indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 660 The Lie of Memory

Chapter 660 The Lie of Memory
The appearance of Yan Luowang undoubtedly injected a boost to the social order in Qianfan City that was already on the verge of collapse.

With a series of emergency announcements jointly issued by the Ministry of Security and the Epidemic Prevention Institute, the mood of the people was barely stabilized.

Of course, the decisive factor in this is the god statue that only appeared for a few minutes in the central space.

Since there are gods to bless you, what is there to worry about?

This is the true thought of most of the people, but it is only limited to them. The senior management of Qianfan City will never accept this ending.

It's not that they are dissatisfied with the current situation, but that they cannot turn a blind eye to the existence of gods. If such a terrifying existence is real, if it happens a few more times in the future, this city must not immediately become a religious city like the holy city ?

Similarly, Virginia and Newcastle also realized something was wrong after regaining consciousness, and the former immediately chose to contact Weird Studio, hoping to get a reply.

"That's right, the appearance of King Yama is indeed our plan."

At this point in the matter, Suzi didn't intend to continue to cover up, besides, there is something they need to help here, so I can't just make up a reason to deceive them.
"The boss just stopped their plan temporarily, just like what was described in the video commissioned by you before, the real key to all this is still in another world, and now the boss is working with Zero and Ouroboros in it Zhou Xuan. The situation is not optimistic, so you have to keep the government on high alert, if our plan fails, there will probably be chaos in Thousand Sails City."

This is also what Zhu Jue ordered before entering the deep world. He cannot guarantee that his plan will be perfectly successful, and the consistent style of the Qianfan City government is really unbelievable. All he can do is inform a few people who can speak up. .

"Until the incident is completely settled, we will continue to maintain the current state of high alert. In addition, the team sent by the headquarters of the Archaeological Association will arrive in the early hours of tomorrow. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Knowing that the matter is not over yet, but that the game location has temporarily left the City of Thousand Sails, Virginia frowned again.

It has been nearly 12 hours since the official release of the potion, and the support team of the Archaeological Association rushed here as quickly as possible when they learned that Thousand Sails City was in crisis. Virginia hopes to help the weird work in the most direct way room, increasing the likelihood of winning.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, she has seen the horror scene when the crisis broke out, and she can vaguely realize that if the plan of the weird studio fails, it may not be easy for the team at the headquarters of the Archaeological Association to turn the tide.

"Sorry, it's not up to me to decide."

The strength of the team at the headquarters of the Archaeological Association cannot be determined, but one thing is certain is that even if they come here, they can only watch without a spiritual converter.

In the final analysis, how the situation will develop next depends on whether the man in front of her can complete the plan.

"The original plan failed, and the backup plan was started."

Just as Suzi was thinking, Ivanka's voice sounded directly in her mind, and when she turned her head, she saw that the latter woke up again at some point.

"How is Zhujue doing?"

Gu Yinxin on the side obviously received the same message, and leaned over to ask.

Ivanka, that is, the great race, did not explain the situation to them. It was only responsible for conveying this sentence. After speaking, it closed its eyes and returned to the deep world.

"Backup plan. Ginkgo, you watch him here."

Suzi, who was already prepared, got up and left the living room, and when she returned about 2 minutes later, she had a Mikazuki dagger and an exquisite wooden box in her hand.

This is what Zhu Jue entrusted to her before leaving to use when the backup plan starts.

With a crisp ringing sound, the Mikazuki sword was unsheathed, and the cold blade reflected a cold luster under the light in the living room.

There was a flash of light outside the window, followed by a muffled thunder, and the wind and rain were sudden.

It seemed to be urging Suzi to act quickly.

Holding the handle of the knife with her left hand, holding the blade with her right hand, aiming only the tip of the knife at Zhu Jue's right arm, Suzi took a deep breath, and Gu Yinxing, who was holding a box next to her, also felt her heart tighten.

Even with the existence of the crimson moon dagger, which is close to the peak of cold weapons, Suzi still felt extremely difficult when using it to break through Zhujue's skin, and it took a lot of effort to barely break through the half-finger-long cut.

Seeing this, Gu Yinxing hurriedly opened the wooden box.

The red silk is the bottom cushion, and on it is a pill that is steaming with dense purple air. If you look closely, you will find two obvious depressions around it.

There is only one Pluto medicine left.

Also known as Nine Turns Golden Pill!

Gu Yinxing stuffed it into the freshly cut wound on Zhu Jue's arm with her own hands. Just like before, the pill turned into a stream of light and dissipated the moment it touched flesh and blood.

Zhu Jue's body remained unchanged.

The other place has already turned upside down!

Waking up from endless confusion.

Lawrence opened his eyes, but before he could sort out his thoughts, everything in his vision made him almost stop thinking.

He found that he was in the void of chaos at the moment, surrounded by disgusting and strange lights, subconsciously looked left and right, trying to find something he was familiar with, but after all, his eyes focused on the bright spar in his hand.

who am I?
where am I?
What am I going to do?
Three questions that have troubled countless people for a lifetime filled his mind at this moment.

In the next second, the answer appeared naturally.

I'm Lawrence.

I am in the kingdom of God of great beings.

I have been given the gift of a great being, which recognizes my piety and is ready to grant me supreme power, and what I have to do now is to prevent anyone from destroying this gift before it is done.

That's it!

An expression of uncontrollable ecstasy appeared on Lawrence's face, as he clutched the gemstone tightly in his hands.

Yes, he could feel the terrifying energy crazily strengthening his soul, and this state was more intoxicating than the gift of another great existence from his human identity.

Every second, he will usher in a new round of transformation, throwing away the heavy burden, and controlling the supreme power.

The only fly in the ointment is that he found that with the passage of time, some incomprehensible changes began to appear in his own consciousness, which made him feel inexplicably panicked, but he couldn't find what went wrong for a while.

When the energy received by the soul reached a certain level, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be other people in the divine kingdom, and as his thoughts turned, the picture appeared in front of his eyes.

He saw a group of people fighting a large group of monsters in the crypt, surrounded by boulders constantly passing by rapidly.

This is violent hell, and it is also the fourth level of hell. If they break through another level, they will rush into the deep world.

For no reason, this idea appeared in Lawrence's mind.

It is clear that the monster and the monolith are on the same side, sharing the energy of the great being.

Wait, these monsters are right, they seem to be the mutants cultivated by the Ouroboros organization, so they should appear here to protect the Kingdom of God.

Then those who fight with them are naturally enemies!
When Lawrence saw the gray-robed man whose strength surpassed that of other humans, a nameless anger immediately surged into his heart.

An Siggs, the real leader of Weird Studio!
It was his plans to sabotage the Ouroboros organization one after another, and now he even snatched a spiritual converter. After deciphering the method of use, he led a large group of people into the Kingdom of God, trying to prevent the great existence from coming
"No, I will never let you succeed, the great existence, I, Lawrence, will guard it!"

Lawrence in the void roared wildly, his agitated emotions eroding his sanity under the blessing of some kind of power.

Killing Ansigus and everyone who followed him into the deep world became Lawrence's target at some point. For this reason, he embraced this gift with all his heart, making the flame soul representing his own existence merge with this chaos.

In order to protect the great existence.

He is willing to give his all!
 Let’s just watch it today, I’ll go out with my friends for dinner tonight

(End of this chapter)

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