indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 76 The Unable to Continue the Fight

Chapter 76 The Unable to Continue the Fight

International gestures.

Zhu Jue's meaning couldn't be more clear.

"Looking for death! Bring the airship closer!"

Killing his subordinates in front of his own face, he naturally couldn't pretend that he didn't see anything like this kind of provocation.

"But Mawala's side"

"Can't you understand me?"

Mawala can be arrested at any time, but the lifeless guy in the building, he wants to let the other party know that there are some existences that low-level people like them can't offend.

Zhu Jue on the other side saw the airship that was about to leave turn around again, took a few steps back, spread his hands by his side, and looked at the approaching airship.

As if to say that he would never do anything while they were down.

The thrusters below the airship ejected blue flames and hovered outside the building, and the mechanical metal plate protruded from the edge of the cabin to catch the floor of the building.

A man in a black trench coat walked into the building on metal pedals.

"The Matrix? Savior? Cosplay? Unfortunately, no one is handsome."

Zhu Jue looked at the person in front of him who looked like someone in a movie he had seen, and curled his lips.

Put the Qingyi pistol back into the weapon case, in order to prevent them from leaving, the long knife has already been thrown out, but it doesn't matter, just pull it out when the time comes.

"Hmph, is this a way to fight for a favorable condition for you? You're thinking too much. I didn't plan to use any weapons at first. After all, with the blood of an inferior person like you, the money I took back for maintenance might be worthless." It's more expensive than your whole body."

In his opinion, this person just wanted to put on an appearance that he didn't have any weapons, intending to make himself give up the advantage of equipment.

"The knife is in your subordinate's mind, and the gun is retracted when the bullet is finished. In addition, I think I can blow your head off with this pair of fists, no matter what you use, you have any last words? say?"


"When I twist off your head and stuff it into your ass, you will know whether I am arrogant or not."

With fists in both hands, he walked towards the man in black, and his pace kept accelerating.

The electronic eyes scan the whole body of the person in front of him through the sunglasses. There are no mechanical prosthetics, no hidden weapons, and the body is only in a normal state, not even using the ability injection.

Is it because the shock of the sound waves just now made my brain go crazy?

It turned out that he was a person with a problem in his mind, and it would be demeaning to be angry with such a person.

"Since you want to die, I will satisfy you. The first stage, open."

Put the thumb on the back of the index finger, press it down to [-] degrees with the palm, the joints click, and there is a faint red light in the long sleeve.

One-fifth of the pupils of the original azure blue electronic eyes were dyed orange-red.

After calculating the opponent's forward path, he threw out a punch, impartially, just touching the face of the opponent's fist.

In his opinion, this punch is enough to break all the opponent's phalanges, with a disdainful smile on his face, this feeling of bullying the weak really does not arouse any interest.

"court death!"

Because these guys disrupted his plan, Zhu Jue shot with anger at this time, the muscles in his right arm swelled, even if it was just an ordinary punch, there was still a harsh buzzing sound when the air was squeezed from the face of the fist.

Fist to fist, the moment they collided, the man in black suddenly widened his eyes.

Before he could react in the future, he rose into the air, and was thrown back into the airship according to the way he came!
The airship, which was not much different from an ordinary minivan, was directly shaken from side to side by the impact of the man in black, and it managed to stabilize itself.

Zhu Juecai would not give the opponent a chance to react. He kept walking and followed the trajectory of the opponent being knocked into the airship. The person who was still handling the corpse of his teammate in the hull before looked blankly at the battlefield in front of him. Before he had time to grab the firearm beside him, he was punched directly in the face.

The head smashed back on the bulkhead of the airship, making a loud noise.

"What's wrong, what happened? I'm going to lower the height!"

The pilot of the airship in front only felt that the entire hull of the airship was shaking. He didn't want to perform an aerobatic flight at this altitude, and it was on the premise that the right hatch was still fully open.

He didn't have the methods of the old brother who flew out from the twentieth floor just now.

"Your fist is so hard, it didn't break your arm just now."

Zhu Jue shot with anger, naturally he would not stay strong, fist to fist, even though the opponent's body was directly smashed by his own strength, Zhu Jue still felt the hardness of the opponent's body, if nothing else, it should be a mechanical prosthesis, but Compared with the ones I met before, the person in front of me is obviously several grades higher.

Before he finished speaking, he raised his hand and threw his fist down again. It is a good habit to kill everyone.

"The third stage, open!"

The clothes on the right arm of the black-clothed man who was blown away by a punch have been completely torn by the previous blow. The whole arm still looks like a normal human arm, but there are a lot of strange tattoos carved on its inside, represented by a black ring. , the arrow-shaped pattern is the core, and there are five black arrows in total, which look like the signs hanging on the side of some elevator passages.

The thumb of his left hand snapped off his ring finger, and with his growl, three arrows lit up one after another, and where the black rings were located, one could see a streamer that seemed to be spinning continuously.

Fisting again, the entire hull sank in the shock, scaring the person in the cockpit to speed up and land the airship on the ground.

Evenly matched!

"Who exactly are you?"

The result of the scan showed that the opponent's power still came from pure flesh, and he was sure that his electronic brain would not deceive him.

Why can he rely on a pure human body to erupt with strength comparable to his own three stages?

"The person who killed you."

Zhu Jue is not interested in discussing who is who with the other party here. To him, what this guy has just done means that he has become an enemy.

Since he is an enemy, he deserves to die!

"Just you?"

The thumb extended to the little finger, and it was the first time in several years that someone was knocked into the air in this posture. Of course, there were factors in which he underestimated the enemy, but it still made him extremely angry.


Zhu Jue knew that since this person was able to capture Mawala in an airship, his identity and strength were not simple, so when he sensed the opponent's movements, he also began to mobilize the power in his body, preparing to carry out a complete mutation and forcibly kill him. Kill the opponent in the airship.

The siren sounded at this time.

"People in the airship, you are surrounded, come out immediately with your hands on your head!"

The so-called law that the police must arrive 15 minutes after the incident seems to be invalid this time.

Zhu Jue, who was about to undergo a complete mutation, jumped back. The siren outside told him that there were at least a dozen or 20 people around him, and once his complete mutation status was exposed, it would probably become a very high priority for the government immediately. The most wanted object, this is not the result he wanted.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhu Jue got out of the airship, he saw more than a dozen police cars, including ordinary police cars in the outer city and floating police cars in the central city. They had a blue and white body with the government emblem painted on the hood.

There are dozens of guns aimed at his own head.

It was impossible to continue the battle.

"Hey, I'm not making trouble. I'm a government employee. This guy stopped me from capturing Mawala. Now you're pointing a gun at me, isn't it good?"

Zhu Jue specially turned his order watch towards the police team, and obviously felt that the hostility was much less. Sure enough, this level of identity is very useful in many cases.

"Why does this voice sound familiar to someone else? Come out for me!"

Qin Chengren stood in front of the line and waited for a while, but only one person came out.

Of course he saw the mark on the outside of the airship: Yuanfan Machinery Group.

call out!
There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the long knife was thrown out of the airship. Zhu Jue grabbed the handle of the knife sideways, and the tip of the knife touched the ground.

"Hey! This is not the end, I will come to you again!"

The man in black standing in the airship had already sat on the chair again at this time, his coat had been taken off, leaving only a tights with an inner lining, and he seemed to have no intention of coming out at all.

"I'm very busy. Next time we meet, remember to bring a meeting fee, 80. It seems that your status is very unusual. They seem to be waiting for you to leave?"

Looking at the frozen police team next to him, and then turning his gaze to the Yuanfan logo on the airship, Zhu Jue frowned subconsciously.

"People in the airship, come out!"

Only Qin Chengren was approaching with a gun.

"Sir, that's from Yuanfan Machinery."

The police officers who cooperated with him rushed forward to stop him, for fear that he would not know who he was speaking to just now.

"Do you think I'm blind? What about Yuanfan's people? They have no right to arrest our prisoners. This is a violation of federal law."

Qin Chengren also received an order from the Public Security Bureau to arrest Mawala during his trip. As a result, he discovered the situation as soon as he arrived at the scene, so he could only maintain the situation first. However, after waiting for a few minutes, the people in the airship They didn't mean to come out, obviously they didn't plan to talk to them.


Not paying any attention to the two corpses on the ground and the people outside, the man in black said directly to the driver in front.

The airship took off again without even saying hello, completely ignoring the surrounding police.

"Captain, do you want to report the matter here to the company after you go back, and find someone to solve the guy who dared to oppose us just now?"

"Shut up! Kindergarten kids go back to their parents when they can't beat him. What do you think I am? Do you think I can't beat him?"

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, the tone of the man in black was already filled with murderous intent.

"What happened today, if you dare to say one more word when you go back, you will be responsible for the consequences."

He wants to find this place by himself. If he has to borrow the power of the group to deal with such an inferior person, even if he wins in the end, he can only reap a new share of shame.

Although it was an accident before, he suffered a dark loss in the first fist fight. He seemed to be in good health, but in fact he was still slightly injured. This was a great shame to him.

But he would never admit that he lost. One-on-one, he was confident that he would win the battle just now, but he was only interrupted by a group of policemen.

It is not yet possible to confront the Public Security Bureau head-on, and his avoidance has already given the opponent a lot of face.

"Phew~ It was a good night, one after another, one after another. And there is such a heavy rain, it is really annoying."

Putting on the hood of the cloak hanging on the back again, Zhu Jue turned around and walked into the building, his weapon case was still on it.

When Zhu Jue came down again, the police team was processing the corpses outside, while Qin Chengren was waiting for him.

"357, I need you to cooperate with the investigation, it really is you."

Seeing Zhu Jue stop and look back, Qin Chengren knew that he had not mistaken the person.

"What's there to investigate? Everyone has run away, and I'm still injured, so I have to rush back to get bandaged."

The police pretended not to see the people from Yuanfan Machinery Group before, which immediately lowered his perception of these people several notches. The one in front of him was speaking out anyway, so he turned around and responded.

"I have professional medical staff here who can help you bandage it. It's much more convenient than going to the hospital in the rain. It's free and the medicine is high-grade. You just need to answer a few questions from me."

Qin Chengren wanted to ask Zhu Jue a lot of questions, so it was impossible for him to just leave.

"Okay, but you have to wait for me, one of my friends is still nearby. Can you talk to a more comfortable place? You can't let my injured number chat with you in the heavy rain."

Spreading his hands, Zhu Jue knew what Qin Chengren wanted to ask, and it was nothing more than Mawala and that guy just now. If these information can be exchanged for a free treatment, he felt that he still made money.

"I saw a restaurant when I came here just now, how about finding a private room there?"

"Huh? That's what you said."

It happened that I didn't have enough for dinner.
Two 10 minutes later.

"Boss, here are two more stewed chickens and two plates of cooked beef. Eat it too, don't just look at me, I'm sorry."

Zhu Jue, who was wrapped in bandages, looked at Wang Dong and Qin Chengren who were staring at him with wide eyes, and there were already some empty plates piled up beside them.

"It's the first time I've seen someone poke a hole in his stomach and eat so vigorously. Could this be the reason why you were able to beat Mawala to jump off the building to escape? In addition, the unknown creature in your arms , Three tails? I'm not drunk either."

Holding a glass of wine, Wang Dong looked back and forth between Zhu Jue and Feng Ling after listening to Zhu Jue's description.

In fact, Zhu Jueyuan was not as relaxed as he imagined. If you look carefully, you can find that he would pause for a while and blink constantly every time he ate some food.

The sequelae of the complete mutation are affecting his spirit, but he has been deliberately covering it up.

Fortunately, the previous mutation lasted less than 1 minute, which was within an acceptable range.

(End of this chapter)

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