Ambition Lord

Chapter 133 Where Does the Population Come From?

Chapter 133 Where Does the Population Come From?

"Master Allen, you came just in time. These damned guys gnawed the gate of the castle again. I must teach these bastards a lesson today!" Butler Carey's hair was straightened, and he said fiercely. Staring at the three flame rats jumping up and down.

Since Butler Carey returned to Musen Castle, he has taken over all the affairs of the castle, big and small, and managed the castle in an orderly manner. The only thing that bothered Butler Carey was the flame rat. Destroying, and running fast, it is difficult for ordinary people to catch. It is basically impossible for these weak servants to catch these three flame rats.

"Bud! Barton! Catch these three guys!" Allen said to the two behind him.

After Bud and Barton heard this, they immediately jumped towards the direction of the flame rats, and it didn't take long to catch the three flame rats. How could the immature flame rats be the two of Barton? human opponent.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The Flame Rat, whose neck was strangled by Bud Barton, let out a cry, and showed its sharp front teeth at the two of them.

"Master Viscount! How should we deal with it?" Barton asked, shaking the two flame rats in his hand.

"Tie them up first, and take them away later!" Allen said.

The flame mouse has been kept in the castle by Allen, but looking at the current situation, it is necessary to find a new place to raise these guys. The first thing Allen thought of was the sinkhole for breeding giant water-marked frogs, but this sinkhole It's hard to find, even Allen only knows about the tiankeng in Qinghuangling, so it's not possible to keep the giant water-marked frog and the flame rat together!

With the habit of warcraft being hostile to each other, those two warcrafts have not yet fought. If a few of them die, Allen will regret it.

In addition, rats are born to burrow. If the flame rats are kept underground, they are very likely to burrow and escape, so places like sinkholes and burrows were immediately excluded from Alan's mind. .

After thinking about it, Allen suddenly thought of a way. The artificial breeding in his previous life inspired Allen. Those farmers who raised foxes and rabbits basically used a kind of iron cage to lock up the animals. There will be an animal in the cage, and the animal basically spends its whole life in the iron cage.

Allen also felt that this method was not only easy to raise, but also convenient to catch, and it also prevented the flame rat from hurting people.

As soon as he thought of it, Allen took Buttonbad and the three flame rats to the logistics bureau directly. For low-level monsters like the flame rats, an iron cage made of too thin wire is basically useless, so Allen deliberately The logistics bureau made three more than three meters high. The iron wire on the cage was as thick as a little finger, and there were some equipment for water and food inside.

Allen put three flame rats, one male and two female, into three iron cages respectively. At first, the three flame rats who had just entered the cage screamed unaccustomedly, scurrying about in the cage, and even tried to paw at them with their paws. It is a pity that it is difficult to shake the iron cage at all.

After tossing for a while, several flame rats also lay down tiredly, and Allen grabbed a handful of flame wheat fruits from Barton's hand and put them in the cage.

Seeing the Flaming Barley Fruit, the Flaming Rat quickly moved over and ate it without looking up.

Since the last harvest of the flame wheat fruit, Alan's fruit reserves have increased greatly again, and the flame wheat is about to mature again. It is impossible for one person close to Alan to eat it in a short time, plus the whole The territory is also Alan, a fire element knight, so Alan tried to throw the flame wheat fruit to the flame mouse, which is also a fire element attribute.

Sure enough, as a monster of fire element, the flame wheat is very attractive to the flame mouse. At first, Allen only sprinkled a small handful, but the three flame mice scrambled to eat it up.

Since that time, Allen would take out a little flame wheat fruit for the three flame rats to eat every day. The flame rats that ate the fruit grew rapidly, changing their appearance every day, and the fire element in their bodies became more and more intense.

According to Allen's knowledge, the period from birth to sexual maturity of rats is basically about three to four months, that is to say, after about two months, the flame rats will be able to reproduce, which is much faster than the giant water-marked frogs. .

After giving birth to pups, female mice can reproduce again, basically every two months, and the reproduction speed is extremely fast.

Looking at the three flame rats in the cage, Allen couldn't help but think of the Knights of the Guards that he was about to form, also known as the Flame Knights.

Once the Flame Rat starts to reproduce in a large area, it will be the time for his Flame Knights to be formally established.

Now the war between the Duchy of Linton and the Duchy of Kane is very likely to break out. Earl Reagan sent bad news to Allen again a few days ago. With the participation of the Duchy of Bru, the Duchy of Kane may have to face the attacks of the two duchies at the same time. In this unfavorable situation, the Duchy of Kane is at risk of destroying the country if it is a little careless.

In order to solve this passive situation, Grand Duke Div expects that the number of conscriptions for each earldom and marquis will increase a lot, which means that each territory is very likely to send a large number of troops to support the front line this time. Lun has some reasons why he is eager to establish the Flame Knights as soon as possible.

No matter how corrupt the situation is at that time, as long as he is strong, he has the right to choose. It is not without examples that the local lords switched to other countries after the country was destroyed, but in these cases, they are basically powerful. As for the weaker territories, they had no right to choose at all and were annexed directly.

However, in the situation of Mu Senling, it is indeed too much to raise two knights. Now the Qinghuang Knights have 800 people, which is about to reach the peak of the average number of soldiers in a normal viscount. If you want to build a comparable For the Flame Knights of the Blue Desolate Knights, Allen had to find another way.

Without sufficient population, you cannot get enough fighters, so population is the first problem Allen has to solve now.

However, the position of Allen's Wooden Territory is extremely awkward, shrunk at the corner of the Principality of Kane, tightly restricted, and under the control of Earl Reagan, basically there is no hostile territory for him to plunder the population.

So now unless he is given a hostile force, and it does not belong to the territory of Earl Reagan, let him plunder, otherwise it is basically impossible to establish the Flame Knights?
well!wrong!Territory that does not belong to the Earl of Reagan?A message flashed in Allen's mind, as if he had thought of something!
Without hesitation, Allen quickly ran back to the study, where he remembered that he put the thing in the study.

After rummaging for a while, Allen took out a piece of old sheepskin from the interlayer of the bookshelf, which was the sheepskin map seized from the wolf man.

 There are only two chapters today, just be lazy (﹏) and continue with three more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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