Chapter 81

"Hi, I'm Li Qinglian."

Pulling the suitcase and walking into the studio with a little nervousness, Li Qinglian directly bowed at ninety degrees, then looked up, and saw an empty room
On the left is a pile of computer equipment, and on the right is a long sofa and a low table, on which there are some opened snack bags and a few bottles of beverages that have not yet been opened.

There was the sound of water being pumped from the toilet.

"How did you come so quickly?"

Wu Tong came out of the toilet in a panic. He just sent her the address of the studio an hour ago. He glanced at the mess on the sofa and the low table, twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said,

"Don't get me wrong, it's not what I ate, but Bu Xing and his cat ate it. This guy is like this, eating and putting away."

He picked himself out without changing his face and heartbeat, and naturally he had to behave better in front of beautiful girls.

Little did he know that 3 minutes ago, he and Zhu Jue were watching a recent movie with Zhu Jue, leaning on the sofa and stuffing various snacks into their mouths. Just now, they just went to the toilet to empty part of their stomachs when they were full.
"Wake up, 123 was there just now?"

Li Qinglian looked around, she didn't see anyone else when she entered the door just now.

"He was still there just now, and he should have left by now. He said that the Public Security Bureau has something to do with him, and he wants to meet them in the past."

The Public Security Bureau was very anxious about the matter of the original body, for fear that Zhu Jue would suddenly repent and suspend the transaction, so Qin Chengren communicated with Zhu Jue yesterday morning to agree to the transaction, and quickly began to prepare various equipment and props.

This is not arresting ordinary prisoners, what they are facing is a real source of spiritual pollution, and its lethality is naturally needless to say.

What's more, they took the initiative to attack this time, and went to arrest the monster on the premise of knowing the location. If they couldn't stop its actions after angering the other party and caused it to make a fuss, the Public Security Bureau would bear the consequences.

After preparing for a day and a night, Qin Chengren contacted Zhu Jue again this morning, saying that they could continue their transaction.

The meeting point of the two sides is set at the east gate of Green Tree Park.

With a bag on his back and a weapon case in his hand, Zhu Jue watched the crowds hurrying by on the street, and occasionally looked up at a full-line projection in a thick down jacket farther away.

I don't know why, but he has a very strong tolerance to the cold. It stands to reason that it is the coldest time to melt snow. Wu Tong is wrapped like a rice dumpling, but he is only wearing a hoodie with fleece inside. , Lined with a long-sleeved shirt, I think it is enough.

After a while, Zhu Jue began to pinch the bark of the nearby camphor tree out of boredom, and Feng Ling followed his example to sharpen his claws.

Two black vans stopped in front of him.

Qin Chengren came down first.

"Hey, you figure out the situation, now you are begging me to lead the way, not I have to lead you, understand, let me blow the cold wind here, is it interesting?"

Crushing the bark in his hand, and stuffing the wind chime back into his backpack, Zhu Jue said with a frown.

"Sorry, it took some time to check the final equipment and change the outfit, where is the monster?"

There were still many people sitting in the two vans behind Qin Chengren. Zhu Jue took a quick glance inside through the opened door. There were about 5 people, and there were about 10 people in the two vans.

"The protected area in Green Tree Park, if you want to drive in, you probably have to communicate with the staff inside first."

"Understood, Yan Mu, you take someone to tell the person in charge of the park and ask them to evacuate the tourists immediately. There should not be many people at this time, and it is very convenient to evacuate."

As usual, there are quite a few people doing morning exercises in Green Tree Park. The snow on the road has not been cleaned up, and when I look back, I can only vaguely see a few people who are shoveling snow.

"Okay, leave it to me."

Someone came out of the car, two men and one woman, and went straight to Green Tree Park.

"How many people have you brought? That guy's fighting power is not a joke. Normal people may not even be able to stand a slap."

While they were communicating with the staff inside, Zhu Jue picked up a random topic to pass the time.

"All the elites in my group can come, a total of 12 people, in addition to five first-level investigators, two third-level executive officers, two third-level inspectors, second-level executive officers and inspectors Each officer has one."

"How are you going to deal with that guy? Don't you plan to fight it hard?"

In fact, Zhu Jue had no idea about the ranks of these inspectors or executive officers, so he just echoed and asked again.

He is more concerned about this issue.

"Are you talking about deep divers? After all, they are protozoans. There is very little information on the protozoa of deep divers within the Public Security Bureau. This one can be said to be the first case discovered in Anqing Mansion, so we got the latest under the existing conditions. Good capture gear, should work."

The Public Security Bureau has fought against these monsters many times, and has killed many deep diver mutants, but this type of protozoa is extremely rare, and it is definitely too late to formulate a countermeasure in a short time, so in the end it is Upgrade the equipment originally used to deal with deep diver mutants.

There are many similarities between the mutant and the original body, and this method is the best choice in a short time.

"Deep Diver?"

"It's the guy in the photo you sent us. According to the internal information of the Public Security Bureau, it is known as the No. 3 source of mental pollution, the deep diver."


Remember this name in your heart, and finally you don't have to call it a fish monster all day long.

"Are you the one who discovered the trace of the protozoa?"

A burly man got out of the car, approached and continued,
"I am the second-level executive officer of the Public Security Bureau, Gao Wen. Thank you very much for your willingness to provide the information to the government. If we sell it to Yuanfan or Luohua, we will have no chance to get this credit."

He didn't hide anything, and came up to pat Qin Chengren on the back. The relationship between the two was obviously very good.

"You can't talk nonsense about this outside. If others hear it, it will have a very bad influence."

Qin Chengren hurriedly reminded in a low voice that the relationship between the government, Yuanfan Machinery and Luohua Pharmaceutical is "peaceful" on the surface.

"Tch, what are you afraid of, anyway, here are all our own people."

It still makes sense that he's the Executor and not the Inspector.

"You're being stupid and don't cause trouble for our team. Isn't it chaotic enough in the Public Security Bureau because Yuanfan and Luohua are fighting for control of the judiciary?"

This time it was a tall blond woman in a black windbreaker who was speaking, leaning against the car door, holding a lady's cigarette between her slender fingers, and the white mist lingered around her cheeks.

"This is the boss of our team other than inspector Dong, the second-level inspector, Vera Poshi, the person in charge of this operation."

Qin Chengren introduced softly, the person who had just run out on the other side had returned, followed by several Green Tree Park staff.

"We have already communicated, and they decided to close the park, declaring to the public that it was to clean up the snow in the park."

The order of the Public Security Bureau is still very useful at this time.

Zhu Jue followed Qin Chengren into the car because he had to conceal his identity when he went in later.

"The route I took before had to climb over the barbed wire fence. Your car probably won't be able to get through it. Do you have a map of Green Tree Park?"

Sitting in the co-pilot, Zhu Jue looked at the people behind him while talking. Someone was manipulating some images on the virtual screen, someone was checking whether there was any problem with his mental protector, and someone was looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"Hey, you came out to do missions, and you brought your family?"

Zhu Jue found that in the last row, there was a person with short hair combed to the ear, who looked like a teenage girl in body and face.

Just now Qin Chengren said that there are 5 first-level investigators who can participate in this kind of thing. Zhu Jue thought it would be some tough-looking strong men. No matter how you look at it, this girl looks harmless to humans and animals. He thought maybe it was someone's daughter or girlfriend or something.

"Family? How is it possible, this time is a classified mission, these are all waiting, shh! Stop this topic, there are some things that cannot be said!"

Qin Chengren first glanced at Zhu Jue in surprise, and then followed his gaze to see the girl in the back seat, his face froze, and he hurriedly said in a low voice.

However, he did not lower his volume in the first half of his sentence.

"What's the situation? Why does it feel like the temperature in the car suddenly dropped? Isn't the air conditioner turned on?"

Put your hand in front of the car air conditioner, you can still feel the hot air blowing out.

Behind him, the girl known as the family member had a gloomy face, and the people around her straightened their backs at this moment, for fear of being caught wrong, while looking at the first-level informant in front with mournful eyes .

What do you say is not good, you have to mention this matter?
This is taboo!
At this time, Zhu Jue also vaguely felt the faint eyes behind him lingering on the back of his head, and seeing Qin Chengren who kept winking at him beside him, he roughly knew that he seemed to have said something wrong, and was a little embarrassed Shut up and concentrate on giving directions to the people from the Public Security Bureau.

Relying on the internal map provided by the staff, the two vehicles entered the jungle of the reserve through the passage on the other side, and stopped after driving about 200 meters.

"Why did you stop here? The lake is still about a kilometer away."

"Of course, in order not to disturb the deep diver in advance, we need to set up some traps and capture devices, so that it must not be discovered in advance."

Qin Chengren opened the car door, glanced at the people behind, and told them all to get off. Zhu Jue put away the map and could only get out of the car.

There was a creaking sound when the feet stepped on the snow. No one cleared the snow in this place, and some places did not reach his ankles. Zhu Jue, who was wearing these sneakers, could only shake his feet while walking.

The wind chime in the backpack was very excited, twisting its body constantly, trying to get out of it.

"It's okay to let you out, don't run around."

Squeezing the back of the wind chime, let it run happily in the woodland. As a lynx, it is its nature to like mountains and fields. Its fluffy gray fur is mixed with the weeds that occasionally appear in the snow. Fortunately, those three tails kept wagging around, so Zhu Jue was able to keep noticing it.

The police officers of the Public Security Bureau at the side naturally also saw this scene. It was hard for the bobcat with three tails not to attract attention.

"Don't look at it, it was raised by someone with the approval of the Public Security Bureau. If you look at it again, it won't be yours. Why don't you hurry up and move things?"

Qin Chengren exhaled white air, and the trunks of the two vans were filled with some large dark green boxes, which were not light at first glance.

Of course, they naturally wouldn't carry a box one by one. What he said about moving things was just removing one of the special silver-gray boxes from the car, which contained a handling robot with a simple structure and four mechanical legs. , a foldable steel plate, and two mechanical arms, stack all the boxes on top and move forward under the control.

"Qin Chengren, if I remember correctly, the lynx with three tails, the one from Fang Doushan?"

The girl who was regarded by Zhu Jue as someone's family member before asked while looking at the wind chimes running around Zhu Jue not far away.

"Yes, Fang Doushan's monsters were also killed by him, we just went to finish it."

"He alone? Isn't he a first-level informant, did I hear wrong?"

There are not many people in the Public Security Bureau who know about Zhu Jue, and it is not something that can be publicized.

"You heard me right. You might not believe it. He wasn't even Chu Yun as a third-level informant half a month ago. You are an inspector. You should understand what this means better than me."

That's right, this girl named Chu Yun is a third-level inspector of the Public Security Bureau. She is 25 years old this year and is a true elite.

"There must be secrets in him, haven't you investigated him?"

She still remembers the past.

"I can't find it. His previous information is almost blank. The only thing that can be checked is his family background. People from the old eastern city are useless."

The Public Security Bureau would naturally investigate such a person, but Zhu Jue really couldn't find anything on him.

What can you expect someone who was crazy a month and a half ago to do?
At that time, Zhu Jue was influenced by the fur monster, so he should be regarded as one of the mutants. If he deliberately did something, it would obviously not be a good thing.

Qin Chengren didn't think about it. After all, in his opinion, if Zhu Jue committed a crime in the past and now seeks the government's cooperation, isn't he courting death?
Zhu Jue himself has lost all the memories of his predecessor, so naturally it is impossible to think about it
"Then how does he have this kind of strength now? Something must have happened in the past half a month, me."

"Chu Yun, stop here, listen to me, don't check him."

Qin Chengren interrupted Chu Yun, and glanced at Zhu Jue, who was playing with the wind chime with a wooden branch.


"Mawala, who killed two cadres of the black gold gang two days ago, was beaten by him and jumped off the building to escape. He killed two people from the combat department of the Yuanfan Machinery Group. The leader obviously also broke out with him. Fighting, and this guy It's just that he got hurt on his stomach. His strength is definitely more terrifying than you imagined. I talked to him. This guy has no relatives and no reason in Yecheng. Now he is willing to cooperate with us instead of against us. That's a good thing. You go and investigate him, once you are discovered, it is one thing for him to switch to other forces, I am afraid that he will trouble you."

When talking about handing in the wind chime at the dinner table, Zhu Jue put down his chopsticks, and the killing intent Qin Chengren saw in his eyes was extremely real.

(End of this chapter)

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