indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 633 Distorting Reality

Chapter 633 Distorting Reality
The trip to the deep world, coupled with the forced tests for the next step, inevitably affected Zhu Jue's spirit.

For the current urgent situation, this is undoubtedly a fact that makes Zhu Jue helpless.

Before he returned to normal, he couldn't forcefully enter the deep world to start planning, that would be irresponsible to himself.

But it was precisely because of the glimpse in the deep world that Zhu Jue unexpectedly found that he was a little more proficient in the control of psychic power after returning to reality, and even more than that.

Zhu Jue didn't pay too much attention to it, thinking that he had already understood the characteristics of psionic energy, it was nothing more than adaptation and strengthening, but he forgot that it was just the ancients who screened out most of the special substances in order to make him this The ability brought about by the potion of Gadmon offspring produced by "fragile" human beings.

The connection between him and Gadmon is not limited to the two bottles of medicine he swallowed!
Just like what happened in Ye City, the closer one gets to the indescribable thing, the more difficult it is for one's mental state to calm down. People in this state will inevitably come into contact with more dark forces, and then use them plunged into deeper darkness.
If there is no change, the knowledge Zhu Jue knows will eventually attract the attention of the terrifying existence in the chaos. By then, Zhu Jue may become stronger than ever before. Similarly, he will be closer to the limit of madness than ever before.

Zhu Jue was temporarily unable to interfere with this process, so he had to accept and face another drastic change in his spiritual world.

Waking up from the bed, Zhu Jue looked at the beams under the triangular roof of the wooden house.

He remembered that when he came in last time, it was a reddish-brown hardwood, but now half of the beam that caught his eye was like a forest tree in midsummer, with intertwined branches and clusters of dark green leaves, while the other half was full of cracks and withered. The defeat looks like it will turn into fly ash and fly away at any time.

Trying to get up and lift off the quilt, the body simulated by the body or the mental will is so weak that it makes people panic.

Zhu Jue looked at the silver beast that appeared directly next to the bed this time. Compared with the last time, it was much more sluggish, and even the overall outline appeared blurred.

For a moment, Zhu Jue seemed to see it changed into another appearance. It must be due to mental weakness?

That's right.

Zhu Jue has no idea of ​​recalling, nor is he willing to recall too much.

Sitting down by the campfire, looking at the spray of water gushing on the pile of firewood in front of me, the sound of swishing water faintly came to my ears.

Zhu Jue stretched out his hand to explore, but the burning pain made him quickly withdraw his hand.

It's fire, and it looks like this.

There was a sharp sound outside the house, Zhu Jue turned around, the darkness that should have been filled with wind and snow was now filled with orange light.

Uncontrollably getting up and running to the door, grabbing the handle and pulling it away, a cold touch came over my face, for a moment Zhu Jue felt that he had fallen into an ice hole, shivering from the cold.

He didn't shrink back, but held his head up, staring at the scene outside the house with wide eyes.

Fragments of sparks pierced the sky, the obscure icy lake ignited a noisy fire, and the forest farther away became ruins of broken stones.

What's up with this?

Just when Zhu Jue wanted to go out and see more of this mutated world, his spirit fell into an inexplicable trance.

Opening his eyes suddenly, he saw the familiar ceiling. It was only dusk, and it was not yet night. Zhu Jue chose to take a nap after drinking some moonshine wine because he was tired.

The lights in the house were dimmed, and the sound of snow falling outside the window was very soft, but it could be heard clearly in this quiet room.

There is a heavy weight on his chest, it should be a wind chime, which is constantly scratching the bedding, did it wake him up?

"It's a damn dream."

"Your time is almost up."

The sound beside the bed made Zhu Jue's body shake violently, the space ring beside the bedside table shimmered, and the three-day moon sword had just appeared in half, and as Zhu Jue realized the identity of the person beside him, he retracted back to its original position .

"You dragged me out of the dream just now?"

Slowly getting up from the quilt, leaning against the bedside table, Zhu Jue thought for a while and asked,

"What time are you talking about?"

"Gadamon's erosion of you has intensified. Mi Go may be mobilizing its power on a large scale. You should be able to feel its influence on you. If this state continues for a long time, the rest of your time will be very difficult. short."

The great race did not return to the past, but chose to stay in the private clinic to assist the plan. Just now, it noticed Zhu Jue's mental changes and came to help Zhu Jue escape from the dream, and deduced the state of Gadmon from this.

Even with the help of Gadameng's daughter medicine, Zhu Jue's soul still has the limit it can bear!

"Oh, I didn't expect that I have become an early warning device now. Indeed, accidents happened one after another in No. 23 community and No. 37 community. The bone tree was originally a product of Gadamon's power, and the large-scale chaos of hue value. The Ouroboros organization really It's time to act."

Zhu Jue tucked himself in. He was not surprised that what the great race perceived was in line with what happened today.

In fact, what he cares more about now is what happened in the spiritual world just now. He pursed his lips, and inexplicably something that should not have appeared in his chaotic mind.

He raised his hand suddenly, and pointed his palm at the chandelier in the room while spreading his five fingers.

The black and purple spiritual energy flashed in Zhu Jue's eyes.

In the next second, the originally dark chandelier suddenly began to light up, completely illuminating the items in the room in a short while.

Zhu Jue stretched out his free hand to turn on the chandelier beside the bed. He was sure that this was the operation of turning on the light, but the whole room was gradually plunged into darkness.

"Gadamon, which is gradually activated, has gradually strengthened its external influence, and you, after passing through the deep world, will be affected more and more seriously. This is the new ability it bestows on you, and it also means that you will be truly watched by it in the near future. "

The great race saw what Zhu Jue was doing at a glance, and explained it plainly.

"Should I be happy or sad?"

Without expecting the answer from the great race, Zhu Jue's body slowly retracted into the quilt and covered his head, only to see the shape under the quilt huddled into a ball, and some intermittent words came from inside after a while.

What "I'm not a human anymore, JOJO!", "I really thank the Gadameng family." and some unsavory swear words.

The great race stopped paying attention to him after hearing a few words.

In the dark room, his eyes fell on the chandelier that was actually lit through the appearance.

"The power to distort reality can create such a huge illusion. The actual ability of Gadamon is far beyond imagination because of its core. It's a pity, you are just a human being."

Even if it is it, there is some regret in the words at the moment.

After the voice fell, the figure of the great race disappeared into the room again.

"12 votes in favor, 11 votes in disagreement, and 3 abstentions!"

"According to the regulations of the high-level council, the proposal has been passed and will be officially implemented in half an hour!"

In the meeting hall of the government building, an old man projected from heaven read out the final meeting results.

Bulwer sat on the chair, his face alternately pale and pale.

He didn't understand why these people voted yes. The Epidemic Prevention Institute has developed a medicine to prevent the epidemic, but what does this have to do with the activation of the Tinder mode?

In order to ensure that the Ouroboros organization, which is desperately fighting back after knowing that there is a vaccine for the epidemic, will not destroy Sky City, so the fire mode should be turned on?
What kind of shit is this!
He thought about refuting it, but in his capacity, even if he broke the sky, it was impossible to change it after the results were announced in heaven. All he could do was accept it silently.

Leaning on the back of the chair behind him, Bulwer adjusted his emotions as much as possible. Now that the incident happened, all he can do is to solve the new round of offensive launched by the Ouroboros organization against the lower city as soon as possible, so as to stabilize the situation. own status.

And while he was thinking, his eyes accidentally fell on the diagonally opposite seat belonging to the Wu Group. The seat where William Baldwin should have been sitting was already empty.

Inside the locked doll shop in Community 27.

Several dolls placed on the booth suddenly moved.

"The latest news from heaven, the tinder mode will start in half an hour, our plan has succeeded!"

Connor straightened his upper body, stretched out his hands and clenched his fists, and he could hear a bit of excitement in the mechanical voice.

The other four puppets beside him all turned to him.

"I would like to follow in your footsteps."

A doll in the shape of a child was half-kneeling on the ground, and beside it, there was a virtual projection, wearing old Western European aristocratic costumes, and the bloated Gwen knelt down in front of Connor in the same posture, declaring with his own loyalty.

"I knew you would succeed, Connor. It was the right choice to choose to hang out with you."

The figure of Bonaparte appeared on the other side, took off the sunglasses on his face, and said with a big grin.

"I can't go wrong with whoever I see."

Lilith controls a beautiful female puppet, which has been pasted on the mechanical puppet controlled by Connor, directly expressing her feelings.

"What to do next?"

Wendy brought the topic back to the business.

"The operation of the Ouroboros organization will start in the near future. We must form our armed forces as soon as possible. Gwen, you and Lilith are responsible for taking over the armed bionics that the Yuanfan Machinery Group has sealed up in the warehouse. These are already formed. Yes, the combat power that can be mobilized at any time is also the bargaining chip in the final liquidation, and must be in our hands."

This request was made to the Ouroboros organization in order to prepare for today. No one understands the value of those armed bionics better than them. Compared with other weapons in Qianfan City, armed bionics are the real key!

"Bonaparte, in the name of monitoring the members of the Ouroboros organization in all directions, I will ask Heaven to temporarily give you this part of the authority. What you have to do is to lock all the members of the Ouroboros organization we have seen before in the lower city. Location."

The opening of the tinder mode means that the cooperation between the tree world and the Ouroboros organization has come to an end unilaterally. The goal that the former wants to achieve has been completed, while the latter still thinks that they are just a group of hackers seeking profit. This is the advantage of the tree world .

Their current collaborators are heaven.

From the beginning of its creation, it was set as a paradise that wanted to protect Qianfan City at all costs!
This will give them a lot to write about!
"Wendy, you are in charge of the Weird Studio. It is foreseeable that the Ouroboros organization will launch a series of actions in the future. You have to ensure that the people in the Weird Studio can keep up with the pace of the Ouroboros organization and weaken the Ouroboros as much as possible. strength of the organization."

After assigning the final task, Konrad turned his attention to several companions, and finally left only one sentence,
"For the ultimate victory, for the future that belongs to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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