Ambition Lord

Chapter 117 Difficult Deal

Chapter 117 Difficult Deal

Tesirel anxiously paced back and forth in the Bloodfang Tribe, waiting for a long time, and finally waited until Francis returned from the royal court to the Bloodfang Tribe.

"Francis, what's the matter?"

As soon as Francis entered the tent, Tesirel hurried over and asked how the situation was.

"Brother Tesirel, the king has agreed to you after discussing with the other chiefs!" Francis panted.

This time, the seven major tribes of the Hogg Kingdom could not reach an agreement regarding Tesireal’s coming to the Hogg Kingdom to buy a wolf-bellied ship. Of course, Francis agreed. There is also a big tribe that has a good relationship with the Bloodfang Tribe. Under the contact of Francis, he also agreed to help the Bloodfang Tribe.

But there are still two big tribes that are against it, such as the Burst Tooth Tribe that has a poor relationship with the Bloodfang Tribe.

As for the dark fang tribe of the royal family, the three major tribes of the white fang tribe and the sharp fang tribe maintained a neutral attitude, and neither side took sides. It was only by deflecting his attitude that this matter was able to pass successfully.

"But? The price has to go up!" Francis said to Tesserel in confusion.

"Price? You should know how precious the bloodline fruit I brought this time is, and how important it is for a berserk warrior to break through to a barren warrior. It's not too expensive!" Tesirel said with displeasure, frowning after hearing this.

"I know this too, but the results of the kingdom meeting are not something that my Bloodfang tribe can change!" Francis said with a headache.

Forty bloodline fruits are not a small benefit. Since Tesirill paid such a high price for the wolf-bellied ship of the Hogg Kingdom, and the Azar Kingdom does not need ships at all, it means that they are now There is an urgent need for a large number of wolf-bellied ships, and it must be for some purpose.

Now that they have roughly guessed the plan of the Kingdom of Azar, the chiefs of the Kingdom of Hogg will of course lower the price because of this. It is of course best to exchange for these forty bloodline fruits with the least profit or the number of wolf-bellied ships. .

Even if Francis is one of the leaders of the Hoag Kingdom, he cannot lose the interests of his country just to help Tesirill.

"Then I don't know how much the price is?" Tesirel continued to ask.

"After the joint negotiation of the seven big tribes, the price was originally set at one bloodline fruit and two wolf belly boats, but my Bloodfang Tribe expressed objections to this. After further discussions, the price was finally set at one bloodline fruit and three wolf belly boats. The boat. I wonder if brother Tesirel can accept it?" Francis asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes! I agree..." Tesirel said slowly after a moment of silence.

Although helpless, but subject to others, there is no way.

Right now, the Kingdom of Azar needs to seek the Kingdom of Hogg, and Tessirel's expectation of the suppressed price is that he can barely accept the exchange of one bloodline fruit for three wolf-bellied ships. The initiative is not in their Kingdom of Azar.

"That's good! Then I'll report to the king later. Brother Tesirel, you should be able to get the wolf-bellied boat in a few days!" Francis felt relieved after seeing Tessirel's promise. Tone, said with a smile.

"Then thank you, Francis, thanks to your help these days!" Tesirel also thanked.

"It's okay! It's fine if you can help Brother Tesirel!" Francis smiled.

Without delay, under Tesireal's urging, Francis rushed to the royal court with Tesireal to carry out the transaction.


In Qinghuangling, Andy came to report Antonio's news to Allen again.

"You mean that Antonio has brought the warriors of the Blue Desolate Knights to Black Shark Harbor now? And last night, the Kraken launched another attack, which was repelled by Antonio's men." Allen heard the news for the first time, A little surprised.

"Yes! Lord Baron!" Andy nodded.

"What about the casualties! How were the casualties yesterday?" Allen quickly asked about the casualties of the soldiers.

"According to the news sent by Shadow, the sea monster attacked yesterday. Due to the precise cooperation of the soldiers of our Qinghuang Knights, there were no casualties. The Cavalier Captain was also severely injured," Andy said.

After hearing this, Allen nodded in satisfaction, as long as the casualties of the Blue Desolate Knights were not too large, he didn't care much about the rest.

"By the way! Lord Baron! According to the information sent back by Captain Antonio, a knight-level siren appeared in this siren attack!" Andy made a major discovery.

"Knight class?" Allen frowned, sure enough, these sea monsters are not simple!

"Yes! And Captain Antonio guesses that this knight-level sea monster has some wisdom, and seems to be able to command ordinary sea monsters!" Andy said seriously.

After hearing this, Allen's pupils shrank slightly. If this is the case, then the higher the strength of these sea monsters, the higher their wisdom is very likely. Allen is not sure whether these sea monsters can achieve human wisdom. Not easy to deal with.

However, these sea-monsters with the strength of knights are certainly rare. After all, the actions of capturing sea-monsters have been going on all the time these days, and no knight-level sea-monsters have appeared at all.

It is estimated that Mu Senling will not be able to encounter knight-level sea monsters for a while, and every time he goes to capture sea monsters, he is led by a squadron leader. As long as there are not a large number of knight-level sea monsters, there will basically be no It's too big of a problem, thinking of this, Allen couldn't help but feel relieved.

"By the way! How about Winona Cha?" Allen asked suddenly.

"These days, after the investigation of the shadows lurking in the night collar, I found that Miss Winona's daily life habits are the same as other noble ladies, and there is no difference. The suspicion that she deliberately approached Miss Irene can basically be ruled out." Andy Five ten way.

These days, since Irene came back from the night collar's dance last time, she and Miss Winona of the night collar have started to exchange letters regularly. Often, the castle can receive several letters from the night castle in a day.

These letters came from outside the Musen Territory and were sent to Qinghuang Castle, which symbolizes the core of the power of the entire Musen Territory. Naturally, they could not escape the eyes of the Shadow Division, but after discovering that the recipient of these letters was Miss Irene, Ann Di did not act rashly, but reported the incident to Allen, and then Allen asked Andy to secretly investigate Miss Winona.

"That's good! As long as Miss Winona doesn't have ulterior motives! The investigation can be put aside temporarily." Allen nodded.

As long as there is nothing wrong with Winona, Alan will not care about her contact with Irene.

(End of this chapter)

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