indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 637 JOKER

Chapter 637 JOKER
Lawrence was indeed going to the holy city, and he did not deceive Colonel Sacco, whether it was the air ticket or the time.

But that was before killing the few people who came to visit.

Colonel Sacco and the Archaeological Association, at least Lawrence believed that they were all dead by his hands. The identities of these people were unusual. The former was the battle hero of Thousand Sails City, and the latter was the branch president of the Archaeological Association.

Their deaths will definitely attract attention in the shortest possible time, and if they continue to go to the airport, they will inevitably become a turtle in an urn.

Therefore, after leaving the residence, the ticket was burned.

Lawrence will still leave the City of Thousand Sails, but it needs to be changed. Now that his identity has been exposed, he no longer needs to continue to act in his previous identity.

On the empty tarmac, the private aircraft in the rain is in the pre-operational debugging state. The propellers with a radius of nearly two meters at the ends of the wings on both sides rotate from time to time to ensure that there are no foreign objects blocked. The bottom is intelligently detected by two machines. Engine and other internal instruments state.

The cabin in the middle was lit, and by the window on the right, Lawrence, who was leaning against the sofa, was looking back and forth with a soul stone.

"I haven't received the news that the security department has discovered your identity. Sacco and Virginia may have doubts when they approached you, but there is no clear evidence. They can only conduct inquiries. Now it is just nonsense to say that you killed Vigil. Nia, according to intelligence, her status in the Archaeological Association is extraordinary, and with this soul stone, the Archaeological Association will never let it go, which may have a serious impact on our follow-up plans."

On the table in front of Lawrence, the reduced virtual upper body image faithfully conveyed the audio-visual information on the other side. The deceased was an important figure of the two official forces in Thousand Sails City, while the latter only mentioned Virginia.

Saco, or the government of Thousand Sails City, is no longer something to fear in the other party's eyes.

"So what, it's about your Ouroboros organization, and I'm leaving."

Lawrence didn't take the threats in the other party's words to heart. Naturally, when he acted at this time, he also considered the "prominent" position of the Ouroboros organization in the "hate list" of Thousand Sails City. Thinking of him as a member of the Ouroboros organization, the anger would only be poured on their heads, and he put the soul stone in his pocket, and then said,

"Nohara, you have no right to question my decision and tell Lord Ansegus for me that my mission has been successfully completed, and there are still many matters in the Holy City that I need to go back to help deal with. It is really a pity that I cannot witness the birth of a great existence. , but I still sincerely look forward to the coming of the Kingdom of God!"

The hatch on one side of the cabin opened, and Lawrence raised his hand to turn off the communication without even saying hello.

The Ouroboros organization is really nothing in his eyes.

A waiter walked quickly to Lawrence's side, bowed and said, "Sir, the adjustments have been completed and it will take off in five minutes. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, I don't want to be disturbed after takeoff."

"Okay, have a nice trip."

The waiter took a few steps back, then turned and left.

There was a slight vibration from the aircraft, which should be the warm-up before starting. Lawrence looked at the gorgeous night scene in the rain outside the window, and suddenly laughed and said to himself: "The scene when the kingdom of God comes, should be countless times more magnificent than it is now?"

Xu was aroused by the imaginary scene in his mind, Lawrence felt his mouth dry for a moment, and subconsciously went to grab the goblet on the table.

Just at this time, the lights in the warehouse seemed to be covered with a layer of black veil, and the light suddenly dimmed. After just a few seconds, they could barely see by relying on the lights on the tarmac.

power outage?

The various functions of this aircraft are clearly debugged!
Frowning, he turned sideways to press the button next to the seat to summon the waiter, but stopped in mid-air the next second.


Withdrawing his hand, Lawrence stared straight ahead.

On the sofa opposite him, what appeared at first was just a faint black shadow.

Immediately afterwards, it gradually manifested in front of him as a man in a long purple trench coat and an extremely mismatched green tie. He looked a bit stooped, but exuded a strange aura.

When he raised his head, he revealed a face with heavy white makeup, completely black eye circles and a scarlet and exaggerated "bloody mouth".

"Although I don't know much about how you did it, I have to admit that this look is very to my liking, so I am willing to give you 2 minutes."

Lawrence raised his eyebrows and said with a "heh~" sneer.

"I know you, the cadre of the 'Zero' organization, went to Thousand Sails City to stir up wind and rain, not to mention helping the government of Thousand Sails City destroy the polluted area created by the Ouroboros organization that cooperated with you, as far as I know you But Alliance, let me guess, the reason why you did this should be for a bigger goal, right? Is it about the illusion that exists in Thousand Sails City, or is it "

The person on the opposite side was not stage-frightened, just tilted his head, said lightly words that made Lawrence's expression freeze, and suddenly got up with his hands on the table, leaned close to Lawrence's ear, and whispered,
"Gadamon can't wait?"

"court death!"

The scorching air surged up, and Lawrence's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Hey, it's just a joke, don't be so nervous, don't you want to know where I got this information from?"

He waved his hands again and again, with a hippie smile on his face that made people want to punch him.


Half-closed his eyes, Lawrence stared at the "clown" opposite him, and secretly made up his mind to do it after he finished speaking, first crippling his arms, and then knocking him unconscious.

Gadmon's illusion is top secret, and there must be a traitor within the organization, but only cadres and above are eligible to access this secret. They have already dedicated themselves to the great existence, so how could they betray
"Jee haha~"

Amidst the sharp and weird laughter, "Joker" raised his finger and pointed out the window on Lawrence's right, and said loudly,
"It's him, I know it from his mouth!"

Lawrence immediately turned around, but what he saw was a fist that happened to be reflected on the window, wrapped in a dark blue whirlwind!
Bang! ! !
The window, which was strong enough to resist the high-altitude storm, shattered into dross without delay for even 0.1 second. Before Lawrence could react, his collar was clenched tightly. In the blink of an eye, only the howling wind and rain remained in his ears. The location is probably above the tarmac.
"Joker" suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, he clenched his fists and went straight to the door, two balls of flames ignited in Lawrence's sunken eye sockets, but before he could start to fight back, he was hit hard on his back again, and the wound was flooded with cold in an instant freezing blood.

The "clown" in front of him disappeared instantly, and Lawrence finally realized at this time that it was just a phantom, and the guy behind him was the real enemy!
Unfortunately, this time he was late.

From the second when the back was punched and half of the body became stiff, the rhythm of the battle was firmly controlled by the opponent.

Lawrence could only see the black-purple mist continuously drifting in front of his eyes, and then the fists wrapped in extremely cold air came from all over his body like a storm. Lawrence had never experienced such a violent attack.
In just one breath, Lawrence was punched in the chest, shoulder, left cheek and right leg.

The strength of the opponent frightened him, and the severe pain in every part of the body and the "creak~" wailing of the joints alerted him, and the sense of powerlessness and humiliation filled his mind.

He had to flee immediately, otherwise he would die in the next second of the opponent's attack!

As if the magma-colored lines spread to all parts of the body, Lawrence forcibly turned his body in the air, resisted the punch in the lower abdomen, and opened his mouth to spit out a large ball of flames into the sky.

Not to injure the enemy, but to return to the ground with the help of the recoil generated when the flame erupts.

He succeeded.

Like a meteor crashing into the concrete ground of the tarmac, Lawrence sprayed blood all over his body like he didn't want money, but his head was held high, his eyes fixed on the figure in the sky.

"Rip, crush, devour."

Muttering crazy whispers in his mouth, the rationality in his eyes gradually faded, Lawrence, who was aggrieved like being hit by dozens of hits in the air in KOF, was determined to fight back.

He wants the other party to pay the price!
Suddenly, that "clown" face appeared on his right shoulder, with his chin resting on his shoulder, and asked softly in his ear:

"Why so serious?"

This is just an illusion, the opponent wants to use this to interfere with his own attack rhythm, and he must not let him succeed.

Lawrence decisively chose to ignore the "clown", shielded the surrounding disturbances, and focused all his attention on the man who was falling from the sky.

Flames gradually surged from all parts of his body, and the scorching air steamed with heavy rain.

It indicates that a life-and-death struggle at all costs will begin.

Until a large rough hand covered the top of his head.

In a trance, Lawrence saw a huge iridescent cone flashing away, and the strong lethargy overwhelmed all the thinking activities in his mind.

The eyes fell into darkness.

Leaning forward, he fell to his knees.

"it's him?"

In the empty boat not far away, the pale-faced Virginia leaned against the car door, watching the figure falling beside Lawrence discussing something with another person.

She has watched all the videos of the indescribable series, and has also used the information within the association to predict the extent of this person's combat power.

However, the scene in front of her just now completely broke everything.

Lawrence, who easily defeated and even killed her and the two senior investigators, couldn't even fight back in front of the opponent. He was just a pig at the mercy of the opponent!

Virginia didn't know that Lawrence hadn't even displayed [-]% of his ability since he was attacked until he fell into a coma. Before he mutated into the strongest form, he was directly controlled by the great race waiting nearby for his soul.

Of course, if Zhu Jue hadn't already made up his mind to ask the great race to help capture Lawrence alive, he might not even have the chance to spew that flame!

Letting the great race take Lawrence back to the private clinic, Zhu Jue tossed a very good-looking gem just picked up next to him, and slowly swayed to the side of the empty boat.

"Haha, that guy Ivanka really didn't lie to me. The effect of the newly acquired ability in a specific situation is really exaggerated. Can you still hold it?"

What Zhu Jue was talking about was naturally the ability to distort reality. He relied on the "clown" to attract Lawrence's attention before he touched the side of the plane to complete this perfect sneak attack. He was about to brag a few words when he noticed that Virginie was in a very bad state. Ya, asked instead.

"That's my soul stone."

Virginia pointed to the thing in Zhu Jue's hand, and she cared more about getting this treasure back than her own injury.

"What did you say?"

The action at hand stopped, and the soul stone suddenly disappeared in the air. Zhu Jue blinked twice, looked at Virginia, and asked with some doubts.

After a brief silence.

The president of the branch of the Archaeological Association in Qianfan City fell into a coma in the empty boat.

(End of this chapter)

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