Chapter 78
The products in the Order Watch come from three mechanical groups. When the Order Watch was first announced for sale, there were actually no restrictions. As long as you have money, you can buy directly no matter what level of equipment and props it is.

These current levels of authority are actually added later by the Public Security Bureau, in order to prevent some informants from cooperating with some underground forces without restrictions, and through this channel to buy a large amount of various new weapons at internal prices.

"If it's just an increase in authority, I should be able to help you, but you still have to show some merit. Only in this way can I apply for you, just like the incident on Fang Doushan before."

Without thinking for too long, Qin Chengren quickly replied.

As an executive officer, even a third-level executive officer, there is no problem in helping a first-level informant improve his authority.

Just have to have a reason.

"I know the exact location of a living protoform."

While talking, Zhu Jue moved his body slightly, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong with his body.


Qin Chengren, who was halfway there, stared back at Zhu Jue with his eyes wide open.

Wang Dong, who had just taken a sip of wine next to him, spit out again, barely turning around so that he didn't spit on the dishes in front of Zhu Jue.

"You heard it right, it is a protozoa that is a source of mental pollution. I discovered it by accident. I want to ask how much you can pay me if I help you catch it?"

The existence of the original body of the fish monster finally comes in handy. This is the bargaining chip that Zhu Jue has long thought of. It was just testing the bottom line of the Public Security Bureau.

From Zhu Jue's point of view, the lake in Green Tree Park is his fish pond, and the fish monster protozoa in it are naturally his fish.

Regardless of whether people like it or not, Zhu Jue will definitely sell it anyway.

Have to sell it for a good price.

"Tell me the location, and your authority will be activated tonight."

Qin Chengren didn't think that Zhu Jue would use this kind of thing to deceive him, so he immediately expressed his opinion.

Any protoform is extremely precious to the federal government.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. This is the protoform that I discovered. I couldn't solve it before, so I could only hide it. Now, although my strength is still a little weaker, that guy is just a monster after all. , and I usually don’t wander around. I didn’t have a chance before. Now I have enough funds and only need some special props. If I want to kill it, it’s not something I can do alone without a chance. Why should I Tell you its location, what I am asking is what price you can give this protoform, including the opening of permissions."

Touching his swollen belly, he tore the muscles into strips and fed them to Feng Ling, Zhu Jue crossed his legs.

Now he is the uncle.

"You don't know the importance of a protozoa. If we know its fixed location, then killing it on the spot is the second choice. We can make full preparations to capture it alive. A living protozoa and a dead protozoa The research value you have is vastly different!"

"Well, I didn't know it before, but now I know it. It turns out that living monsters are more valuable. To tell you the truth, the price in my heart has increased a bit. You have to think about what you want to bring to me. Otherwise, I may keep this news in my heart, or give it to some people who are more eager for it."

Zhu Jue didn't know that these monsters still had two prices: life and death. He used to kill all of them and dig out the flesh from the head. He was going to deal with the original body of the fish monster in the same way.

Now that he knows it, it is not a small loss for him to eat a piece of raw body meat, so naturally he has to ask for a higher reward.

"No problem, as long as you tell us the news, despite the price, the price the federal government can pay for a protozoa is definitely far beyond your imagination."

Qin Chengren didn't care about Zhu Jue's sitting on the ground and raising the price. He was just an executive officer, and he was not the one paying the salary.

"Then let me tell you about my conditions."

"First, help me solve the problem of wind chimes. It shouldn't be difficult to obtain a certificate for animal protection. In addition, I actually asked someone to help me make some minor changes to my current order watch, because I can't make surgical equipment. Electronic brain, you can help me get a new watch, if you need a formal identity registration, you can start it with a password or fingerprint, all I want is the mall function on it."

With a living protoform as a prerequisite, some special things can naturally be put on the table.

"The certificate is not difficult, but your order watch. Forget it, you can't become an investigator anyway. As an informant, just use the mall function, there is no problem."

Some things are just so interesting. At other times, Zhu Jue's behavior is illegal no matter how you look at it. Even if it is not used to do bad things, it is estimated that you will have to spend a period of time in prison, but now it has become an insignificant thing. .

It's like finding a hundred-dollar bill on the seat of the bus, and the price of getting it is only a 2-yuan ticket fee.

"Second, I want money. The reward for the dead human-faced mouse protoform was 50. This living fish monster protoform must be doubled by 34 times, right?"

That's right, this is the lion's big mouth.

Of course Zhu Jue didn't think that a message could sell 200 million.

Asking prices all over the sky, just sit on the ground and pay back the money.

"I can't give you an answer to this. I need to ask the Public Security Bureau. We will give you a reasonable quotation at that time. 200 million is definitely impossible, but around 100 million may be possible. After all, what you provided is just an information."

In fact, if it is an ordinary person, the Public Security Bureau can give out 20 as a bonus, which is already in the sky. However, Zhujue can solve the protozoa by himself. If he is not given a satisfactory price, he will steal it by himself. Let's get rid of the protozoa and sell it on the black market. Even if it is dead, someone might actually buy it for 200 million yuan!
"Third, I only contact you. You can't send people to investigate or follow me. Once I find out, I will immediately sell the news to other people. I have a problem with Yuanfan Machinery Group. There is no group, there is Luohua Pharmaceutical in Yecheng, isn't there?"

The third condition was actually temporarily added by Zhu Jue. The first impression Qin Chengren gave him was not bad. The fact that he dared to scold the people of Yuanfan Machinery Group before proved that this guy should be a man of principle. .

It is better to do business with such a person than some special negotiators sent by the Public Security Bureau, at least it can guarantee that he will not play tricks to trick himself.

There are only three conditions, and the third is not actually a condition. The first two are things that the Public Security Bureau can do.

I wish you a deep understanding of the truth,
The first two conditions are what he needs most at the moment. To settle the identity issue between himself and Fengling, get a large sum of money, and unlock the permission level, which is enough for him.

After all, as Qin Chengren said, what he provided was actually just information.

If you make an inch, it may have the opposite effect at that time.

The tone of the transaction between the two parties was thus set. Qin Chengren settled the bill before leaving, leaving Zhu Jue and Wang Dong. The latter did not stay for long. This time he called Zhu Jue, but in the end he did not participate in anything. , became a spectator.

In terms of preparation, there are still some gains, at least the money owed to Zhu Jue does not have to be repaid.

In the end, Zhu Jue was the only one who was still eating the food on the plate, watching the door of the private room being closed, and the movements in his hands stopped.

Sitting on the chair, frowning.

"What the hell is going on"

It's not that Zhu Jue doesn't want to leave, it's just that the movement of the gravel in his body makes him very concerned.

The gravel entered Zhu Jue's body through Mawala's sand snake, originally devouring his flesh and blood, but as Mawala fled, the gravel lost control and stopped directly in his body, but his body was not A glass bottle, you can hold whatever you want.

A lot of gravel embedded in the flesh?

No matter how you listen to it, it is a fatal thing!

Zhu Jue didn't tell Wang Dong or Qin Chengren about this. Originally, he wanted to go to the hospital immediately after finishing the conversation. It didn't matter how much money he spent, and he must take out the gravel again. However, as he kept throwing the food After eating it into the body, his own digestive function was completely opened, but the situation had a new change.

While Zhu Jue's stomach was digesting food, it seemed to stimulate his body and began to absorb some energy.

This state is like the change after he ate monster meat, and his body's absorption ability is different from that of ordinary people.

So Zhu Jue suddenly discovered that the gravel in his body seemed to be being digested by his flesh and blood!

Don't get me wrong, the digestion here is not his flesh and blood swallowing these gravels. This is impossible. No matter how strong his body's absorption ability is, it is impossible to digest these dead objects. Some kind of power on the gravel!
They can act in an independent manner, and there is naturally some energy or consciousness inside them.

It is unlucky to meet Zhu Jue.

At first, they were forcibly suppressed by Zhu Jue's transformed furbolg's will and powerful body, and finally completely dispelled the mutation, but those who could control them ran away first. Without the commander, they naturally couldn't move.

The consequences of not being able to move on someone else's territory are very serious.

Zhu Jue's body can devour the power of monsters and take it as his own, and this time is no exception!

I sat on the chair for another half an hour, eating something intermittently, so that my body's digestive ability could be fully activated without stopping.

At a certain moment, Zhu Jue, who was still stuffing the chicken legs into his mouth, began to tremble continuously in his upper body. He just pressed his left palm on the table, and his right hand was still in the motion of taking food.

At first, it was just a yellowish spot the size of a fingernail in the center of the back of the hand.

Immediately, with it as the core, the area began to expand continuously, until the whole hand showed an earthy yellow texture!
"Huh ha ha ha ~"

Humming softly, trying to restrain her smile, she finally couldn't hold it back. Zhu Jue raised her hand and put it in front of her eyes. She fell back, her eyes wandered among the food on the table, and finally locked on the beef plate.

Open your left hand, facing the cooked beef. After a short pause, gravel began to emerge from Zhu Jue's left palm, forming two sand threads that were much smaller than the sand snakes made by Mawala, stretching forward and winding He took the cooked beef on the plate, wobbled back, and delivered it to Zhu Jue's mouth.

The original consciousness has been erased and replaced by Zhu Jue's will.

These grits, listen to him now!

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, he left the restaurant. Just as he walked to the door, Zhu Jue stood at the door, calling Sand Scorpion through the Bluetooth headset, and looked down at his palm. The exposed earthy yellow color was gradually disappearing, and it was hidden in the flesh and blood of his palm.

I came out of it before, and now I can go back naturally.

The rain outside did not know when it had stopped and turned into snowflakes flying all over the sky.

The first snow in Yecheng finally came.

"Mawala, I am very satisfied with the gift you gave me, you have to wait for me to return it to you."

Originally, Mawala was hunted down for a bounty, but now there are more valuable things. For this goal, Zhu Jue is bound to get it.

The Sand Scorpion automatically drove to Zhu Jue from the side of the street, put on his helmet, and drove into the snow.

And somewhere in the outer city of Yecheng, someone was constantly beating the walls in the alleyway to vent their anger.

"Fuck that bastard that bastard"

"Why can he take away my treasure!"

"Why. Why!"

"The treasure that I have suffered so much, why can he take it away so easily!"

Mawala's forehead was pressed against the wall, and snowflakes were falling on his head. After a while, tears fell on his face.

He cries like a child whose love has been taken from him
It's not because his heart is fragile or sentimental, but because his ability to control his emotions is declining.

It looked rather pitiful, but the Sand Snake stretched out from its hands was still feasting on the fresh corpse that was still bleeding next to it.

"Baby, eat slowly, there is still enough, when we are full, we will go to that bastard to settle accounts and get your brothers and sisters back, okay?"

In his eyes, the Sand Snake, who devoured flesh and blood, suddenly became a family member closer than any existence, and this situation would never happen before.

Mawala, whose pupils have been distorted and loose, is gradually losing his sanity.

The sand snake that was eating suddenly raised its head and turned to the left side of the alleyway.

"Who's there, get out!"

Standing up from the wall, eyes filled with madness.

"I'm just a person like you who came out to find food for his children. Mister, you seem to have encountered something that is not going well. Do you need my help?"

A person wearing a thick robe walked out from the other side, his face hidden in the shadows covered by a wide hood.

Behind him, there are two feet standing upright, the body is leaning forward, the skin on the body is like rubber, it is not so much like a human being, but a creature closer to a dog.

Just a glance is disgusting.

 New week, please recommend tickets! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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