Ambition Lord

Chapter 150 The Egg of the Giant Blue Turtle

Chapter 150 The Egg of the Giant Blue Turtle

The market in Heisang Village consists of three streets. The street is ten meters wide and extends from the village head to the end. The street on the left is dedicated to buying and selling treasures and weapons. All kinds of food, Allen and the others first entered the middle street.

There are various stalls on both sides of the street. At this time, some people are negotiating prices with the sellers on the stalls. Some sell wheat, some sell calves, sheep and so on.

"Healthy puppies! Come and see, authentic hounds only need three buckskins!" A hound vendor was yelling loudly.

"Clothes! Beautiful clothes! They are all made of the best flax! One piece of cowhide, only one piece of cowhide!" The businessman waved a few pieces of linen clothes in his hand.

The procurement goals of the two villages this time are very clear, salt, calves, and wheat.

After finding a stall for buying and selling table salt, Mike and Levi's each exchanged ten intact buckskins for four catties of table salt.

It didn't take long for the two of them to buy a few calves and a few hundred catties of wheat each. The speed was very fast. The calves were led by two people, and the wheat was carried by the soldiers behind.

After the two finished shopping, the purchase officially ended. Let the two and the soldiers return to the bullock cart and wait, while Allen took Buttonbad and the two to stroll.

The street in the middle is full of things related to life, and there is nothing to see for Allen, so he naturally wouldn't run away to buy calves and the like.

After a quick stroll from the street all the way to the end of the street, only a few eggs on a stall caught Alan's attention.

The stalls are full of strange things, as if they were picked up from a garbage dump, old baskets, a black cane missing a piece, a few pieces of blue unknown feathers and so on.

The four eggs Allen was looking for were in the dilapidated basket.

Each egg is the size of a human head, and the shell is covered with black markings, making it look extremely mysterious and precious.

At this time, the booth was full of people, all of whom were attracted by the giant egg on the booth.

"How about ten buckskins? Ten buckskins, give me these eggs?" A fat man who looked rich said to the seller.

The seller is a lean young man with very dark skin and small eyes, revealing a hint of cunning.

"No! Impossible! This is a treasure! I wouldn't sell it without fifty buckskins!" The lean young man shook his head with a determined expression.

"What? Fifty buckskins? Why don't you grab them? This is the egg of an ordinary giant orchid turtle. I want to buy it back and try it out, but you sell it so expensive? You don't really think this egg is a treasure, do you?" !” Fatty was very dissatisfied, and left angrily.

"That's right! Little brother, although the eggs of the giant orchid turtle are very rare, they are worthless except for eating! What do you think of fifteen buckskins?" the side said humanely.

"Fifty! You can't do without one!" the seller insisted.

Seeing the seller's stubbornness, the man just shook his head and stopped talking.

"The giant orchid tortoise egg is so expensive, this guy is crazy!" Some people in the crowd commented. .

Gradually, everyone knew the origin of this giant egg, so it was no novelty, and gradually dispersed.

"Everyone, don't go! 45 buckskins! 45!" The young man was in a hurry, regretting his momentary lust for profit.

"Can you pick it up and have a look?" This is Allen who squatted down, pointed to a few eggs in the basket, and said to the seller.

"Yes! Yes!" The seller was very anxious when he found out that no one was buying his eggs, and suddenly found Alan squatting down, and he was overjoyed and said very happily.

After the seller agreed, Alan took out an egg from the basket with his hand and looked it over carefully. Alan didn't think it was the egg of a giant orchid turtle. Just now, Alan heard the discussion of some people next to him and knew The giant blue tortoise is a rare species of giant tortoise on Heilan Island, and the eggs it laid should be very similar to this one.

However, the giant orchid tortoise is not a monster, it is just an ordinary turtle, but the eggs in front of him, Alan felt a slight elemental fluctuation, these eggs are most likely left by a monster, Alan knew it clearly .

"Excuse me, where do you come from the eggs of these giant blue turtles?" Alan asked quietly, calmly.

"It's not...well! I picked these eggs from the seaside near the village." Hearing that Alan said they were the eggs of giant blue turtles, the skinny young man was about to refute, but after a pause for a few seconds , and gave up helplessly.

"Is it the seaside? As far as I know, the giant blue tortoise lays its eggs by the seaside!" Allen nodded with a sense of understanding, as if he was certain that these eggs were giant orchid turtle eggs.

"'s not what you think! The giant blue turtle only lays its eggs on the beach, but I saw this egg from the woods by the sea!" The skinny young man hurriedly explained.

In the woods?Allen has already determined in his heart that this egg should not be the egg of the giant blue turtle.

"How much do you bid for these eggs?" Allen stood up, inclined to leave if there was a disagreement.

", thirty buckskins! What do you think?" The young man said uncertainly. If the guy in front of him left again, he might not be able to sell these eggs.

"What do you think of this?" Allen pulled a dagger from Bud's waist behind him, and shook it in front of the seller.

"Iron dagger?" The thin young man exclaimed!Looking at the dagger in Allen's hand, his eyes lit up.

"Okay! These eggs are yours!" The lean young man nodded frantically, trying to get the dagger in Allen's hand.

"Wait a minute!" Allen drew his hand and flashed.

"What's wrong?" The thin young man was taken aback, suspecting that Allen wanted to go back on his word.

"Give me this basket!" Allen wanted a basket for eggs, after all, he couldn't walk with four eggs in his arms!

"Okay! This basket will be given to you!" The thin young man felt relieved. It turned out that he didn't regret it, so he agreed without thinking.

After Bud held the whole basket in his arms, Allen also handed the dagger to the seller, and the deal was concluded.

With the seller's farewell, Allen left the middle street and went directly from the end of the middle street to the end of the left street.

In addition to selling finished weapons, Left Street also sells all kinds of ores. As for treasures, there are all kinds of strange things that you don’t know at all. They are all treasures.

Compared with the food on the right street, Allen would like to visit the left street first to find out if Heyland Island has some rare minerals, but Allen doesn't have much hope, after all, he learned from Mike and the others that Iron ore and copper ore on Helan Island are very scarce. The entire Giant Mouse City seems to have only one small hematite mine. From the businessman who sold it to the Allen Dome just now, he was so happy to see an iron dagger. It can be seen from the appearance.

But Allen still had a little bit of luck in his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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