indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 644 The Plan Begins

Chapter 644 The Plan Begins

No matter how much panic the real world has caused due to the sudden appearance of bone trees and a large number of mutants, Virginia is eager to contact Weird Studios to ask how the Ouroboros organization does this.

At this time, Zhu Jue, who had already broken into the deep world where Gadamon was located, could no longer respond.

In order to ensure that Mi Ge will not interfere with the plan, the great race took the initiative to retreat to the second floor of the Gadamon Illusion after sending Zhu Jue into the deep world, and prepared to attract Mi Ge from the deep world first, but Zhu Jue needed to take advantage of it. Use this time to get acquainted with the deep world and find hiding places.

The actions of the two sides are completely staggered, this is to ensure that Zhu Jue will not be discovered by Mi Ge, causing the plan to fail before it really starts.

Unlike the first two layers of illusions that still maintain the general state of the City of Thousand Sails, due to Mi Go's continuous activation of Gadamon's power, its impact on the deep world is becoming more and more serious.

Even though it has only been a few days, when Zhu Jue re-entered the deep world with the help of the great race, the scenes he had seen were completely changed.

At this moment, the entire Thousand Sails City is like a broken isolated island swimming in the chaotic sea of ​​stars. People who live in it may feel that it is huge, but if you really look out along the gap in this "isolated island", you can see What I arrived at was boundless confusion and chaos!

Zhu Jue was running on a street made up of several-meter-high faults and various building fragments. When a stone the size of an airship flew over his head, it smashed into a building and crushed the already broken ruins into pieces. Flour.

A large cloud of sand and dust scattered, some rose up like light smoke, scattered into the endless void, and some fell at an extremely fast speed, like a meteorite falling from the sky, which inexplicably turned into sparks and exploded after reaching a certain speed.

The laws of modern science collapse here, and everything hovers on the edge of illusion and reality.

The abyss-like central empty layer beside him has now become a picture composed of a large distorted and misty brilliance, which is filled with extremely gorgeous light spots, but there is no aesthetic feeling at all, just scattered. Insanely disorganized lines.

The power of Gadmon is completely assimilating the world here!
Zhu Jue, who had been reminded by the great race earlier, did not pay too much attention to the surrounding situation. He just took a cursory glance and focused all his attention on his eyes. Holding the ancient crystal in his hand, he must find a suitable action as soon as possible. Location.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in his mind, Zhu Jue slowed down, and judging from the scene in the picture, it should be that the great race in the Gadmon illusion is sharing his vision with him through the spiritual link established in the real world. Everyone knows what's going on on the other side.

"Advance action is the right choice, the power of Gadamon is being released. Hiding, Mi Go has sensed my existence, and will leave the area where Gadamon is controlled, pay attention to their movement trajectories, and confirm Gadamon's exact location."

While the voice was directly entering Zhu Jue's mind, he also saw that all things in the vision of the great race were collapsing. Obviously, he was attracting Mi Go's attention in a destructive way.

Zhu Jue quickly hid in a ruined house and restrained his soul fluctuations as much as possible. Although he had deliberately controlled himself not to look up, even if he looked straight ahead at the bizarre scene, Zhu Jue could still feel that his sanity was like an hourglass Gravel in, slow passing.

Not long after, several moving pink objects suddenly appeared in the void. Zhu Jue saw them flying from top to bottom. If you got closer, you could see the crustacean-like body with growths. Several pairs of gigantic dorsal-fin or membranous-wing-like organs, and arrays of arthropods.

However, where the head should be, there is an ellipsoid with a complex structure, and this ellipsoid is covered with a large number of short tentacles. Zhu Jue doesn't know whether it is the area where the eyes or the mouth are born, or these The tentacles are their five sense organs.

The mi-gos only appeared in front of Zhu Jue for a few seconds, and flew into a psychedelic scene after arriving at a certain area, and then they appeared in the vision of the great race.

The expected battle did not break out, and the great race still maintained its human form to face the three-headed Mi Go.

"Temporarily suspend operations, only a part of what appears here, and Mi Go stays behind."

Obviously, Mi Go was wary of the sudden appearance of the great race. Although he didn't launch an attack immediately, he was also ready to mobilize Gadamon's power to fight at any time.

If Zhu Jue was asked to do this, it is estimated that Mi Ge would not even appear, but directly mobilize the power of Gadamon in the deep world to wipe him out completely, that is, the great race will make them have scruples.

Now that the great race has undertaken this matter, they are naturally prepared. After a brief spiritual communication, they opened their arms, and a ball of light suddenly flashed in front of the great race.

It's not a ball of energy, but is covered with various lines and lines of energy running.

Rather than a sphere, it is more like a complete structure of a certain energy's special operation method.

Zhu Jue felt a headache just by looking at it twice, while Mi Ge on the opposite side was agitated after seeing the ball of light appear.

"What are you showing?"

Something that can make Mi Godu so restless must be extraordinary.

"A core technology of the great race, soul leap."

Xu knew that it was impossible for Zhu Jue to understand, the great race said bluntly,
"The mi-gos in this world are just the lingering parts. They have lost too much technology, and the powerful civilization is extremely weak. Soul leap can help them re-establish contact with their past clansmen. With dark technology, it is enough to make them gradually Restored to its former strength."

The ability to allow the soul to span hundreds of millions of years of time and space, as the core skill of a great race, even Mi Go coveted it.

After another round of communication, Zhu Jue didn't know what the great race had said, and there was another commotion in Mi Go, this time lasting longer than before.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Jue saw several mi-gos appearing in the void in his vision, and this time they carried some black and purple objects in their hands.

"I asked them to lend part of the power of Gadamon to help the great race fight against the enemies in ancient times. They knew that the great race was facing a great threat. This was a deliberate temptation. I told them in the previous conversation There are other great races waiting for the results. Mi Go wants my technology, but I don’t want me to discover that their race is extremely weak at this time. They urgently need to avoid being hit during the critical period of Gadamon’s formation, so they I will choose to summon most of the remaining clansmen to show their strength."

After the words fell, several familiar figures appeared in the illusion, and the great race watched them coming, and the voices in Zhu Jue's mind began to fluctuate,
"They don't know that I came here in advance, and they don't know that I know that the remaining mi-go is not enough to mobilize the power of Gadamon immediately, so the opportunity arises, the ancients, let's go to war!"

At the ends of the two, there are huge claws, like the claws of a crab rushing out suddenly, the sudden attack is difficult to defend, and the two mi-gos are clamped in the blink of an eye.

As the great race said before, Mi Go is only powerful because of their dark technology, and the real individual strength cannot be compared with the great race.

Not to mention that Mi Go who appeared here is in the state of soul, unable to use equipment made by dark technology, and his strength has declined badly, but what appeared in front of them was one of the overlords of the earth who came through hundreds of millions of years!

The extremely powerful soul power did not give them any chance to resist, and easily crushed the souls of the two Mi-Gos. At the same time, the remaining Mi-Gos had no intention of fighting at all, but chose to pull away immediately. distance.

They understand that if they start a war here, failure will be their only outcome.

The deep world has their weapons, as long as the Gadamon is controlled, even the great races cannot resist their power.

Mi Go thinks so, and does so.

The fact is indeed true, with the power of Gadmon, it is not so difficult for them to kill the great race.

But when they were about to return to the deep world, another colossal monster appeared in the ruins behind them.

Its carcass is like a wrinkled barrel. From the middle of the barrel, thin tentacles protrude horizontally like spokes on a wheel. There are protruding knobs on the top and bottom of the barrel. Extend five long flat arms that taper at the ends like starfish.

Like the great race, the ancients didn't give Mi Go a chance to react at all, relying on the coordinates left in Zhu Jue's soul, it came here through the white space and lay in ambush for a long time, and waved its touch at the moment of explosion. The limb penetrates both ends of Mi Go.

Facing the flank attack of the great race and the ancients, nearly ten mi-gos had no room to resist without the protection of Gadamon.

They never thought of why great races and ancients would appear in Gadmon's illusion until they died, and they couldn't even imagine that they, who had previously broken out in war, would join forces at this time!
In the deep world, the vision screen shared with Zhu Jue was closed, leaving only one last message: the start of the plan.

After turning over the ruins, Zhu Jue returned to the outer streets, and the great race and the ancients flashed from the void.

An invisible energy barrier wrapped Zhu Jue in it, bringing him into the chaotic light and shadow.

"Gadamon is on the top of Thousand Sails City!"

"The location hasn't changed, the plan hasn't changed."

The great race on the left mobilizes the energy of the soul, so that the three huge black eyeballs all emit strange colors.

The ancient man on the right flapped the membranous wings on his back, and constantly smashed the gravel rushing from all sides with his tentacles.

Zhu Jue is in the center, eyes closed, isolated from outside interference, facing the black and purple chaos, and the purple crystal in the palm is shining brightly!

(End of this chapter)

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