indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 649 Deterioration

Chapter 649 Deterioration
Today is bound to be a busy day.

The security department held a press conference at noon, and in the afternoon, the front gate of the epidemic prevention station suddenly became lively again.

Three airships from the security department landed, and a dozen heavily armed soldiers put martial law in the surrounding area. Even pedestrians passing by on the street were quarantined and forced to divert them.

Those who didn't know it thought that there was a spiritual pollution source monster inside the epidemic prevention station, and it should be eliminated immediately.

Such a big movement was naturally notified to Newcastle, the new director of the current epidemic prevention institute, at the first time.

As for the former director, Ge Lang, he was dismissed by the government because of "discomfort".

"what happened?"

After receiving the news, Newcastle returned from the laboratory, drove to the door and saw a group of soldiers waiting in full battle. He also thought that there was an accident inside the epidemic prevention station, and hurriedly asked his secretary.

Noticing the eyes of the staff of the epidemic prevention station, the captain in charge of this operation found Newcastle at the same time as he got off the car. He walked forward quickly and signaled the latter to go to the street to talk with his eyes.

"Mr. Newcastle, there was an accident in the No. 7 community. Some soldiers who participated in the arrest operation last night had mental problems. The hue value suddenly rose from the normal clear to turbid. We want to know the reason."

"This is the epidemic prevention station. You should go to the Archaeological Association for what you said. Haven't we already started cooperation with them?"

After listening to the soldier's report, Newcastle responded with some surprise, the epidemic prevention center is not a sanatorium, and the improvement of the hue value of the soldiers in the security department has nothing to do with them.

"No, this time the situation is different. Soldiers with abnormal hue values ​​have the same symptoms as infected people. They not only have hallucinations, but also claim to see another world. The problem is that they have no contact with any infected people at all, they just get close C6 is just a commercial street, and there is also no possibility of gas infection, because the other soldiers present at that time did not have any problems."

Briefly describing what happened not long ago, the captain turned sideways and pointed to the empty boat docked at the entrance of the epidemic prevention station, and continued in a low voice,

"Minister Bulwer gave me the order to send all the patients to you. As you said, the Archaeological Association will send a group of people to assist in the near future. On the one hand, I hope to find the reason for the abnormal hue value of the soldiers. On the other hand, if things are difficult to turn around, these people can be treated as infected bodies and support the laboratory's vaccine research and development work."

"These people are all elites trained by the Security Department, and they are legal citizens of Qianfan City. Don't you feel afraid of doing this?"

Newcastle understood what the captain meant, but understanding did not mean that he could accept it. He subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he stopped abruptly before he could finish speaking.

Is there still room for bargaining in Qianfan City today?

"For the sake of Thousand Sails City, we can accept appropriate sacrifices, these are the words of the Minister!"

He didn't explain too much, since it was the order of the chief of the security department, he didn't have any reason to disobey it, and it would be a waste of time to argue here.

"I see, these people will be taken over by us, can you help send them to the laboratory of the epidemic prevention station?"

There is not much entanglement, no matter what, if you want to cure these people or use them for other purposes, you still have to go to the laboratory first,

"I need to ask for instructions. The situation in community No. 7 is not optimistic."

In the past, Newcastle's request would definitely be met, but right now the staff of the Security Department is really tight.

"The problem in the commercial street is serious?"

Noticing the embarrassed look on the soldier's face, Newcastle frowned, not because he was dissatisfied with the soldier's answer, but from the other party's reaction, Newcastle realized that the situation might be far more complicated than he thought

This is indeed the case.

When Virginia brought people to the scene, the blockade originally planned had already extended to the surrounding two blocks from the center of the commercial street.

The street lights have been turned on, and the streets in the snow seem to be normal at first glance. The neon lights projected by the light signs of the shops on both sides are entangled with the orange light of the street lights. It is the same as usual, nothing more than empty , so that the rustling sound when the evening wind blows is real.

It's just that at this time, including Virginia, people from the Thousand Sails City Government and the Archaeological Association all looked at that area with deep fear.

"Inspecting the situation at the scene, I need to know the general scope of mental pollution, pay attention to safety, and no one is allowed to directly enter the blockade area. Someone in the security department has already been fully prepared to be affected."

Standing next to the empty boat, Virginia told the investigators of the association that she did not want any more casualties until the support troops from the headquarters arrived.

"Ma'am, there is a communication request from the Minister of Security."


He glanced at the location of the support troops of the security department, but he couldn't help but sneered when he didn't see Bulwer.

"Sheriff Bulwer seems to be very busy. You can't be seen even after such a big incident happened in the No. 7 community."

With a lukewarm sting, Virginia was not too surprised that the minister huddled in the security department and did not move.

"I have to explain the situation to the high-level council. I can't go to the scene to command for the time being. I have ordered them to obey your dispatch. If someone disobeys the order, you can dispose of it freely!"

Bulwer, who was in the office at this time, spoke extremely earnestly, as if leaving everything to Virginia to deal with.

A few minutes ago, he had just watched the real-time video sent back when the troops originally sent to C6 Commercial Street were attacked. In fact, it couldn't be called an attack at all, because from the beginning to the end, it was just soldiers killing each other!

If I had appeared there at that time, would the guns in the soldiers' hands be aimed at me?
With this in mind, Bulwer quickly found a street intersection for himself.

Professional matters are left to experts. Instead of watching by yourself, it is better to simply let the branch president of the Archaeological Association take care of the overall situation. This is called employing people without suspicion.

Anyway, the nature of the Archaeological Association determines that even if Virginia does a good job, she will never compete with him for power!

"I understand what you mean. There are still a lot of things to deal with here. If there is anything else, I will contact you."

Virginia didn't care what Bulwer was thinking now, she hung up the communication and walked directly to the team of the security department.

First, she told these soldiers straightforwardly that anyone who enters the blockade without permission will be classified as an accomplice of the Ouroboros organization without her own order. The blockade status of the two intersections in the No. 37 community and the No. 23 community will be adjusted, and the entire area will be expanded without exception and the people will be evacuated.

Compared to the city of Thousand Sails government, which has many concerns, Virginia conducts its affairs entirely from the two aspects of people's safety and how to solve the current predicament, so it has no scruples about the government's face.

After completing a series of arrangements, Virginia turned her attention back to the area in front of her. The investigators of the association had already completed the preliminary tests and began to return.

It's just that the conclusion they gave was something Virginia never thought of.

"We have tried the detection props used in various environments in the association and even the soul stone you hold, and the result is that everything in this area is normal, and there is no spiritual pollution president at all. We suspect that the Ouroboros organization passed Some kind of method is affecting the mental state of the soldiers just now, not the problems in the commercial street."

Holding the test stick that records the test data, the investigators have compared it back and forth several times, but they have not been able to find any abnormalities.

"I agree with this view. The hue value pollution at the crossroads in the No. 23 and No. 37 communities is limited to a radius of 10 meters, and the location where the police team had an accident just now is nearly 10 meters away from the bone tree, and it only passed one night , The scope of pollution has expanded nearly [-] times, this phenomenon is obviously abnormal.”

The investigators on the other side also agreed with the above statement. As soon as there was a problem in community 7, the Archaeological Association began to pay attention to the situation in community 23 and community 27. Only community 7 had an accident. One has to doubt its particularity.

Is it really because of the attack by the Ouroboros organization?

(End of this chapter)

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