indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 89 Overlord Project

Chapter 89 Overlord Project
"The third one."

The steel pipe pierced into the woman's heart, but did not penetrate, and the blood gurgled out along the other port of the steel pipe.

"The third one."

Under the package of gravel, the kitchen knife slashed into the throat of the man who was trying to come up with a baseball bat. The sound of the head rolling on the ground conveyed some chilling messages in the warm room.

"Such a killing method, are you sure you can meet your request? Now the Public Security Bureau must be looking for the two of us in the outer city. In my opinion, we will be found in a few days."

As a B-level wanted criminal, Mawala is quite experienced in this area. He glanced at the Sand Snake who had no desire for flesh and blood, and frowned at the person behind him.

More than a dozen people were killed in two days, and this number was almost the same as the sum he added up in the previous month.

Mawala has never been a homicide maniac, and killing ordinary people does not make him happy, and this kind of meaningless repeated killing makes him even more disgusted.

"So, what if the Public Security Bureau finds us?"

Lucas is holding a framed photo in his hand, rubbing his thumbs over the photo. On it is a family portrait of a family of three, including a child.
So he snapped his fingers, and the monster behind him ran towards the locked door on one side, and opened it without any delay, followed by the sound of chewing and tearing flesh.

"Do you still need to ask? What we are doing now is definitely enough to be shot more than a dozen times, and we don't even have a chance to go to court."

Glancing at the room with some disgust, the same gaze lingered on Lucas for a while, pulled a chair beside him from under the table, stretched his feet to open the refrigerator, took out a bottle of juice and drank it Two bites.

He wanted to calm down his mind, which had been having hallucinations and strange thoughts recently.

"We really won't have the chance to go to court, but that's not because we died, but because we completed the plan alive, and by then, there will be no other people's voices in this outer city."

Lucas is standing in front of a potted plant in the corner of the room. He prefers to stay with these plants than humans.

"Oh, I wish you success."

A weirdo, that's what Mavala said about Lucas.

Outside the window, Yecheng is in winter, and a new day is beginning.
It's just that the sun that was supposed to bring warmth to the city was always hidden behind the clouds.

What was left was darkness and bitter cold.

Of course, there are still some people who can thrive in this environment.

For example, the first-level inspector, Mr. Dong Feipeng.

The deal with Luohua Pharmaceutical made him a lot of money. As the only chaebol in Yecheng, Luohua Pharmaceutical naturally couldn't play tricks on this kind of transaction.

After the identity of the deep diver's original body was confirmed, 650 million federal coins appeared in his account. After subtracting the 100 million for Zhu Jue and the 120 million distributed to his subordinates, he was left with 430 million. , This amount of money is enough for him to squander it recklessly for a while.

"Hey, tonight's top card in the night game, I want ten, what? No ten, don't buy a few from other people. What are you kidding, I'll pay double the price, you make up for me, I will make up for it today You have to play ten tonight, understand?"

There will never be a lack of entertainment venues in the central area of ​​Yecheng. In the past, he had to look at the menu carefully when he went there. Now, he is ready to show his demeanor as a "grandmaster".

dong dong dong~
At this moment, the door of the office was knocked.

"Please come in."

The inspector who was in a good mood raised his voice two degrees when he spoke, but the person who came in made his whole face darken.

Integrity Prosecutor of the Public Security Department, Zheng Ying.

"Is there a problem?"

Dong Feipeng had a bad premonition, but he still forced himself to be calm. With Luohua Pharmaceutical behind him, he was not afraid of these people.

"Dong Xunjian is in a good mood today, playing ten? It sounds like the intensity of the exercise is a bit high."

Zheng Ying and his left and right assistants looked at each other, and even a fool could feel the mockery in their eyes.

"I'm very busy, please go out if you have nothing to do."

Not in the mood to quarrel with this guy, Dong Feipeng said with a sullen face.

"Since it's been a long time since I came to you, it's naturally Dong Feipeng, the first-level inspector who has something to do. You summoned your subordinates privately on November 11th. Is there such a thing?"


He knew it was it.

"What are you taking them for?"

"It was originally a picnic. Unexpectedly, a deep diver mutant was discovered halfway, so the plan was temporarily changed. I have already reported this point."

Dong Feipeng was not a fool, he knew that someone in the Public Security Bureau was paying attention to his actions, so he sent all the mutants back to the Public Security Bureau except the protozoa, and communicated with the people below in advance.

"Oh? How did I hear that you went to the Green Tree Park Reserve. It turns out that you can still go to that kind of place for a picnic. It's really surprising."

"What do you mean, you have something to say, you have to fart!"

Dong Feipeng's face became completely gloomy, his fists under the table kept tightening, his joints creaked, and he no longer covered his mouth, he said in a deep voice.

What I wrote in the report to the Public Security Bureau was just going out for dinner. At that time, I deliberately asked them to disguise themselves, and even rented the car. Someone informed me!

This means that all the actions of that time have been known by these people.

"Self-dispatch the team of the Public Security Bureau to make profit for yourself, Dong Feipeng, you are quite courageous, why, you found Luohua Pharmaceutical as a backer, and you even forgot your last name?"

Speaking of words, Zheng Ying threw out a disc, and there was a video playing on it. It was the scene of Dong Feipeng bringing the protozoa into the Luohua Pharmaceutical Laboratory. Seeing Dong Feipeng with a weird face, Zheng Ying supported the table with both hands , went on to say,

"Make it up, keep making it up, Dong Feipeng, to tell you the truth, I'm sure of you today, I still have a lot of similar evidence here, do you want to take a look at them all?"

"Tell me, what will you do to let me go."

At this point, it's really meaningless to continue to argue, it's better to show the horses and horses, and say what you have.

"Leave you alone, it's impossible. This document was sent to the government's Integrity Bureau, and every member received it. It's nothing. The most important thing is that the Federal Academy of Sciences also received a copy. This is a deep dive. The original body of those old guys, when those old guys communicated with us, the saliva was almost sprayed on our faces through the screen, so why let you go?"

This is the real reason why Zheng Ying said that Dong Feipeng was his favorite. Now that everyone has been stabbed, everyone knows that to protect him at this time is to go against the rules and regulations of the Public Security Bureau.

It's not that it can't be done, but because the guy in front of him is not worthy of their decision.

This is Qin Chengren's cleverness. After discussing with Chu Yun, he realized that his information should not only be handed over to the people of Yuanfan Machinery Group, but also distributed to everyone, especially the federal government. Those old men in the Academy of Sciences are full of experiments.

This is the original body of a deep diver, and it is still alive!
Now they must be eager to strip Dong Feipeng's body and swim a few streets in Yecheng.

"Then what are you waiting for, catch me, you're talking so much nonsense, you just want to make a deal."

Dong Feipeng is a man who understands the rules. Zheng Ying only brought his two deputies instead of the INTAC team. The meaning is actually very clear.

"I just like to talk to smart people like you Dong Xunjian. According to the regulations of the Public Security Bureau, the amount of bribes exceeds one million, privately mobilize the team of the Public Security Bureau, betray the interests of the Federation, and at least spend 10 years in prison. But I'll give you a chance, the inspector can't go on, there are still other ways to live, maybe you can live better in other places."

"Join Yuanfan Machinery?"

Dong Feipeng knew who was standing behind the guy in front of him.

"Tsk, can you stop thinking so highly of yourself, now your reputation in the Public Security Bureau is already rotten, understand? The person who reported you was not prepared to give you a way out from the beginning, and our Yuanfan Machinery is not a garbage disposal Station, recruit you to self-destroy your reputation?"

He straightened up and glanced at the people beside him, and the two assistants immediately stepped back and locked the door.

"You are very lucky. This is a plan I tailor-made for you. Don't worry, there is not much content in it. It is easy to understand. You have 10 minutes. When I came here, I was in front of many people from the Public Security Bureau. , I have to take you out later."

Pressing another button on the puck, some text began to appear on the screen where the video was originally playing.

After a cursory glance, even Dong Feipeng had a slightly shocked look on his face.

"Is it true that you have already planned to report me?"

The plan on the screen was accurate to every detail, and it didn't look like it was made temporarily, which made Dong Feipeng have to wonder if he had fallen into the trap of these people.

"This plan was indeed made a long time ago, but well, the name in it was not you, but who let you hit the gun yourself? We were still worrying about how to gain the trust of Luohua Pharmaceutical, but we didn't expect you The collaborator of Luohua Pharmaceutical, which has been hidden for so long, just jumped in front of us, and we still have such a big handle in our hands. It makes sense. I don’t make good use of you. I feel sorry for this plan. .”

"If I agree, will I never be able to return to Yecheng?"

Dong Feipeng looked at the ultimate goal of the plan. If the plan is successful, Luohua Pharmaceutical will never let him go!

"I don't know if you can return to Yecheng after you agree to carry out the plan, but I know one thing very well. After you read the plan, if you don't agree, I assure you that you will never be able to get out of Yecheng Prison, oh. So maybe If it can make you happier, your ashes will still be sent out to you, but I don’t know where to scatter them.”

When he came here today, Dong Feipeng had only two options left.

Cooperate or go to jail.

And they have ten thousand ways to teach Dong Feipeng to be a man in prison!

At 11:26 am on November 9, Dong Feipeng, a first-level inspector, was taken to the Integrity Bureau for triggering the internal regulations of the Public Security Department.

At 11:26 a.m. on November 10, Dong Feipeng attacked Zheng Ying, the first-level prosecutor of the Integrity Bureau, and violently resisted arrest.

At 11:26 am on November 10th, the Overlord Project will start!

(End of this chapter)

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