Ambition Lord

Chapter 12 Elemental Merchant Guild and Green Goblin

Chapter 12 Elemental Merchant Guild and Green Goblin

In the morning, Musen City is noisy with cars and horses, people come and go, the tall city walls are awe-inspiring, and there are many stalls on both sides of the road, providing all kinds of services.

Casinos, taverns, restaurants...

Let the team purchase and sell items, Allen took the remaining guards to the Element Chamber of Commerce.

The Element Chamber of Commerce is well-known throughout the continent, and it is one of the several major chambers of commerce in the mainland. It is truly rich in the world.

Of course, wealth cannot be preserved without strength.

The reason why the Elemental Chamber of Commerce can gain a foothold in the mainland must be very strong. Even the president of the branch in Musen City has the strength of a low-level knight.

Asking his men to wait in front of the door, Allen entered the Elemental Chamber of Commerce alone.

As soon as he entered the first floor of the chamber of commerce, Allen saw a mercenary with the strength of a knight talking with the president of the chamber of commerce.

Most of the goods sold by the Elemental Chamber of Commerce are what the knights need, so apart from the caravans and lords from various territories, only mercenaries with the strength of the knights are left here.

There are actually very few mercenaries with the strength of knights, and there is no territory to support them. If you want to break through knights by yourself, you can only see chance.

Most of the knight-level mercenaries on the mainland broke through to the knight class by eating the fruit of a magical plant by chance.

Seeing the mercenaries passing by him, Allen didn't talk to the mercenaries like in the novel, the tiger was shocked, and the knight surrendered.

That would be too naive, don't talk about how absurd it is, just talk about recruiting him here, Alan is so poor that he can't support himself, how can he provide others with cultivation resources.

Even if you want to recruit, it is only possible after Alan develops and grows.

Shaking his head, shaking off the wild thoughts in his mind, Allen walked straight to the president of the Elements Chamber of Commerce.

"I'm Allen, the baron of Qinghuang, and I want to exchange some element spars." Allen said with a smile.

"It's an honor for Baron Allen to come to the Elements Chamber of Commerce, please sit down." President Moore excitedly pulled Allen to a chair and sat down.

"I already know about Baron Arthur, sorry for Baron Allen!"

Moore frowned, as if thinking of something sad.

"Mr. Moore knew my father?" Allen asked curiously.

"Hahaha, of course, your father and I have fought together before, so we can be regarded as friends in need." Moore laughed boldly.

Allen was taken aback. He didn't expect the old man to have friendship with President Moore.

"You'd better call me Alan, Uncle Moore, I'm here today to change the fire element and wind element spar."

Allen didn't tell Mr. Moore that he had broken through to the knight class, but changing the spar himself has proved that he has broken through to the knight class.

Although Mr. Moore didn't ask, he could probably guess it.

Allen, the breakthrough knight, doesn't want to keep it a secret now, let it take its course, after all, he must buy the element spar.

Even if he said that he didn't buy the element spar for cultivation, no one would believe it.

After all, isn't buying element spar for cultivation? Isn't it for viewing?

In the end, Allen exchanged three thousand golden dragons for fifteen fire element spars and fifteen wind element spars from the chamber of commerce.

After getting the spar, Alan was going to say goodbye to Mr. Moore.

"Alan, as a lord, I hope you don't trust anyone blindly!" Moore warned Alan not wanting his old friend's son to make any mistakes.

Allen was moved, smiled and did not speak.

"By the way, wait a minute, I'll give you a present." As he spoke, Mr. Moore took out a small bag from his pocket and put it in Alan's hand.

The more Allen looked at it, the more familiar the bag looked.

"This is the mysterious seed I carefully collected, and I gave it to you. I remember I gave it to your father before."

Allen was confused. It turned out that Mr. Moore sent his father's seeds. He always thought that his father had a hobby of collecting seeds. It was Mr. Moore who liked to collect seeds for a long time.

Allen laughed for a while, what a coincidence!


After bidding farewell to Mr. Moore, Allen took his guards to meet up with the convoy at the agreed place. The convoy had already completed the purchase and was waiting on the spot.

On the way back to the territory, Alan was really bored, and thought of Mr. Moore's seeds. There were various seeds in the bag. Alan decided to identify these seeds. After all, they were seeds that even Moore didn't know.

Allen was expecting some precious plants among those seeds.

After spending half of Allen's luck, the seeds were identified.


Iron Tree Species - Harder than steel when mature.


Rose Species - A type of green flower called the Green Goblin.


Allen has never heard of most of the seeds identified by the original pearl, but reading the introduction is not very useful.

There are only three things that attract Allen.

One of them is the green fairy seeds. Ellen didn't forget that he promised his sister Irene to find green fairy seeds for her. Now there are exactly three.

The second is the seeds of the poisonous arrow wood. The poisonous arrow wood is amazingly poisonous, and it is a sharp weapon for the sinister. There are three seeds in total.
The third is the seed of the iron tree, and there is only one. The hardness of the iron tree is amazing. Allen intends to cultivate it into a magical plant through the original pearl.

For iron trees to become magical plants, they must be magical plants with golden elements, and most of the fruits of magical plants with golden elements have the effect of body forging.

Allen fantasized about the knights he formed in the future, a pair of steel and iron bone gods blocking and killing gods and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddha.

The other two would not be of much help even if they became magical plants, so Alan would not consider them.

Allen can't wait to return to the territory as soon as possible, but there is still a bag of seeds in the castle's treasure house!Allen is looking forward to another bag with big gains.

The team returned to Qinghuang Castle in the evening of the second day, and the first thing Alan did was to run to the treasure house.

After spending all the remaining luck, Alan sat on the ground decadently, thinking that he could still find some treasures, but it was a pity that the luck he had saved so hard was wasted in vain.

The appraisal results were speechless, none of them were useful.

Allen looked worried.

It doesn't matter, anyway, I have already got a lot of good things, so it's not a loss.Allen comforted.

During this trip, Allen really got a lot of good things, seven mares pregnant with the blood of the sub-dragon, thirty element spars, three green fairy seeds, three poison arrow wood seeds and one iron tree seed.

After spending three thousand gold dragons and the luck I had saved so hard, I generally made a steady profit.

Alan, who was meditating, was awakened by the sound of hurried footsteps outside the treasure house door.

It's Erin!
Allen thought that he was all too familiar with Irene's footsteps.

When he just returned to the castle, Alan asked someone to tell Irene that he had found the green goblin. I didn't expect Aileen to come here in such a hurry.

Allen just opened the door.

"Alan! Is it true? You really found the green goblin? Tell me where?"

Irene burst into frenzy and eagerness, her eyes were red, and her hair fell apart because of running too fast.

Alan originally wanted to tease Irene, but seeing Irene's appearance, Alan was scared.

Looking at the current situation, if I don't give the green goblin to Irene, I don't think it will end well. I remember that Mrs. Lisa also likes roses very much!
...Irene took the seeds and went to Mrs. Lisa's house...

Women are much scarier than men when they are crazy!Allen couldn't help but sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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