Ambition Lord

Chapter 136 Ready to leave

Chapter 136 Prepare to leave (third update)

The sun in the sky has come to the center, the sea is sparkling, and the gentle sea breeze is blowing through the fishing port.

After Alan handed over [-] kilograms of flame wheat fruit to the blue water caravan, he brought back two special wooden boats from the blue water port. The two ships sailed west along the coastline, and finally arrived at the fishing boat after several hours. Hong Kong.

The special wooden boat is specially built for sailing in the evil Black Sea. Compared with the boats in the river, the hull is relatively wider and the length is greatly reduced. Let the crew find out in time and reduce the attack range of the Kraken.

The sides of the hull are very high to prevent sea monsters from climbing. The wooden boat is made of special iron wood, which is extremely hard. The surface of the hull is painted with a thick layer of black paint and white The sails form a delicious contrast.

Allen roughly estimated the carrying capacity of this ship. Since it was originally a merchant ship used to transport goods, it had a relatively large carrying capacity. It could accommodate about [-] soldiers, which is considered a large capacity.

After the sailors who drove the boats from Blue Water Leader left, Andy said: "Master Viscount! These are the old sailors I found from Blue Water Leader. They all have rich experience in sailing, and they are all drifting at sea. I've been a veteran for decades." Andy pointed to the grim-faced old men behind him.

Several old sailors are basically around 50 years old. They have been wandering at sea for decades. Not long after they quit sailing, they were found by Andy. He wanted them to sail for Viscount Musen. Of course, people don't want to go out to take risks. After all, they are old, but they can't hold back the blades of their family members!Do they dare not agree?In desperation, he could only take his family with him, and with the cooperation of the shadows, the whole family moved to the vicinity of the fishing port in Musenling.

"Which of you can drive these two boats?" Alan asked the old men in front of him.

"Master Viscount! I... We all know it!" The old sailor Dahl hesitated for a moment, then looked at the few people behind him who hesitated to speak, and then said.

Old Dahl, now 54 years old, has gray hair and dark complexion due to years of wandering at sea, similar to the other old men, his hands are covered with thick calluses, and his face is full of vicissitudes.

"Oh! You all know it!" Allen said in surprise.

"Yes! Lord Viscount! This should be a special merchant ship of the blue water caravan. We all retired from the blue water caravan!" Dahl said.

It was only then that Alan remembered that what he asked was stupid. Only the blue water caravans in the blue water port have special wooden boats that can sail at sea. Since these old men are blue water collar sailors, they must be the blue water caravans No doubt about the sailors!
"Hmm! I don't know how you came to my Wooden Territory, and I don't want to know, I just know that if you can help me drive these two ships, then I will not treat you badly!" Allen nodded, Said lightly to these old men.

"Thank you, Lord Viscount!" After hearing these words, several old men, including Dahl, were secretly relieved, and quickly thanked.

"Well! Divide them into two groups first, and take the soldiers from our territory to get acquainted with each other on the ship. I hope you can hand over some details of the sea to our soldiers!" Allen ordered.

"Yes! Lord Viscount!" A total of six old men hurriedly said.

Naturally, Alan couldn't go alone when he explored this unknown island. After all, although he was a mid-level knight, some things really needed a lot of manpower to make progress. Just in case, Alan felt that he would bring three hundred The soldiers went to explore the reality of this big island.

Two days later.

"Master Viscount! The supplies are ready!" Antonio said.

"Well! Tell the soldiers to get on board!" Allen nodded.

After Allen's order was issued, a total of [-] soldiers began to board two wooden boats next to the catch in an orderly manner. Allen now named the two boats Musen No. [-] and Musen No. [-].

This time, the 150 soldiers were divided into two groups, a group of [-] people entered the two boats of Musen No. [-] and No. [-] in turn. They were dressed in blue-black monster scale armor, held spears, hung long swords on their waists, and hung blue and yellow flags on their backs. crossbow.

This time he went to this unknown island, Allen did not bring a war horse. First, because the sea horses are not easy to transport, they are prone to illness. Second, the war horses take up a lot of space, and the cabin is not enough to accommodate soldiers and supplies, let alone add war horses. The third is that the unnamed island has an unknown terrain. Once the terrain is rough and unsuitable for horses to advance, it is very likely that the loss outweighs the gains. Fourth, the daily food consumption of the horses is very large. Once the island does not have enough food, the consequences will be disastrous. As for The food on board was only enough for the soldiers to go back and forth.

As the white sails on the upper layers of the two ships were raised, Allen was ready to set off!
"Lord Viscount! Be careful all the way!" Antonio knew that he couldn't persuade Lord Viscount, so he could only tell him.

"Well! Captain Antonio, during the period of my absence, please cooperate with the Ninth Office to manage the Mu Senling. Now, apart from the [-] squadrons I took away, the other five squadrons of the Qinghuang Knights still have one Thousands of well-trained recruits will obey your dispatch, I hope you will not let me down!" Allen nodded.

"Antonio will definitely not disappoint Lord Viscount!" Antonio solemnly saluted.

"Well! Alright! I'm on the boat first!"

"Go!" As Allen raised his arms and shouted, the two wooden boats began to slowly sail out of the fishing port.

Antonio and the soldiers of the Blue Desolate Knights watched Allen and the two ships leave.

"Captain!" Kant stood beside Antonio.

"Let's go! During the days when Lord Viscount is away, we must guard Mu Senling carefully and wait for Lord Viscount to return!" Antonio said in a deep voice.

In fact, Antonio has 100% trust in the viscount in his heart. Since the viscount insists on going to sea, there will be no danger. He has a deep understanding of the viscount's ability. Len has great self-confidence.

The waves fluttered on the deck with a fishy wind, splashing a splash of water, and the rumbling sound followed. Alan was chatting with the old sailor Dahl on the Musen No. [-].

"Master Viscount! According to the chart, if the wind speed is fast these days, we can arrive within three days at the earliest! But I'm afraid that if we are too far away from the shore, some unpredictable things will happen!" Dahl said to Follow Allen Road.

In fact, Dahl has been a sailor for so long, and he has never been to such a distant sea area. The blue water caravan usually sails in the coastal areas of the mainland, so Dahl is also uncertain.

Life is insignificant when facing the ocean. Even an elemental knight with extraordinary strength cannot roam freely in the ocean. If someone dares to underestimate the power of the ocean, the ocean will definitely make him pay the price, and the price is life!
(End of this chapter)

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