indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 651 Hope?

Chapter 651 Hope?

Just when the commercial street in District C6 and its surrounding blocks were double-blocked by the Ministry of Security and the Archaeological Association.

Two figures appeared majestically at the intersection in the commercial street.

Of course, this is in the illusion of Gadmon.

The dark figure shrouded in a wide gray robe with prominent dark yellow lines on the corners passed through the chaos in the illusion. The robe that should have been dragged on the ground was actually suspended on the street, swinging wantonly with the night wind.

Nohara, who was following behind the gray robe, bowed his body wholeheartedly, looking at the bone tree in front of him in amazement, which was more than twice the size of the other bone trees in the illusion.

"The energy in the bone tree grows explosively, what did you do?"

The voice coming from under the gray robe was slightly muddy, with a slightly repetitive tone, without the slightest emotion.

"No, how dare I go against your will. This seems to be the result of the mobilization of energy by Mi Ge. Since last night, the energy in God's country has shown signs of chaos, and it generally shows an increasing trend. It's just that the number 7 The increase in the community was too sudden."

It stands to reason that the energy of the Bone Tree has soared, and the expansion of the scope of mental pollution is a good thing for the Ouroboros organization, but when Nohara Yixin mentioned this, his face did not show much joy, and even a little panic. Gritting his teeth again, he said,
"In fact, we have lost contact with Mi Go since last night, and Dennis has not sent a successful message so far."

In such a short period of time, there were accidents in the Kingdom of God one after another, which Nohara Isshin never expected.

The timing is wrong!

According to their plan, the expansion of the polluted area should have been a gradual process, because there are bone trees they cultivated in various communities in the lower city of Qianfan City, but it is difficult to affect the reality due to insufficient energy, and what they have to do now is to subtly Influence a large number of ordinary people to achieve the goal.

Now, due to the sudden outbreak of bone trees in the No. 7 community, not only did not achieve their expected effect, but exposed their purpose in advance, causing the Ministry of Security and the Archaeological Association to be highly vigilant. It is foreseeable that if bone trees appear again in other communities , they may also be prepared.

"You lost contact with Mi Go?"

Accompanied by questions with a questioning tone, huge pressure suddenly came, and the confrontation at the soul level was undoubtedly the most direct. The huge gap between the two sides made Nohara Yixin groan and collapse on the ground, unable to give up the slightest thought of resistance.

So far, Mi God has only exchanged information with the Ouroboros organization through that special communication device. Besides, including the "Zero" organization, they don't know how to communicate with Mi God at all.

It's no wonder that the gray-robed man was so angry when he suddenly lost contact at this critical period.

"My lord, we are still able to enter and leave the Kingdom of God freely. I have tested and mobilized the energy in the depths of the Kingdom of God not long ago, and it is still feasible. Compared with the past, it is much easier. You need to focus on the great existence, so you cut off contact with us, and the energy growth in all parts of the Kingdom of God is the best proof!"

The shadow of death was like a thorn on his back, forcing Nohara to find an excuse to keep himself alive.

This time, he was lucky to succeed.

The gray-robed man withdrew the terrifying Wia, allowing Nohara Yixin to stand up again, and the blurred face under the hood lifted slightly: "Oh, it turns out that even Mi Go couldn't fully control it, and there were signs of loss of control in order to activate it. This means that Mi Go’s strength is not as strong as we thought, and I’m afraid it’s not just for keeping secrets.”

"The great existence is a god beyond time and space, how can it be subject to those monsters."

Somehow, Nohara Yixin could hear a bit of expectation and joy from what the gray-robed man said, as if he was quite satisfied to know that Mi Go could not control the great existence, and then said,

"When the Kingdom of God comes this time, the great existence will be able to get rid of all shackles, and then you will definitely be able to get its gift."


The gray-robed man turned sideways suddenly, and inexplicably repeated the words of Nohara Issei's words. Although he didn't say much, people could hear the dissatisfaction hidden in it.

After the great being came, it gave these believers the power to surpass death. Isn't this a gift?
The bowed Nohara couldn't understand why the gray-robed man cared so much about this statement.

"Great existence. If the guy who can be driven by Mi Ge in this way can do it for us. Unfortunately, your abilities are limited to this, and Mi Ge can only communicate with you."

The figure of the gray-robed man gradually faded away in the illusion, leaving only the intermittent and gloomy words blown into Nohara Isshin's ears with the cold wind,

"Since the bone tree has been completely exposed, let's do it freely and speed up the progress. It will take at least a week for the team sent by the Archaeological Association headquarters to get away from the original business and rush to Qianfan City, and we will stop it halfway. All you have to do is to complete the plan before then, put pressure on the high-level council, promote the research and development of the vaccine, and make the coming of the Kingdom of God irreversible before the support of the Archaeological Association arrives!"

"As you order, Lord Ansegus."

Responding to that, Nohara focused on trying to figure out what the big man meant.

The second half of the sentence is easy to understand, but the first half of the sentence is clearly describing another special plan, but it is difficult for him to understand, let alone participate.

If the plan goes well this time, after the Kingdom of God comes, can the nomination certificate handed in allow me to go a step further and have the opportunity to participate in higher-level affairs?
I have witnessed the supreme power of standing on the clouds overlooking the ants in the world.

Nohara Yixin had already made it his lifelong goal.

Witnessing the existence of another world with his own eyes, and realizing that a huge crisis was approaching, Virginia didn't even have time to slow down, and rushed to the laboratory under the epidemic prevention station without stopping, wanting to ask about the situation of those soldiers.

However, when she appeared at the door, cheers came from her ears.

Before she could react, Newcastle, who noticed Virginia, rushed over with the person in charge of the laboratory, shouting while running; "Good news, we succeeded!"

"What worked?"

Looking at the cheering crowd in the laboratory, Virginia asked inexplicably.

"The vaccine we developed is successful!"

Even the prudent Newcastle was inexplicably excited at this time.

The current crisis facing Qianfan City is too heavy for those in the know, and now they have finally made a major breakthrough, like a ray of sunshine piercing the dark clouds, making them understand that they still have a chance to fight back, not just sit and wait to die!
 There are some things today, only one update, less, will continue to double update tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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