Chapter 91
In the steaming hot pot restaurant, Zhu Jue looked at the mandarin duck soup pot in front of him, the bottom was actually heated by the same charcoal stove that he put on the roof and usually used to eat barbecue.

"Let me tell you, this is what you want to eat in winter. This store is all about a wild retro. Look at this charcoal stove, which is an old thing hundreds of years ago. It is only used by his family on this street. It is similar to the induction cooker. The cooked food is different, you can order what you want to eat, it will be on the screen, and I will treat you.”

Wang Dong clasped his hands on both sides of the charcoal stove and clicked his tongue. On the right side of the desktop, there was a virtual screen that was activated and suspended, constantly switching pictures of various materials.

"Old Wang, didn't you say that you have information? You can't just come out to have a hot pot meal just to trick me, right? If you really want to treat someone, just send me a message directly. What are you going to do with so much effort?"

Talking on the mouth, but the fingers are non-stop, pointing out all kinds of materials, idle is idle, eating hot pot is right for entertainment.

"It's not just hot pot, I also collected information. I specially asked my friend in the police station in the outer city to get me a copy of the latest information."

He handed over an audio-visual stick, and when he turned it on, there were a few computer screen pictures that should have been taken, and Mawala's face appeared on the screen. Although it was only from the side, Donald could barely recognize it.

"found it?"

"No, there are cameras everywhere in the outer city. Unless they have a plastic surgery, if they go out on the street, they will be found immediately. This is the picture he was taken recently, but it does not mean that he has been found. You Flip back."

Taking a sip of the free hot tea, he pointed his finger at the screen and said.

Zhu Jue followed his instructions and pushed a few more photos. They were also Mawala's photos, but they were taken on different dates and times.

"What do you mean?"

After taking so many photos, the police didn't find this guy?

"These photos are from various streets in the outer city. This guy is always moving, and he is very sensitive to the camera. He often disappears after being exposed once. Many times when the police arrive at the destination, he has already left and then appears. On another street, I see him trying to distract the police in this way."

"Is there something wrong with his brain? Didn't he still hide in the construction site before, and suddenly he wants to become a criminal with a high IQ, so he has to fight wits and courage with the police?"

A wanted criminal who ran away dishonestly and had to stay in the outer city to show his face. Is this planning to make his debut in the criminal world?
"Look at these photos, there are a total of eight, and the same person appears in five of them. This cannot be a coincidence."

Naturally, it is impossible for the cameras on the street to only capture Mawala alone, but also capture some scenes around him.

A man with short blond hair and a white wool coat.

"I suspect this person is his accomplice. These two people have been wandering around the outer city. They must be planning a new case."

"It's not a plan. In fact, they are already in action. Is this guy the companion that Mawala found? He has been wandering around the outer city, and the time is also consistent. It can't be wrong."

In the past two days, Zhu Jue commissioned Li Qinglian to investigate a lot of recent serial murders in the outer city. The death toll was updated almost every day. He also saw a lot of pictures of the scene. There were many corpses that were bitten and eaten.

"You should have heard of the buzzing serial murders in the outer city. One of the murderers is Mawala."

"How is it possible? Although Mawala killed people before, it was usually only one or two people. The interval between crimes was very long, purely to support the gravel in his hands. However, there have been more than 20 victims of this serial murder case. It’s unreasonable to see such a big difference in less than a week.”

Wang Dong knew a little bit about Mawala. He was not a good person, but he was not enough to be a perverted murderer.

"I asked someone to investigate this case. There were several corpses with signs of being devoured by sand snakes. Of course, more of them were bitten and torn by some kind of monster. That's why this second person appeared. It seems to me that Mawala should be partnered with someone, and this guy doesn't know what is the wrong way to cooperate with this kind of murderer."

Put the beef balls brought by the waiter into the hot pot, put two pieces of meat in the hot pot, open the boil, click on the TALK on my mobile phone, open the network link I received from He Ye, and put it in front of Wang Dong.

"Wait a minute, according to what you're saying, he's been involved in all the recent serial murders, so where does he appear in these give me the audio-visual stick."

First, he opened his order watch. As a first-level investigator, Wang Dong naturally paid attention to this serial murder and collected a lot of information, such as the distribution map of the victims. A virtual map of the outer city appeared, on which there were more than a dozen red dots with ripples constantly expanding.

"Hey~ What are you doing? There are so many guests around you looking at you."

I took the wind chime out of the backpack, dipped the beef slices in seasoning and put it into its mouth. When I looked up, I saw Wang Dong who was looking at the photo on the audio-visual stick and pressing it back and forth on the screen.

"Sure enough, you see, I marked the location where Mawala appeared on the map of the outer city. The locations of the eight photos are all very close to the location of the serial murder. Your guess That's right, Mawala was one of the participants in the case!"

"Of course it is correct. The person I asked for help is a high-achieving student, a first-class university. How could the route on the screen appear in such a state?"

After Wang Dong's marking, Zhu Jue quickly discovered that if the incident points in the entire serial murder case were connected, it would be an unclosed circle.

As I said before, the architectural pattern of Yecheng is a circle, the center of the circle is the central area of ​​Yecheng, and the outer city is naturally a circle. As a result, the phenomenon shown in this picture, Mawala and his companions seem to be surrounding Committing crimes in the outer city.

Wherever you go, kill wherever you go!

"According to this rule, maybe we can go to the area where they haven't gone yet to guard them!"

Zhu Jue thought of a way to wait for the rabbit.

"We are here now. I asked you to come here for hot pot today because this is the last place where the surveillance cameras captured Mawala."

Lift your finger and tap the center of the unclosed position of the circle.

On the street outside the hot pot restaurant, heavy objects fell from the sky.

What followed was the screams and yells of the crowd.
Wang Dong and Zhu Jue looked at each other.

Feng Ling lay on the mouth of the backpack, and tried hard to put her head close to the meat caught in the chopsticks in Zhu Jue's hand.

It's better to come early than to come early.

(End of this chapter)

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