indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 83 The Righteous Partner

Chapter 83 The Righteous Partner

It has been verified that the protozoa can control its own mutants. Zhu Jue saw it once in the sewer.

It is not without reason that Zhu Jue always encounters deep diver mutants near the old eastern city. For example, if there is mental pollution in a certain area around the location where the protoform exists, the chance of mutating into a deep diver is obvious. It is more likely than other sources of mental pollution.

The last time I saw this deep diver protoform was half a month ago, and it was not so strange that it manipulated several mutants through mental pollution during this half month.

"I heard that the younger one was beaten and the older one came. This is the first time that the younger brother came out to seek revenge after seeing the boss was arrested."

Zhu Jue looked at the scuffle ahead and summoned the blue bird back to his side.

The team of the Public Security Bureau fought against six deep diver mutants, the second-level inspectors and executive officers each faced one, and the remaining four were besieged by the remaining ten people.

The strength of the deep diver mutants is not very strong, at least in Zhu Jue's opinion.

It is not as strong as the Byakhees, not as fast as the Rat, and does not have the intelligence and flight ability of the Dire.

Generally speaking, it can be regarded as a balanced development, and the balance often means the mean, which is very suitable to be used as a measure of combat power.

Under such a premise, Zhu Jue finally saw the combat power of these people from the Public Security Bureau, and there was still a reference for comparison.

The first-level investigators can't fight against the deep diver mutants alone, at least the few in front of Zhu Jue can't do it, one-on-one, they can't win these monsters, and two-on-one situations can form effective suppression.

In other words, one deep diver mutant is equivalent to about 1.3 to 1.5 first-level investigators.

Most of their fighting methods are ability injections or mechanical prosthetics, which are also the two mainstream fighting styles of this era.

Looking at the battle between Qin Chengren and Chu Yun, both of them used ability injections.

The three fingers on the palm of the former have turned into quite sharp claws, and there is an extra layer of brown scales on the arm. It is completely like a meat shield standing in front of it. It seems that its strength and physique are not inferior to the deep dive. The mutants of the latter, forcibly endured several collisions.

The latter's coat had been thrown aside by her at some point, and she was wearing a rather thin black tights underneath.

"Hey, it looks like a wealthy family. They carry the airport with them. What kind of wings are these?"

Zhu Jue's eyes "inevitably" stayed on her chest for a while, and then her attention was drawn to the pair of white wings behind her.

It was the first time he knew that the original ability injection could actually give humans the ability to fly.

Perhaps it was because of Chu Yun's petite body, the wings behind her were especially wide, and she flew into the air with a heavy sniper rifle in her hand, and her figure was up and down in the woods, almost as if playing way to suppress the deep diver mutants who kept trying to jump up and attack her.

Seeing that the mutants of the deep divers seem to have been effectively suppressed, Zhu Jue didn't want to stand by and watch. It's not a troublesome thing now. He promised to give the original body of the deep divers to the Public Security Bureau, so he didn't touch it. But these mutants appeared suddenly, so those who see them have a share!
The weapon box stood upright in front of him, with the long knife out of its sheath, Zhu Jue swept across several battlefields, and first picked the one that looked the most difficult. It seemed that one of the two first-level investigators had made a mistake in cooperating, and his foot was caught on the ground. Grass roots stumble.

"Don't worry friends, I'm here to help you!"

Holding the long knife and running all the way, grabbing the investigator who fell to the ground with his left hand, he pulled back. The sharp claws that should have landed on his abdomen were embedded in the dirt under the snow, plowing out several marks.


Before he finished speaking, the investigator found himself flying into the air, and the next moment he landed on the snow a few meters away.

"You're welcome, I see you're injured, why don't you take a good rest beside me!"

Zhu Jue also took the time to turn around and give a thumbs up. With a sunny smile and bright white teeth, the investigator who hadn't recovered from being thrown out had an inexplicable toothache.

The deep diver mutant didn't care whether the enemy changed or not. He charged forward again, raised his right arm obliquely, and slapped Zhu Jue's head directly.

However, before the sharp claws approached him, Zhu Jue had jumped up, turned over in the air, and slapped the deep diver mutant's neck with a whip leg, without a second's pause. He had fought fiercely with two first-level investigators before. The monster smashed into the snow without any suspense.

Thinking about getting up is already a luxury.

The long knife swung across, and the corpse was separated.

"Brother, I think you are tired too, why don't you just sit here and rest, how about looking at my spoils for me?"

Another first-level investigator saw that the monster they were facing was dead, so he wanted to go to the side to help, but Zhu Jue held his shoulders.

"I'm not tired, I"

"I said you are tired, you should be tired, don't move, take a good rest!"

The strength on the shoulders suddenly increased, forcing him to the ground. If the object turned into a girl, it might be a scene of the domineering president and the little white rabbit.

Unfortunately, these are two big men.

And that "dominant president" is now full of prey around him.

On the other side, Chu Yun's muzzle spewed out flames from time to time, and each bullet actually hit the body of the deep diver mutant. The monster that was still alive and kicking could only move forward by running now, and she also landed on the ground. Kneeling on one knee in the snow, there was still some sweat on his face after exercising.

Raising the gun, the front sight aimed at the monster's head a few meters away, his finger was on the trigger, and he was about to pull it, but the target suddenly disappeared from the field of vision.

Become that nasty guy!

"Don't worry, I have a righteous partner here!"

The monster being aimed at was in the snow a few meters away, its neck was bent at a strange angle. Just now, in order to kill the monster before the woman shot, Zhu Jue came running with all his strength and kicked in the air Kicked the monster's neck.

"Hey you"

He was so close to killing this monster with one shot, why did he come out to make trouble?

"I know what you want to say, don't thank me, this is what I should do!"

Zhu Jue knew what she wanted to say, how could she give her this chance, turned around and rushed to the nearby battlefield.

In the end, with the help of this enthusiastic citizen, Mr. Zhu, the battle that was supposed to drag on for a while ended unexpectedly quickly. Only three investigators from the Public Security Bureau were slightly injured.

"what are you doing?"

Looking at Zhu Jue, who was busy with the heads of the three deep divers with a long knife, Qin Chengren couldn't help asking.

"Deal with my prey. By the way, if you want these three corpses, I can sell them to you at a discount. After all, you also contributed."

Put the freshly dug out strips of meat into the box, and walked towards another corpse, with extremely skillful movements.

"You snatched this from me in the first place, and I was just one shot away from it."

"Hey~ Why are you so unreasonable, police officer? I just helped you, so it's too much to charge a small reward now? What's the use of this corpse? I'll give you a commission afterwards. This amount Is it enough."

Zhu Jue leaned in front of Chu Yun, bumped her on the shoulder, then took her in his arms and changed the direction, stretching out his hand and making a gesture of five, meaning fifty thousand. According to his estimation, the corpse of this mutant Why is it worth 20, a discount, 15 is not too much, right?If you distribute 5 yuan, you will have 10 yuan left.

It was true that he snatched the deep diver mutant just now, so he was willing to make up for it. At most, these policemen got mixed credit for killing the monster. How could it be as solid as his real money.


"What are you? You are not satisfied with this number, then [-]-[-], this is the head office, right?"


"What me? It's too much, even 7-[-] is not acceptable, no, do you have a monthly salary of [-] federal currency?"

"go to hell!"

Raising the gun was about to aim at Zhu Jue, but unfortunately the latter had already moved away from her position and got behind her.

"Qin Chengren, you don't try to persuade your friends, it's a lot of extra money, 7 yuan, if it's used to eat barbecue, why not start with a hundred meals?"

"It's not good for you to bribe the police officers of the Public Security Bureau in front of me. I heard everything, and you still want me to help you bribe. Chu Yun, why don't you accept it?"

For these executives who have been on the front line all the year round, this situation is common. If you catch a wanted criminal, some of the cash on them will naturally belong to you. This is the practice of government employees. According to the rules, people from the Public Security Bureau cannot To do this, everything has to be handed in, but in actual operations, the Public Security Bureau also turns a blind eye to this, letting people risk their lives to do things, and if they don't give you any benefits, anyone else will give you Grinding foreign workers!
"The corpse can be given to you, but you have to tell me, what were you digging up just now?"

When Qin Chengren opened his mouth, he naturally meant to save his face. Chu Yun didn't want to quarrel with his colleagues because of this unspoken matter. He glanced at the corpse on the ground and asked.

"Dug? I just wanted to make sure these monsters were dead. Smash their heads, that's dead. I'm used to it. If you don't mind, I want to do the same with the deep diver corpses." matter."

Running to the lake to wash off the blood on the knife, Zhu Jue deliberately turned his back to these people when he was digging the meat strips just now, because he didn't want them to see all his actions.

"I won't bother you with this, we will do it ourselves later."

The changes in Qin Chengren's body gradually recovered, and he stopped Zhu Jue from going forward.

"Alright, then I can go now, when will I be paid?"

Zhu Jue also knew in his heart that they definitely didn't believe this, but even if they didn't believe it, so what, as long as they didn't say anything, could they arrest themselves and torture them to extract a confession?

"When we return to the Public Security Bureau, the permissions and identity verification on the order watch will be activated for you, and the rewards will be sent to you before tonight. Including the bounty for these three mutants."

In any case, the mission this time was a complete success, not only a living deep diver protoform, but also six deep diver mutants were harvested, which is a great credit.

"Okay, then goodbye. I like this kind of cooperation very much. If I find any money-making discoveries in the future, I will look for you again."

Zhu Jue, who had already walked some distance, turned around, waved his hands, and walked away backwards, followed by a bouncing bobcat.

"Did you see clearly his fighting methods just now?"

When the people were far away, Vera Boshi looked at the two first-level investigators who were first rescued by Zhu Jue.

"It stands to reason that I can see it clearly, but... I don't understand it."

"What do you mean?"

Lighting a cigarette for himself, emerald green eyes fell on the investigator, who subconsciously straightened his back and put his heels together.

"Reporting sir, I didn't find out the use of the ability injection from him. He may rely on special mechanical prosthetics when fighting the deep divers!"

The use of ability injections often has some external manifestations, and Zhu Jue is in a thin human state from the beginning to the end, and he doesn't look like an ability injection user.

"His strength is very strong, and his movements are quite fast. I clearly saw him attack one step later than the deep diver before, but his leg kicked the deep diver's neck ahead of time. Kicked the deep diver over with one kick, and these monsters are under his hands."

"Like bundles of Commonwealth dollars waiting for him to pick them up?"

Gao Wen, who was controlling the mechanical arm to collect the deep diver's original body into the capture device prepared in advance, thought of a good analogy.
"Mechanical prosthetics. What level of mechanical prosthetics can achieve this level, B-level? A-level? The cost of tens of millions, or even tens of millions, not to mention the subsequent maintenance and improvement costs, do you think he can do it before? Pay this money? If he really wears mechanical prosthetics, he dares to kill people from Yuanfan Machinery Group? Are you afraid that they will tamper with the repair or function upgrade of his mechanical prosthetics?"

The bright red lips exhaled smoke rings, and Vera did not agree with the statement of special mechanical prosthetics.

"Do you want someone to check him?"

Chu Yun never forgot about this matter.

"Chengren, since you have already met him, you will be in charge of communicating with him in the future, and pay attention to his movements without my permission. No one is allowed to investigate his information privately. This person's hidden strength should be no better than that of me and Gao. Wencha, since he didn't threaten the safety of the people and is willing to cooperate with us, then we have no reason to destroy this relationship, especially you, Xiaoyun."

She raised her hand and pinched Chu Yun's face. She knew very well about the character of this subordinate. If she didn't remind her, she would definitely investigate secretly.

At that time, there may be some troubles.

Her ability in combat can be said to be unique, but her temperament is a bit straightforward.

It's not that she is stupid, she was able to enter the Public Security Bureau with excellent grades and become a third-level inspector. Her IQ is unquestionable, it can only be said that her judgment at certain times does not conform to the current general trend.

And this so-called general trend, in today's general environment, most of the time is biased towards some people who have no connection with justice and fairness.

(End of this chapter)

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