Ambition Lord

Chapter 107 Ordinary Linen

Chapter 107 Ordinary Linen

"Lord Baron! This is the scale armor we designed, please have a look." Newman, the director of the Logistics Bureau, said to Allen next to him with a happy face.

At this time, Newman was holding a set of blue-black scale armor in his hand, which was exactly the scale armor that Alan asked the Logistics Bureau to make.

Five or six days had passed since the battle between the Blue Desolate Knights and the Gnolls, and Antonio also led five hundred soldiers to the Blue Water Territory three days ago.

The first squadron and the second squadron of the Blue Desolate Knights followed Antonio, three, four, five, and the third squadron stayed behind Mu Senling.

In the past few days, the three squadrons have taken turns to hunt the sea monsters, and more than [-] sea monsters are hooked every day. After the carcass of the sea monsters is brought back, except for the special eyeballs, all others are handed over to the logistics bureau. Now Newman is holding , is designed by the Logistics Bureau and made of scales made of siren scales.

Allen reached out and took it from Newman's hand, and observed it. The blue-black scale armor was composed of nine large scales on the front and back, which were the special large scales on the chest and back of the siren, helmet, greaves and arms. The armor uses small scales, and the scales are stacked on top of each other in an orderly manner, which provides comprehensive protection for the warrior's body.

This set of scale armor is not only amazing in protection, but most importantly, it is very light in weight, and it is not as uncomfortable to wear as iron armor. After weighing it, Alan weighed about a dozen catties.

"How many pieces of this finished product have been made?" Allen asked.

"A total of [-] sets of scales were stripped from the Kraken by the Logistics Bureau. However, due to the waste of three sets of experiments, a total of [-] sets of scales have been produced, and there are still [-] sets of scales that have not been used. However, the technology of the Logistics Department has been improved. Mature, there should be no more failures."

"Have you done any experiments? Have you let the soldiers try it on?" Allen felt that only after trying it on could he discover some problems.

"My lord, don't worry, Mr. Antonio sent a few soldiers to cooperate with us to conduct experiments. Now this scale armor is the final form after many improvements, and it has reached the best possible in all aspects, but this scale armor is the best in actual combat The defense has not yet been tested." Newman said with a smile.

"Okay! Let's test the defensive power of this scale armor!"

Allen asked someone to tie the scale armor to the wooden man, took out the newly produced green crossbow from the logistics bureau, picked up a few crossbow arrows, and began to design and test.

Through continuous shooting, the specific defense data of the scale armor was finally presented.

At 150 meters, the crossbow arrows that could penetrate the leather armor could hardly break through the scale armor's defense line, leaving only a depression in one piece of the scale armor. When the distance was pulled to 100 meters, the scale armor was successfully broken through.

"Not bad!" Allen touched the crack on the scales and nodded in satisfaction.

The defensive power of this scale armor met Allen's expectations, almost comparable to iron armor, and it was much lighter than iron armor.

"This scale armor has no name yet, can the Lord Baron name it?" Newman thought suddenly.

"Since it is made of siren scales, let's call it demon scale armor!" Allen gave the scale armor an easy-to-understand name.

"From now on, you must do your best to make this demon scale armor. Knights will send the body of the siren every day." Allen told Newman.

"Don't worry, Lord Baron! The logistics bureau will definitely go all out." Newman

replied loudly.

After inspecting the demon scale armor produced by the Logistics Bureau, Allen went to the Qinghuang Manor of the Charles family in the Qinghuang Land. The Qinghuang Manor was built after Allen's cheap father, Baron Arthur, was granted the Qinghuang Land. One of the crops planted in the manor is Allen's goal this time, flax.

Most of the cloth worn by the human race in the mainland is linen made of flax. Every noble territory in each territory will plant a large flax field. After harvesting every year, it will be hand-woven into linen by peasant women to supply the entire territory.

This linen cloth is basically worn by commoners, and the nobles' clothes are basically made of precious silk. Of course, it is not ruled out that the extremely poor nobles will also wear linen clothes.

Right now, linen is the second source of income that Allen has found for the territory. The first source of income is of course the production of mosquito coils. At present, various plant materials used in mosquito coils have been fully planted under the promotion of the Nine Offices.

When Allen was going to the Twilight Territory soon, he talked to Earl Reagan about the cooperation of mosquito coils. He planned to sell the mosquito coils to the Earl of Reagan through the blue water caravan, and it would be best to sell them throughout the Principality of Kane.

Allen also deliberately made a few finished products with the existing production materials of Qinghuangling, and prepared to take them to Duskling, so that Earl Reagan could experience the effect for himself. However, there are few mosquitoes this season, so it may be necessary to catch some insects for experimentation. Mosquito coils don't just work on mosquitoes.

Although this linen is used by the entire human race, the production of linen in the mainland is still at a very primitive hand-made stage. Allen just noticed this and felt that he could benefit from it.

Even the simplest loom is several times more efficient than manual labor.

Allen's idea is to make looms, manufacture linen in large quantities, and then dump them on the entire Principality of Kane, and even the surrounding areas of the Principality of Kane. The difficulty of production is greatly reduced, the price is low, and the quality is guaranteed. In a very short period of time Destroy the linen production chains in each territory, and finally rule the entire linen market. Once the dominance of one company is achieved, it will be difficult not to make money.

Of course, these processes are not that simple, and all of these require strong support. Now Allen is only a quasi-viscount. Let alone the linen market breaks out of the Duchy of Kane, even if it is only sold in the entire Duchy of Kane, it will cause some big troubles. The attention of the nobles, so Allen is only thinking about the layout now, and after he has the corresponding strength, he is implementing his own ideas.

Now the flax in the manor is being sown. Hundreds of serfs are sowing seeds on a large plowed land. Allen also learned that Mrs. Lisa is also here, and she is in the small castle next to her. Except for Mrs. Lisa , and several maids.

Mrs. Lisa is now in charge of the internal affairs of the entire Charles family. Since Allen assigned the entire aristocratic manor in the Wooden Land to the private property of the Charles family, Mrs. Lisa has been busy managing and checking the information of each manor every day, organizing the serfs in the manor to conduct Labor, the reasonable distribution of serfs in each manor, is very busy.

For this reason, Mrs. Lisa specially selected a few maids in Qinghuang Castle as her assistants. Today, Mrs. Lisa came to Qinghuang Manor probably for the sowing of linen.

Now that he came to the manor and learned that Mrs. Lisa was also there, Alan had to go to greet her.

So with Bud, Allen entered the small castle next to him.

 Thanks to the book friend "Dugu Ling Xingyu" for the two monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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