indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 624 Compromise

Chapter 624 Compromise
"Thousand Sail City needs help!"

In the office with blue and white as the main tone, the head of the security department in military uniform set the theme of the conversation with his first words.

His complexion is far from the calm and calm blue and white tone, and if he insists on being associated with these two colors, it only shows the gloom in them.

"Your Excellency Bulwer, you are the chief of Qianfan City's security department, a person with real power who controls one-third of Qianfan City's armed forces. Someone should have told you this, right?"

Sitting on the sofa opposite the desk was a tall, middle-aged woman with her upper body leaning against the sofa, holding a women's cigarette between the slender knuckles of her left hand, and she had a taste of it.

Even facing the person standing at the top of Qianfan City, she still remained calm.

As the president of the branch of the Archaeological Association in Thousand Sails City, with the status of the Archaeological Association in the current environment, she does have the capital to do so.

"I have asked Ms. Margaret to transfer the garrison troops stationed in the satellite city back to the defense, but according to the existing intelligence analysis, the Ouroboros organization is different from any terrorist organization we have encountered before. Strength, the effect that ordinary armed forces can play has yet to be verified. Compared with the wave of monsters composed of irrational mutants, these guys are obviously more weird. We need experts like you to intervene and give more Many suggestions."

Ignoring the sarcasm in the other party's words, Bulwer continued his speech, noticed the disdainful arc of the other party's mouth, and continued,

"I know, Ms. Virginia, our relationship may not have been pleasant in the past, but the funds and assistance provided by Thousand Sails to the Archaeological Association are obvious to all. original agreement."

"Agreement? It's just a document to save everyone's face. There is no need for any outsiders to dictate the affairs of Qianfan City!"

Virginia perfectly imitated someone's tone, and while speaking, Bulwer's expression on the opposite side became more and more embarrassing.

Yes, that's what he said.

The Archaeological Association, which was supposed to be responsible for dealing with cults, was invisible in the recent strange events in Qianfan City because of his words.

In fact, this can't be all blamed on Bulwer. After all, although he is the nominal supreme commander of the Qiansail City's armed forces, he still has a council composed of major consortiums above him. To put it bluntly, he is the security captain of the capital oligarchs.

In the early days of the epidemic, the Archaeological Association had issued a warning to the Qianfan City government, requesting to intervene in this incident and assist in the investigation.

It stands to reason that this is a request that is so normal that it cannot be more normal. The Archaeological Association also does the same in other super cities, just like the Graki incident that Zhu Jue experienced in Dawn City. At that time, the federal government handed over the incident to They joined the Archaeological Association and cooperated in all aspects, and the latter did not disappoint them.

However, for some reason, this time the Thousand Sails City Council passed the order to Bulwer after internal discussions, absolutely prohibiting the Archaeological Association from interfering in the affairs of Thousand Sails City.

"Absolutely prohibited", such harsh words made Bulwer can only say "YES, SIR!".

Of course, it is one thing to obey the orders of superiors. When he said those words, Bulwer did not mean to despise the Archaeological Association.

In his opinion, Qianfan City can be different from the federal government. As the head of Qianfan City's security department, his well-trained combat troops and various high-tech weapons are his confidence.

Of course, if something happened in Qianfan City, they would have to deal with it. How could it be handed over to an outsider?

Who would have imagined that with the passage of time, strange events would follow one after another, and the polluted areas and bone trees in the lower-level communities constantly challenged his three views.

In fact, when there was a power outage in the lower-level community and the report of the heavy casualties of the combat troops of the police department was on the desk, Bulwer was already shaken. A request for association help.

But what he didn't expect was that the reply given by the council still didn't change at all, and he even said that if he felt that he was not good enough, he could submit his resignation at any time, and then there would naturally be someone more capable to take his place.

Can a man say he can't do it?
Well, now Bulwer can only bite the bullet.

However, Bulwer was more or less careful. It is obviously impossible for the council to reject the involvement of the Archaeological Association just because of the reasons mentioned above. As the captain of security, he must of course care about the thoughts of those big shots.

So Bulwer began to realize that there was an irreconcilable conflict between the council and the Archaeological Association, and asked a few of his friends to investigate in private, and it really was!

The cause of the incident was that Qianfan City wanted to take advantage of the funding it had given to the Archaeological Association over the years to forcefully participate in the archaeological exploration conducted by the Archaeological Association near Tokyo, which sank a few years ago, but was stopped by the senior management of the Archaeological Association without saying a word.

What happened next can be guessed. The Thousand Sails City government threatened the Archaeological Association to submit by stopping funding and technical support. However, the latter is no longer the small association it used to be. In addition, the archaeological exploration near the sunken Tokyo seems to be involved. It was so important that the Archaeological Association put on a posture of tearing apart Qianfan City.

So the two sides are on the bar, and neither of them is willing to back down.

Under such a premise, if Qianfan City asked the Archaeological Association for help because of something that happened in the lower-level community, it would be equivalent to slapping one's own face and rehearsing the "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" once again.

Losing face is a trivial matter. After all, a person who wants face cannot become a big capitalist. The key is that this compromise means that Qianfan City has to give up the right to participate in the archaeological exploration of Tokyo.

As for why they suddenly compromised now, the reason is said to be that the archaeological exploration in Tokyo seems to have encountered a major problem, and the Archaeological Association folded a few archaeological teams inside, and their attitude was a little loose.

Seeing the opportunity, the high-level members of the council quickly lowered their stance, not only promising to provide all research equipment for free, but also willing to support a group of elites to assist in research for free.

On the one hand, this is to retreat, and to let the Archaeological Association see their sincerity. On the other hand, it is also because there have been too many bullshit things in Qianfan City recently. If the Archaeological Association is not convinced, they may not be able to continue to support go down.

Hence today's meeting.

Bulwer felt ashamed, and Virginia was full of irritability because of the staged failure of Tokyo Metropolitan Archaeological Exploration.

The outcome of this meeting may have been predestined.

 Today I had a little get-together with some old friends and drank some wine, that's all for now.

  Dizzy, men have to protect themselves
(End of this chapter)

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