Chapter 663
Nine-turn golden pill!

Zhu Jue was thankful that he didn't ignore Olivia's distress when he was in Dawn City. The reward for entering there and saving so many people was unbelievably rich, and even changed his fate to some extent.

The first one helped him to travel through time and space with the help of the ancients, and was able to break through the shackles of the body, and then mastered the ability of Gadamon, so that he not only saved his life when he was cursed by Father Gain, but also discovered the Kingdom of God by following the clues.

The second one is used in the test to verify that Zhu Jue's idea is indeed possible to succeed.

The third one really helped Zhu Jue to turn the impossible into the possible.

According to the plan of the ancient, Zhu Jue must ensure that he will not be completely eroded by Gadamon and return to reality from the deep world on the premise that the crystal of the ancient is fully charged. Only by doing so can he destroy the spar. Otherwise, it will only lead to Gadamon's crazy counterattack in the deep world.

However, it turns out that it is impossible to complete this step.

With Zhu Jue's soul state at that time, he could not resist Gadmon at all, let alone break through the barriers of the deep world under pressure.

Fortunately, Zhu Jue was well prepared for this.

There are two key points in the backup plan, one is the powerful soul, and the other is the nine-turn golden elixir.

On the premise that the crystal of the ancient is fully charged and Zhu Jue cannot escape, he will swallow the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, relying on its ability to travel through time and space without any restrictions on the soul in a short period of time to escape The deep world, to avoid the complete collapse of one's own soul due to the erosion of Gadamon.

However, the premise of doing this is to ensure that the ancient crystal will not be swallowed by Gadmon after he leaves, which requires a powerful soul to take his place for fusion and master the ancient crystal to support him until he returns.

Originally, Zhu Jue wanted to use the priest's soul captured on Temple Street, but the appearance of Lawrence made him find a better choice.

The key conditions are met, and the next plan will undoubtedly be implemented with twice the result with half the effort.

Zhu Jue first used the power of Gadamon to manifest his holiness in Qianfan City, coupled with the promotion of the short video filmed in advance, let the Ouroboros organization and Zero organization know that there was a problem with Gadamon, and then created five layers of hell, constantly consuming The strength of Gadamon and these two cult organizations.

Finally, let Lawrence, whose memory had been tampered with in advance by the great race, bring the crystal of the ancients to a decisive battle with Ansigus, forcing him to use the strongest means to seize the crystal.

I have to admit that Anxigus's ability was unexpected. Under the premise of breaking out with all his strength, even Gadamon was forced to suppress it. This created an excellent opportunity for Zhu Jue, successfully captured the ancient crystal and Get out of the deep world.

There is only one battle that is destined to break out!
In the middle of the night, it was still raining heavily in Qianfan City.

The downpour of rain failed to dispel the fear that permeates the city.

The cold night is not over yet.

In the central space, Zhu Jue stood on the outer edge of a building, looking up at the blurry sky, without much joy on his face.

The neon lights reflected by the various building lights around him passed through his soul, which still showed strange colors.

Yes, Zhu Jue did not choose to return to his body in the private clinic.

On the one hand, it is because Zhu Jue's current soul state is extremely special. If he goes back now, it will most likely directly affect his body. If he fails to keep it in order, he will become a rational monster of spiritual pollution, so he chooses to wait until the spar is completely destroyed Finally, make sure Gadamon doesn't have any influence on him before returning.

On the other hand, for the sake of the next battle, Anxigus obviously will not let it go, and if the battle between himself and him is directly fought in Qianfan City in the real world, it will be no less than a major disaster, so it is better to continue to maintain the current situation. State, forcing Ansigus to fight against himself in the state of soul.

Zhu Jue cannot guarantee that the aftermath of the energy will not spread to the real world, but at least the people of Thousand Sails City will not experience large-scale spiritual pollution due to the terrifying existence summoned by Anxigus during the battle.

Zhu Jue had experienced that kind of power once in the deep world before, if it erupted in Qianfan City, besides him, I don't know how many people would fall into the hallucination of madness!

"The ancient!"

With a low shout, the ancients who also escaped from the deep world immediately appeared beside them, and at the same time there were also great races. Zhu Jue handed over the crystal,
"Give the crystal to you, help me destroy it."

He does not know how to destroy the crystal, only by the ancients who made it.

However, just as the ancient man reached out to take the crystal, he was stopped by the great race before he touched the crystal. Zhu Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the latter with some doubts.

The great race that appeared here as its body swung its claws, pushed away the ancients, and stared at Zhu Jue with three huge black eyeballs on the tentacles above its head.

The ancients did not resist, but retreated obediently. It is not known whether it is because the soul alone is difficult to fight against the great race or for other reasons.

"The human beings just now have terrifying abilities. You should keep this crystal yourself."

The voice of the great race rang directly in Zhu Jue's mind. After a brief silence, he continued,

"The core energy of Gadamon is stored in the crystal, you should understand what I mean."

"You think I can't beat Ansegus?"

Zhu Jue raised his eyebrows and asked back. You must know that the strength of his soul is far stronger than before because he has been in the body of Gadamon in the deep world for a week.

Even under such circumstances, the great race actually wanted him to keep the spar.

With his current state of soul that is extremely inflated due to the erosion of Gadamon's power but also tends to collapse.

If you use this ancient crystal forcibly.
A violent wind suddenly blew in the central air layer, and with the arrival of a terrifying figure, the rain curtain in the central air layer suddenly dispersed.

Just as Zhu Jue thought, the opponent's ability can already affect the real world in the state of soul!

Aware of the space change not far away, Zhu Jue squinted his eyes. The momentum was not small. He turned his head and wanted to say a few more words to the great race and the ancients, but found that they had disappeared in place, so he had to put the crystals of the ancients again. placed in the body.

They never promised to help Jujue fight Ansigus.

Wearing a gray robe full of complicated dark yellow patterns, in the shadows inside the hood, a pair of gray-white eyes are staring at somewhere ahead.

When the other party stole the crystal that belonged to him, he realized that his actions this time were probably making a wedding dress for the other party.


No, those are emotions that don't make any sense.

Ansigus left the deep world peacefully, he wants to get back the crystal, at all costs!
"I've come to take your life, hand over the crystal, and I can allow you to die without pain!"

The strong wind surrounded Anxigus, and his words passed through the noisy wind and rain, and reached Zhu Jue's ears.

"Ha! Do you think you are sitting in a row in the kindergarten, and you are divided into fruit and fruit? It is still unknown who will kill whom!"

A black and purple mist rose around his body, Zhu Jue stopped talking nonsense, stepped forward, and disappeared in place.

Both are ready to use practical actions to explain everything.

So in the next second.

In the central empty layer, waves of dark cyan and black purple surged!

The manic air wave forced the heavy rain that fell all over the sky to retreat to the sky, not daring to touch the manic battlefield.

The buildings at close range seemed to be attacked by natural disasters, and they were crushed into large pieces of powder in the blink of an eye, and scattered farther away!

 There is only one chapter today, I have to think about the war
(End of this chapter)

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