Ambition Lord

Chapter 1 Hello!I am coming!

Chapter 1 Hello!I am coming!

The thick curtains were pulled open, and the warm sunlight shone through the stained windows of the castle and sprinkled on Alan's immature and pale face.

When you open your eyes, you see a small maid, marble walls and a white ceiling.

"Sure enough! Same as in memory"

Alan knew that he had worn it, and fused the memory of the original body, and now he was the new Alan.

Looking at the golden bead in his mind-the culprit that caused him to travel through, but no matter how his soul body touched it, it remained motionless, and Alan was very helpless.Just put it aside.

"Belia...Belia, pour me a glass of water..."

"Ah! Master Allen, you are awake!"

Maid Beria panicked.

"Master Allen, I'm going to tell the old housekeeper that you're awake, that's great!" Belle was surprised.


Alan just wanted to tell Belia not to go in a hurry, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye, so he could only smile wryly and shook his head.

Although the little maid is a bit reckless, I will not be angry with her. Belia is Alan's personal maid. Lun is similar.

So the two can be said to have a deep relationship.

Baron of Qinghuang-The hereditary baron of Qinghuang Territory, Arthur Charles, the owner of this barony, and Alan's father.

Through memory, Allen understands that this world is similar to the world of previous knight novels. There are "knights", and "knights" represent power beyond the world, and knights rule this world.

Alan's father was a low-level knight, and a low-level knight was also one of the conditions for being a baron. After the Charles family became a baronial family, Alan had the opportunity to peep into this mysterious world.

As the heir to the baron, Allen will honestly inherit the title in the future.However, before the original body fell into a coma, the situation changed suddenly.

In his memory, the original body fainted at the funeral of his father, Baron Qing Huang, and this gave him the opportunity to travel back and integrate the memory of the original owner.

However, Allen can be sure that the original body did not pass out from excessive grief, but was most likely plotted against.

Because Alan minded that his father married Mrs. Lisa after his mother died of illness, he didn't have a deep affection for Baron Qinghuang, so it was even less likely that he fainted due to excessive grief.

Heavy footsteps sounded from far to near, and it was the old butler Carey who came.As the heavy jujube wood door was opened, the old butler Kaili was the leader.Half-white hair, slightly fat body, wearing a gray gentleman's attire, with a smile on his face.

As the most trusted person of Baron Qinghuang during his lifetime, if anyone is most worried about Alan's health, it must be the old housekeeper.

"Master! Are you finally awake?" "How do you feel?"

"Butler Carey, it's all right."

Speaking of which, Allen slowly sat up from the big bed. "Housekeeper Carey, give me something to eat first!" Two days had passed since Allen fell into a coma and woke up, and his body couldn't hold on without food supplements.

Immediately, the old butler ordered the two servants behind him to prepare.

"Belia, you go out first." Allen looked at the big-eyed girl with a few freckles on her fair face.Belia hurriedly backed out, closed the door gently, and trotted all the way.

"What happened to the funeral?" The old butler knew that what Allen wanted to ask was the situation of Baron Qinghuang's funeral after he fell into a coma.

"Don't worry, young master, everything is as planned. The baron was buried in the knight garden in Viscount Musen's territory, and the funeral was presided over by Viscount Bernard himself," the butler bowed slightly.Viscount Berner is the actual ruler of the Musen Territory, and the Qinghuang Baronie is also in the Viscount Musen Territory, which was entrusted to the Charles family by Viscount Berner.

"Did you die for a bottle of elemental potion in the end?" Looking at Alan, who was much calmer than before and his face remained unchanged after waking up, the old butler could only sigh that Master Alan had grown up.

"Yes" the old butler wanted to say something, but in the end he said truthfully
"It's good that the title succession ceremony at noon is held normally."

"Master, you need more rest! We can postpone..."

"No, but keep everything simple and don't invite other barons. There are quite a few of them spying on our territory."

"Yes" the butler bowed slightly and walked out to prepare for the next ceremony.

It's not that Allen doesn't want to rest. In order to reduce trouble, he still hopes to inherit the title as soon as possible. Otherwise, after a long time, regardless of the abnormal calmness of the baronie, who knows if there is an undercurrent.In extraordinary times, keep everything simple.

The sun was already at the top, and the bell representing noon rang in the castle.

Veal, chicken nuggets, creamy oatmeal, roasted cardinals, roast chutney, beets, brioche, a glass of ordinary wine, this was Ellen's lunch.

The noble meals are still very rich, but the taste is a bit unsatisfactory, but it is understandable that there are so few seasonings in this world.

After taking the napkin from the servant and finishing the red wine in the glass, Allen came to the castle hall, ready to accept the succession ceremony and become the new Baron Qinghuang.

Everyone in the hall had arrived, and after a set of tedious etiquette actions, Allen put on a bronze ring engraved with the word "Qinghuang", marking the official end of the inheritance ceremony.

At 4:[-] p.m. in the council hall, Allen sat down at the main seat of the jujube-colored oval table, and said with a smile, "Please sit down, everyone. The cook is already preparing dinner for you. Let's start the meeting first."

Allen had just inherited the title and lacked a comprehensive understanding of the territory, so he deliberately left the management of the territory who participated in the ceremony for a meeting.

"Lord Baron! Spring is coming to an end, and my subordinates have already ordered the people below to observe the conditions of the fields and prepare for possible pest infestation." It was Ting Si, the political adjutant, who spoke.Ting Si is very thin, with darker skin than a serf, and a pair of small eyes.

"Well," Allen rubbed his chin, "Let's put these aside, I need to know how many people are in the territory now? How many civilians? Where are the serfs?"

Seeing the baron look towards him, the fat political officer Fabia smiled flatteringly.

"My lord, ten years ago, Lord Baron presided over the statistics of the civilian population. This is your father. There are 9 villages in the territory plus about 5000 people in Qinghuang Town where the castle is located, a total of 1200 households. It can be said that it is very prosperous. The population of other baron territories But only half of us!"

"But as far as I know, the wooden rattan collar in the north and the iron stone collar in the east have a population of no less than [-]!" Allen said with a smile to Fabia.

"Er...the situation is special...special" Fabia's face flushed red, and he felt depressed in his heart. Can this be compared?

The wood vine collar is lucky to have the magical plant fire wood vine, which can produce precious cloth, which is something that only nobles can afford.

Looking at Iron Stone Collar, there are three hematite mines, and it would be a fortune to sell iron ore alone, not to mention that Baron Iron Stone Collar has a relationship with Viscount Bernard, otherwise Iron Stone Collar would not be able to turn to him.

After all, he is rich, but Qinghuang leader is poor and has nothing, so how can he compare with others.

To say that the Qinghuang Territory is very strong in the Barony Territory, Allen admitted that it was developed by the previous Baron nearly 30 years ago, so it can be seen that the foundation of the Territory is still very good.It is not uncommon for some baronies to be too poor to eat meat, so here I am very grateful to my cheap father.

"Military situation in the territory?"

Allen looked at his lower right hand, a middle-aged man with a thick build and a dark beard. He looked naive.Antonio, the vice-captain of the knight squad, who has the same status as the political officer Fabia, is the late former baron, Alan's father.

Of course, after the death of my father, the knight squad can no longer be called a knight squad. Without the command of low-level knights, the squad has no name.

"My lord, since there have been no wars all year round, the military strength of the territory is only maintained at 150 people except me, 50 cavalry and 100 infantry, of which 50 cavalry is the main force." Antonio looked serious when he talked about the strength of the troops.

Strength represents everything, and for a territory, the army is a symbol of strength.The military fights bandits, stops invasions, and protects civilians.

But it is not that the larger the number of troops, the stronger the strength. Here it is said that there is still a big difference between cavalry and infantry.

According to memory, the limit of adult strength in this world is close to 100 kilograms. As long as it does not exceed 100 kilograms, they can only serve as infantry soldiers. Only civilians with more than 100 kilograms of strength can enlist cavalry.

Breaking through 100 kg of strength requires the practice of basic physical skills, and there are a total of 36 postures, also known as the 36 physical exercises.

Allen has practiced basic gymnastics regularly since he was a child, which has enabled Allen to reach the human body's limit of 15 kilograms of strength at the age of 200.The rest is to break through the limits of the human body to absorb elements into the body, and break through to low-level knights.

Allen is also considered a young genius in knight training. Of course, there is no shortage of geniuses in the palace and nobles who are stronger than Allen. They have cultivated resources for food since childhood, which is incomparable.

Although the treatment of cavalry and infantry is very different, the strength of breakthrough cavalry is indeed very small.

Here we can see the importance of qualifications and resources. If you have qualifications but no resources, it is also difficult to break through the cavalry boundary. If you have resources but no qualifications, it is even more impossible to break through.

Of course, if you have money, you can also buy magical plant fruits that improve your aptitude and assist your cultivation.

Allen estimates that there are less than 100 people with cavalry strength in the entire territory.

Allen knew that he would still expand his military strength in the future, and the barony alone could not satisfy him, but now that the territory is stable, he is not in a hurry.

Next, Allen learned about the development of each village from the chiefs of the nine villages in the territory.


Except that due to unknown reasons in Jinmai Village, a large piece of land in the village turned yellow and died, and there were strange noises in the Heilongzhao Lake near Liyu Village that made fishermen afraid to fish, other things were trivial.

"The meeting is here first, everyone, please move to the lobby to eat!" Allen stood up and announced the end of the meeting.

"My lord... I have one more thing..."

Fabia stood up first, looked at Allen and said anxiously.

"My lord, the succession ceremony is over, can I... allow Mrs. Lisa and all the young masters and ladies to return to the castle."

The conference hall fell silent for a moment.

"Fabbia, this is not your place to ask! The baron has his own decision!" Butler Carey scolded angrily.

Reaching out his hand to signal Butler Carey, Allen didn't sit down again.

"I have made arrangements for this matter, Fabia, you can rest assured." Without giving Fabia an affirmative answer, Allen turned and left.

Allen didn't blame Fabia for meddling in the internal affairs of the Charles family. After all, Mrs. Lisa, Allen's nominal mother, was Fabia's only daughter.There is nothing wrong with a father thinking about his daughter.

While Alan was in a coma, the housekeeper Carey and the vice-captain of the Cavaliers squad Antonio ordered the Cavaliers to escort Mrs. Lisa, a member of the Charles family, and Alan's two idiot younger brothers, one sister, and one younger sister to the Charles family's manor outside the town for a temporary stay.

And left 30 soldiers and some servants to take care of them, saying that they went to relax because they were afraid that other members of the Charles family would be overly sad due to the death of the Baron and Alan's coma.

In fact, it was because they were afraid that other members of the Charles family would use tricks to threaten Allen's title while Allen was in a coma, so it was useless even if Albibia objected.

Not long after I woke up, the housekeeper had already told me about this matter, but this matter was actually a good thing for Allen, so Allen would not blame the two of them, but the method was too tough.

In his memory, Allen has no prejudice against the gentle Mrs. Lisa. On the contrary, Mrs. Lisa is also good to Allen.I will not have any prejudice against the rest of the Charles family.After all, his own sister, who has the same father and mother, is also among them.

But it's time to fix it.


At night, in Qinghuang Castle, Allen looked at the purple-black moon in the sky, which was shining with bewitching brilliance.

"A different world?"

Hello!I am coming!

(End of this chapter)

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