indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 94 Unexpected encounter

Chapter 94 Unexpected encounter

When Zhu Jue stepped on the ghoul's back again, the battle came to an end.

This is just a mutant ghoul, not a proto-body, and its strength is about the same as that of a deep diver's mutant. For him today, a monster of this level is not a threat, and it can be killed after a few slashes. beheaded.

Picked up the phone and took a picture, and added a note below: 1 fish.

"Tsk tsk tsk, having a reference is a good classification."

Put away the phone, raised the knife to cut open the guy's head, and took out the strips of meat inside. He could already hear the sound of police sirens from the street, and sent a message to Wang Dong, asking him to stop the police in the outer city. The police definitely didn't have any protective measures. If they just jumped off like this, even if it was a dead monster, it would still cause them a lot of mental damage.

Inserting the long knife back into the weapon case, Zhu Jue looked at the fangs in the monster's mouth, and couldn't help frowning.

Whether it was the corpse or the monster, what appeared was a bit too strange.

Judging from the scars on the corpse, Mawala and his accomplices should have done it, and the appearance of this monster should also be in their plan.

"Bringing this kind of monster out in the downtown area is going to make big news."

If Zhu Jue wasn't around just now, this monster would have to wreak havoc on the street for a while before the Public Security Bureau dispatched a special team. Needless to say, the crowd density on this street, even in the few seconds it just appeared Zhong estimated that many people would suffer from mental problems. If he let it slip around here, the consequences would be disastrous.

Pure revenge on society?
Killing people everywhere without purpose, and now doing this kind of thing again, Zhu Jue had to wonder if these two guys came here with the idea of ​​revenge on the society.

It's just that these two guys didn't show their faces just now, and Zhu Jue didn't know where they were. Now that he took action to deal with this ghoul by himself, it should be a little troublesome to find them again.

Glancing at the entrance of the cave where he came down just now, it is definitely not possible to go back the same way. There are probably a lot of people watching from above, and the police have also arrived. Now going up will inevitably have to deal with their questioning. After thinking about it, Zhu Jue decided to use another exit of the sewer go.

On the way, I sent a message to Qin Chengren, asking him to report to the Public Security Bureau, and he solved another mutant monster by himself, and then he will pay according to the price.

The sewers in the outer city extend in all directions. It didn't take much time for Zhu Jue to find an upward passageway. He pushed open the cover, carried the weapon case, and came out of the sewers calmly.

"What are you looking at? Is there anything wrong with a plumber holding a wooden box, and I have to wear a Mario hat?"

Turning a blind eye to the person next to him who was looking at him with some strange eyes, Zhu Jue spread his hands and waved forward his weapon case, which looked like a wooden box, and sent an order to Sand Scorpion to pick him up via Bluetooth, and sent a message to Wang Dong by the way. After receiving the information, let him bring his backpack.

Standing on the side of the street and waiting, looking at the progress of the weapon production on the order watch, there are still about three days before it can be shipped.


A familiar voice came from beside him.

Turn off the order watch, turn around and look at the girl behind you.

Gu Ginkgo.

She was standing at the door of a clothing store looking at Zhu Jue with surprise. She thought she had made a mistake before, so she came out of the store to confirm.

"What a coincidence, are you here to buy clothes?"

Zhu Jue scratched the back of her head and laughed dryly, but luckily she didn't see him crawling out of the manhole cover.

Two virtual models are constantly changing various winter fashions beside Gu Yinxing. She is standing at the door, wearing a beige turtleneck sweater with a label on it. The hem of the sweater is very long, reaching to the thigh , and the lower body is a pair of light-colored thermal stockings, showing the lines of Xin's long legs.

Zhu Jue's eyesight is excellent, and he just glanced at the price on the label, 115.

The glass outside the store is constantly displaying images of discounts, such as clearance sales and the like.
"Well, today is Sunday, the day off, so I came out to buy two winter clothes. What about you, you are not going to work today, but you are also here to buy clothes?"

Gu Yinxing always thought that Zhu Jue was a policeman, and since he didn't wear a police uniform today, it was naturally a holiday.

"Someone invited me to eat hot pot, and it happened to be a holiday again today, so I went to the outer city, and my friend came to pick me up right away."

“Hot Pot”

As a trainee, Gu Yinxing doesn't have much savings. Apart from the daily expenses in the outer city, hot pot is already a luxury for her.

"Would you like to join us? There are only so many people eating hot pot."

For Gu Yinxing, Zhu Jue does not deny his affection for her. This girl who likes to sing retro songs is one of the few friends he recognizes after coming to this era.

"Really? But not now, my friends are still in the store, I can't leave them behind, and tonight we are going to the TV tower in the outer city to do the opening performance of the show, we can't eat too much, or we will be scolded .”

While talking, she rubbed her belly in a playful manner, without any scruples about her idol status.

Gu Yinxing's age is only in her early 20s, and she still has the vivacity of a little girl.

"Haha, work is important, then I will find you next time, by the way, what channel is your program on?"

Zhu Jue, who was disgusted by the monster and the corpse before, looked at Gu Yinxing and squinted his eyes with a smile. Recently, he has often dealt with monsters and corpses, and he really has no resistance to this kind of optimism and liveliness full of vitality.

"Yecheng Entertainment, I'm free every Sunday. Don't forget, I went in. If they see me talking to you here later, they will definitely have a lot of thoughts when they go back."

"Okay, wait!"

Just about to wave his hand to say goodbye, Zhu Jue suddenly stopped Gu Yinxing and said,

"As a policeman, I have to remind you that you should not walk at night recently. Also, if you see the man in this photo and the blond haired guy next to him, you must run away. Send me a message immediately, they are wanted criminals, they are wandering in the outer city right now, it is very dangerous!"

He didn't say that they were the murderers of the serial murders, not because of the secret, but because Zhu Jue didn't want to scare Gu Yinxing. Mawala and his accomplices are currently in the outer city, and he felt it was necessary to remind her.

"Well, I see, goodbye."

After glancing at the photo and remembering the appearance of the two, Gu Yinxing trotted back.

She thought her friend was still choosing clothes, and thought about how to deal with them later, but as soon as she ran into the store, she saw a group of people sitting in a corner, not only her friends, but also the store manager and waiters.

"What are you doing?"

He leaned forward and put his arm on Tang Wan's shoulder and asked a question.

"Something went wrong! Just when we were shopping for clothes, someone dumped a corpse two streets away, and a monster appeared. You see, the forums in Yecheng have been maxed out. They are all photos of the scene. There are many Everyone was terrified and passed out.”

Turn on your own communicator, and push the photos above one by one.

Gu Yinxing suddenly pressed the screen, and took a picture back.

This is a photo of the accident when it first appeared. She was familiar with a figure in the crowd.

Or rather, she just saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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