Ambition Lord

Chapter 14 Antonio's Breakthrough

Chapter 14 Antonio's Breakthrough

July is the hottest time in the south of the mainland, and people try their best to avoid the scorching heat.Aristocrats went to manors to escape the summer heat, rich businessmen built ice houses, and ordinary people without money took shade under the trees.

The bad weather made the entire south lose its vitality, the nobles who were constantly in conflict put down their fiery tempers, the caravan exchanges between territories continued to decrease, and the entire south was eerily quiet.

Qinghuang collar.

One hundred cavalrymen stood neatly, behind were four hundred strong soldiers, and five hundred soldiers all held soldiers in their hands and wore leather armor. A little shaken.

Allen looked at his army and squinted his eyes. These sergeants are not only the defenders of the territory, but also the cornerstone of his across the continent.

"Everyone, please remember! Since you became the warriors of the territory, you have been the patron saints of the territory. You guard your family and the place where you were born and raised. Without a territory, there is no home."

"I! Alan Charles swears here to give you better treatment, give you dreams of rising, and give your children a better life, now! Fight for the territory, and I will lead you to crush all enemies."

Looking at the sergeants with excited faces, Allen did nothing but let his future subordinates understand what kind of person his lord is.

Their lords are not afraid of challenges, they are not lacking in blood, they are ambitious, and they think more about their subjects.

As an aristocrat and an exploiting class, Allen would not label himself as a selfless saint, because the aristocracy itself and the saint cannot coexist.

In order to meet the needs of the territory in the future, Allen not only requires the soldiers in his territory to be strong in fighting, but also to be able to read and write. Even if they are illiterate, they are forced to learn ordinary words.

Allen can't imagine that when some of these guys serve as military officers in the future, jokes like not being able to understand military orders will happen.

Ideally, there are five hundred officers, one officer leads one hundred recruits, so that Allen can train [-] soldiers in a short time.But it is said to be in an ideal state. After all, some people are not suitable to be officers. Officers not only test combat effectiveness, but also test management ability.

Allen estimates that 500 of his 200 people can be qualified as officers, which is considered good, and it can be regarded as laying the foundation for his rapid military expansion in the future.


Allen, who was sitting on a chair in the hall, frowned and looked at Antonio. After checking the army training, Allen and Antonio came to the castle hall.

"Antonio, are you sure to use the bloodline of the water-marked giant frog to break through the knight?"

"Lord Baron, I've made a decision, thank you for making it happen." Antonio stood there firmly and said with a serious face.

Antonio, who is in his forties, has been at the limit of cavalry for more than ten years. If he does not break through, he will be weak when he is 50 years old, and his chances of breaking through will be even slimmer.

One monster's blood can only extract one monster's bloodline, and two water-marked giant frogs can extract two bloodlines, but the breakthrough in absorbing the monster's bloodline may fail, so Alan gave both of them to Antonio.

Outside the secret room, Allen guarded the door, waiting for Antonio's breakthrough to end.

Three hours later, Antonio opened the door of the secret room and saw the smile on Antonio's face. Allen knew that Antonio had succeeded, but because Antonio used the blood of the water-marked giant frog, Antonio was a low-level knight of the water element.

Antonio returned the remaining piece of Warcraft blood to Allen, and Allen reached out to take it.

Using bloodlines to break through knights also has disadvantages. This is why Allen does not want Antonio to use bloodlines to break through. If Antonio wants to break through mid-level knights in the future, he must hunt a mid-level monster, extract bloodlines, and let high-level bloodlines swallow low-level bloodlines. to break through.

Allen had told Antonio in advance, but this was Antonio's own choice, and Allen was not good at intervening. Besides, Allen planned to use the blood of the giant water-marked frog for the army in the future, in order not to make his own soldiers stuck in the low-level As a knight, Allen will also try his best to find water-attribute monsters that can be bred.

Antonio, who broke through the Cavaliers, said goodbye to Allen and went back to adapt to the Cavaliers.

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, Allen leaned back on the recliner enjoying himself.

From today, Qinghuang has a second low-level knight, and Allen has no doubt that there will be a third, fourth... appearing in the future.

However, as a baron, my subordinates have already broken through to the same level as me, so I should also consider breaking through the mid-level strength. I can't just spend all my time being low-level knights. Although my strength is comparable to the middle-level knights, the real realm is still low-level. knight.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Allen rushed to the Flaming Wheat Field, which had been moved by Allen to an empty valley a few days ago.

On the bright side, the two guards guarding the valley saw Allen quickly salute and let him go. Today, Allen is going to make all the remaining fire element spar and the fire element spar exchanged from Mr. Moore into fire element medicine liquid for Use up the flame wheat mother plant.

These fire element medicines may not be able to advance the flame wheat mother plant, but it can still make the mother plant one step closer to the advanced level, and the improvement of the strength of the mother plant will also speed up the maturation of the one-acre daughter plant.

Looking at Xiao Yi who was screaming happily in the air, Allen couldn't help but sigh, he still has to find spar.

Riding next to the wheat field with strong fire elements, Alan said goodbye to Xiao Yi after practicing for a while and returned to the castle.

Allen came back so early to help Antonio test his strength.

At first, Allen sternly refused. After all, he reached the peak of the low-level knight without the ability to attach elements. Antonio just reached the low-level knight, and his whole body strength was only more than 200 kilograms. Allen was afraid that he would accidentally hurt Antonio, but when Antonio left With a sincere face, it is not easy for him to refute Antonio's face.

As expected, Antonio was helpless in front of Allen.

I see.


Allen punched Antonio in the chest, and Antonio staggered and took a few steps back.

"Lord Baron, your subordinates are defeated, Lord Baron is very powerful!"

This is why Alan kept his hand, otherwise half a ton of force would hit his chest, and even Antonio, who was a low-level knight, would have his ribs broken and his chest sunken.

Antonio said goodbye and left, Allen patted the dust on his body, took the towel handed over by the servant and wiped his hands.

At this time, Barton came to report, and Andy begged to see him, raised his hand and waved away the servant, Barton, Barry, and Bud.

"Lord Baron, the subordinates have made progress in infiltrating Iron Stone Collar." Andy said happily.

"Huh? Let's hear it?" Allen became interested.

"Lord Baron, a spy from the territory came to report today. He played the role of a high-spirited gambler. Since Edda, the younger brother of Baron Curritt's lover, is fond of gambling, he deliberately approached him and often invited him to drink. Just today Edda Confided a very important piece of information." Andy kept saying things.

"Oh! Say it!" Allen was startled.

"Yes, Ada said, in fact, the relationship between the seemingly friendly baron of the wooden vine collar and the baron of the iron stone collar is actually very complicated..."

(End of this chapter)

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