one step away from the real deep world, and he doesn't want to fail at this pass.

"All you need to do is activate Gadamon's power to resonate with the deep world. I will be responsible for opening the channel. When the resonance is completed, it will stop immediately. The resulting energy overflow will be controlled within a certain range. Let's start now."

The great race didn't explain too much, and directly stated the plan.

At this point, Zhu Jue could only choose to believe in the ability of the great race and focus on himself. Black and purple spiritual energy began to emerge from all parts of Zhu Jue's body in an instant, while the great race watched the whole process from the sidelines .

In the middle of the busy street, a cloud of black and purple mist rose suddenly. Zhu Jue looked at the crowd beside him who didn't feel anything strange. They were acting on their own, waiting for the order of action from the great race.


At a certain moment, a muffled drink sounded.

Zhu Jue, who subconsciously withdrew his psychic energy, immediately noticed that the surrounding light was getting dim, and the feeling of falling filled his whole body in an instant.

The noise in the ears faded away, and it fell into silence at first, and then there were some drumming sounds full of crazy rhythms and monotonous, disgusting flute sounds.

In the next second, it fell into silence again.

Zhu Jue opened his eyes and tried to observe the surrounding environment. Darkness has become the main tone of the world here, but it is not completely invisible, it is more like an extremely obscure gray.

I am still on the 23rd street, Zhu Jue is sure, but at the same time, the appearance of this street is completely different from the street I saw before.

It is broken and incomplete, like a child's building blocks, completely broken and reorganized randomly and disorderly, so that cracks and holes can be seen everywhere on the street, and stone fragments overlap at strange angles, presenting out of shape.

Next to it stands a street lamp, the bulb is in the middle of the lamp post, yes, not on top, nor hanging, but in the center of the lamp post.

It was lit, but no light shone through it, just scattered twisted, gray, slender tentacles.

Uh~ Goo~
Suddenly a voice sounded from the side and rear, Zhu Jue turned around, and the "something" that appeared in front of him made his brows furrowed deeply again.

This is an indefinable mass of existence, even more fragmented than the most abstract abstraction in the world. It may be a human being, because Zhu Jue has seen eyeballs, nose bridge, ears and other strange human bodies, but the problem is that none of them exist. in the position where it should appear.

The slanted mouthparts located on the shoulders kept making strange noises, and the limbs twisted at strange angles kept crawling along the ground. Soon, Zhu Jue found that this was not the only one, and there was still its kind not far away. A completely distorted mass of flesh and blood, only from this point, Zhu Jue classified them into one category.

With the transformation of the line of sight, the shadows of the street, the narrow window openings in the broken houses, and even the gravel in mid-air.

These guys are everywhere!

What's even more weird is that no matter how difficult these "things" are to distinguish, their eyes are all facing a certain direction, and their actions are always facing that direction. While walking, the same gray color may be saliva or the like The liquid dripped from the mouthparts that made strange noises.

What are they yearning for, even if they fall into such chaos and madness, they are still trying to get closer to that existence.
Like moths to a flame, even if what greets them is total destruction.

Rao Zhu Jue, who has experienced many horrible scenes, couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling in the face of everything around him, and the chaotic consciousness constantly churning in his mind reminded him all the time that Gadamon might be nearby!
"I see."

When the clear and complete sentence sounded, Zhu Jue felt extremely kind at this time, turned his head and looked over, and it really was a great race.


Zhu Jue subconsciously asked what it meant just now.

"This is the reason why Mi Go cooperates with humans."

The great race seemed to have discovered something interesting, so the tone of voice was a little erratic.

 there will be another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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