Ambition Lord

Chapter 124 Flame Rat

Chapter 124 Flame Rat

"Baron Qinghuang! I have heard it, of course I have! I am preparing a resting place for Baron Qinghuang and all the soldiers, please follow me."

The mayor, Doyle, was shocked when he heard that it was the Baron Qinghuang from the Musen collar. The Baron Qinghuang was young and promising, and he was about to be conferred the title of Viscount Musen by Earl Reagan. all over.

If he didn't know who Baron Qinghuang was, he would have been mayor of Huoqi Town for so many years in vain.

Following Doyle, Allen brought Bud and others to Doyle's house. Although Doyle's house did not have a castle like that of a noble baron, as the mayor, the house was extremely large, and it was all built with bricks and stones. It has a top-notch roof and a second floor, where all three generations of Doyle's family live.

Allen and Bud only rested at Doyle's house for a while, and after lunch, they were ready to leave with the team again.

"Master Baron! Please dine!" After Doyle asked the chef in his kitchen to cook dinner, he quickly brought it to Allen, while he waited by himself.

"Bud! Take it!" Allen handed a plate of fire-roasted chicken on the dining table to Bud behind him. After walking for so long, Bud and the others didn't eat.

"Thank you Baron!" Bud smiled and stretched out his hand to take it, and tore it up with Tony next to him. Seeing this scene, Doyle smiled and didn't speak.

"Grandpa! Has lunch started?" A crisp, little girl's voice sounded from the stairs of the house.

"Puccia!" Doyle said in surprise.

The little girl's voice also caught the attention of Ellen, Bud, and Tony who were eating. When the voice suddenly sounded, Bud and Tony looked over with wary faces.

Allen looked towards the stairs where the voice came from, and sure enough, a cute little girl was standing there, showing half of her body, wearing a pink dress, the price was very high at first glance, and her hair was too After elaborate grooming, according to her calling Grandpa Doyle, Allen learned that the little girl should be Doyle's granddaughter.

"Lord Baron Qinghuang! This is my granddaughter Pusia!" Doyle said nervously.

"Come here, Pusia, and salute Lord Baron Qinghuang!"

Hearing grandpa calling herself, Pusia looked at these strangers curiously, and trotted to the side of Mayor Doyle.

"Quick! Salute to the baron!" Doyle couldn't help urging seeing his granddaughter still looking at the baron curiously.

Pusia looked at her grandfather suspiciously, who is this person?Why do you want to salute him?

"No need! Doyle. Let him back down!" Alan is not unreasonable, the little girl is only five years old, younger than his sister Alisa, and he doesn't mind the little girl's rude behavior .

"Thank you, Lord Baron!" Doyle expressed gratitude, took Pusia's hand, and prepared to take her out.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Alan's surprised voice came from behind.

Doyle, who had already turned around, was shocked. Could it be that Baron Qinghuang repented?Angry at Pusia's rudeness?

"Master Qinghuang, please..." Doyle felt as if he turned around and prepared to make amends.

"Bring the cage in her hand!" Allen said in surprise.

"What?" Doyle was stunned at first, and then he realized that Pusia was holding a small bamboo cage, and quickly took it from Pusia.

Allen took the bamboo cage from Doyle. The outside of the bamboo cage was made of dense bamboo pieces, and the things inside could not be seen clearly.

Allen opened the lid above the bamboo cage, and suddenly found that there were three mouse-like cubs in the bamboo cage. They had no hair all over their bodies, and their red skin and blue veins were exposed. open.

The reason why Allen called Doyle was because of the things in the bamboo cage. As a fire elemental knight, Allen was more sensitive to fire elements than other elements. He just accidentally felt a fire element entrenched in this cage. So quickly asked for the cage.

Sure enough, a few cubs were found in the bamboo cage. Seeing these cubs, Alan can basically confirm that these three should be fire element monster cubs. The fire element can't fool people.

In order to confirm his own judgment, Allen deliberately checked the origin of the cub with the Origin Bead.


Flame rat cubs—low-level fire-element monsters with a milder temperament, their mature body weighs more than 100 kilograms, and their bodies are covered with red-red hairs that are more than one meter long, which can be woven into fire raccoons.


After seeing that these cubs were flame rats, a low-level monster with fire elements, Alan was overjoyed.

If he can feed these little guys, and finally be able to reproduce artificially like the water-marked giant frog, then in the future, wouldn't the territory be able to mass-produce the fire element blood potion, and the guard knights he has always wanted to establish—— Isn't the Flame Knights just gone?

Now Mu Senling is facing an extremely embarrassing imagination, that is, as a baron, Allen is a knight of the fire element, but the other knights are all knights of water element. After the development of the Wild Knights, it is more appropriate to name it the Water Ripper Knights. After all, the knights inside are all water element knights!

Carefully closing the lid, Allen handed it to Bud.

"Doyle? Do you know what's in this cage?" Allen asked.

"Lord Baron Qinghuang! I don't know what's in this cage!" Doyle shook his head.

"P...Psia, right? Tell my brother where the things in this cage came from?" Allen tried his best to make his smile more friendly.

"Are you talking about the little squirrel?" Pusia asked, biting her finger after hearing Allen's question.

"Yes! Little squirrel! Tell brother where it came from?" Allen knew that the little squirrel Pusia was talking about should be the flame rat.

"It was given to me by Uncle Bisi!" Pusia tilted her head and said.

"Who is Bis?" Allen looked at Doyle.

"Lord Baron Qinghuang! Bisi is the guard of my mansion and is responsible for Pusia's safety!" Although Doyle didn't know what the Baron Qinghuang wanted to do, he knew that he didn't want to trouble Pusia. , I also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where's Bis? Mayor Doyle brought Bis here!" Allen continued, he was eager to know where these flame rats came from.

"My lord! I'm going to find Bis right away!" Doyle said hurriedly when he heard that Allen wanted to find Bis.

"Well! As soon as possible!" Allen nodded.

Then Doyle took Pusia out to find Bis.

Not long after, Doyle came back with Bis, but Alan didn't see the little girl Pusia just now, and Alan didn't care, looking up at Bis in front of him.

 Thanks to the book friend "Wanli" for the two monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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