indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 65: A Word to Wake the Dreamer

Chapter 65 A word to wake up the dreamer
In the studio, Zhu Jue wore headphones, closed his eyes and lay on the sofa to relax his mind.

"Zhu Jue, what happened to you just now, I think you seem to be shaking all over, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Wu Tong thought that Zhu Jue was influenced by those monsters, which is absolutely possible. After all, normal people without any protection device to fight those monsters, their mental will will easily collapse, there is no doubt about it.

"It's nothing, it's just a nightmare, don't worry too much about it, I'll just rest for a while, this has happened to me before, just treat it as a sequelae after encountering a monster, ordinary people will have nightmares after watching horror movies, right? Well, this is a temporary phenomenon for me, and it will return to normal after a while."

Raising his hand to stop Wu Tong who wanted to continue talking, Zhu Jue was not in the mood to talk to him about his situation now.

In fact, even he himself didn't know what the dream just meant, the sudden appearance of the ice and snow world, the sudden appearance of the penguin, the sudden appearance of the monster!

In the past, the mental confusion after a complete mutation would always make him appear in a dark place, and he would see strange changes in his consciousness when he saw the fur monster or the surrounding environment. Zhu Jue had encountered these before, but this Once was unprecedented.

Why did this kind of dream appear, why did I see such a scene? Some people say that dreams are the extension and fantasy of personal thoughts. What does the stereotyped monster represent?
Caressing the wind chime with the palm of his hand, he frowned in thought.

Zhu Jue couldn't figure it out, or in other words, this kind of dream couldn't be figured out with common sense, so he could only accept it passively.

Fortunately, this feeling of panic did not last long. About half an hour later, his spirit returned to normal, and his body was full of strength again, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

After experiencing some strange phenomena after a complete mutation and staying awake until now, Zhu Jue's mental toughness is beyond doubt. The previous panic was just an unconscious reaction of the body. Now that his subjective consciousness has recovered, this state will naturally dissipate.

"Is it better?"

Wu Tong heard Zhu Jue's exhalation sound as if he was completely relaxed, and turned to ask.

"Well, it's okay, I was just frightened by a nightmare just now."

He casually responded, picked up the soda on the table, drank half of the bottle, and hiccuped with his head raised to dispel the uneasiness in his heart.

"I know a very professional psychiatrist, do you want to try it? Although it's some distance away, in the central city of Yecheng, don't you have Shaxie, who will be there soon, and I will contact her in advance. Make an appointment for you."

"No need, my mental state is healthy enough, otherwise how can I resist those horrible scenes?"

Zhu Jue never felt that he had a psychological problem, at least under normal circumstances, there should be no problem.

He even dared to say that there are not many people in this world with a stronger will than himself.

"I didn't let you go because I think you have mental problems, but I want you to relieve stress through psychological counseling. I have been there a few times before when I felt uncomfortable, and the effect is very good every time. If you feel uncomfortable If you have any boredom or some special thoughts, such as your nightmare, you can tell her what you dreamed, and she will help you analyze your dream, and then find out what makes you uneasy, and then explain it to you. Trust me, it will work."

Wu Tong seems to admire this psychiatrist very much, and wants Zhu Jue to try it too.

"It can also interpret dreams. Then you can contact me and make an appointment, preferably in the next few days."

After all, Zhu Jue still cared a little about the dream just now. The previous rejection was just that he didn't want to share what happened to him with others.

"She should not be busy recently, and there are not many people making appointments, because the fee is a bit expensive, but don't worry, I have friendship with her, so it's okay to get a discount, or you wait, I'll help you ask now, psychological It is best to consult at the first time, after two days, what if you forget the content of the nightmare?"

The content of dreams is not easy to remember. Many people may still have some memories when they wake up after sleeping, and they will disappear after a long time.

"Well, then I'll stay for a while, since I don't have anything to do anyway."

Zhu Jue, who was going to go home to eat barbecue, sat back again, opened the mall on the order watch and browsed the interface to pass the time.

Because the authority has not been upgraded, the weapons and equipment will not be updated. Zhu Jue's attention is on the technique interface. During this period of fighting and practice, his three-stage slash has reached a certain level of proficiency. Time to learn something new.

Just looking up and down, Zhu Jue found that the items in this interface have shrunk tremendously. The interface that originally had 5.6 pages is now only one page, and there are few basic fighting skills and methods on it. , some of the tricks I've seen before have disappeared.

Zhu Jue specially pulled the screen to the bottom to confirm that there were indeed only these things left on the technique interface.

Click on Wang Dong in the order watch, and send a sentence to inquire about the situation, and the latter quickly sends a request for a call.

"The interface you mentioned will be canceled soon, don't you know?"

Wang Dong's voice came from the earphone.

"Why cancel it?"

Flicking the interface, he asked in surprise.

"Of course it's because it has lost its meaning. The techniques shown above are no longer suitable for the fighting rhythm of this era. For example, the joint skills that are emphasized in almost all close combat techniques. Now most people are equipped with mechanical prosthetics. Their arms or thighs are no different from screwing iron, not to mention that as long as 10,000+ federal coins, they can transform the mechanical prosthetics into weapon devices, or buy some special ability injections from the black market."

Wang Dong's words made Zhu Jue speechless.

"Of course, if you really want to practice these fighting skills, you can spend some money to find a private teacher. One-on-one teaching is more efficient than practicing by looking at materials. You can find high-ranking people for tens of thousands of federal currency tuition fees teach you."

After waiting for a while, no one answered, Wang Dong said again.

"That's not true. I use a long knife. You've seen it before, so what I'm looking for is knife skills."

"Swordsmanship? That's even easier. It takes a few months at least to master this type of skill by groping and training yourself. Why do you spend so much effort on it? It's clearly a thankless thing. Cold weapon making The enemy relies on nothing more than speed and strength. You can install an electronic eye and a mechanical prosthesis that can capture high-speed motion, and then replace it with a stronger long knife. By then, the knife can smash bullets, not to mention those knife skills. Those saber masters are scumbags in front of you!"

Wang Dong was surprised by Zhu Jue's idea. He couldn't understand why some people still want to practice sword skills, and immediately gave a better strengthening method.

"That's how it was played."

Zhu Jue was taken aback, and immediately said to himself.

A word to awaken the dreamer.

(End of this chapter)

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