Ambition Lord

Chapter 155 Golden Sun Scarlet Flame Emblem

Chapter 155 Golden Sun Scarlet Flame Emblem
As the rolling sound of the carriage wheels gradually decreased, Allen entered Qinghuang Town in the carriage.

At this time, there were already servants waiting outside the Qinghuang Castle. After seeing the golden sun and red flame emblem on the oncoming carriage, they knew that the Viscount had returned, so he hurried back to the castle to report.

When Allen entered the gate of the castle, Alisa was running towards him, and Mrs. Lisa and the others came behind Alisa.

"Brother Alan!" Alyssa said softly, grabbing the corner of Alan's clothes with a happy face.

"Yeah!" Allen nodded with a smile, and touched the top of Alisa's head with his hand.

"Allen! You haven't eaten yet! Dinner is ready! I've already had your room cleaned up!" Mrs. Lisa said with a smile.

Allen had already informed Mrs. Lisa yesterday that he would be back in the afternoon of the next day.

"That's good! I happen to be a little hungry!" Allen nodded, hugged Alisa in his arms, and headed towards the hall.

After dinner, Allen didn't take a break. First, he went to the Tiankeng to observe the situation of the remaining five giant water-marked frogs. After taking away the spar mine mother, now he wants to see the situation of the five water-marked giant frogs, so as not to have any accidents.

Tie the rope to the tree, and Allen turned over and went down to the bottom of the sinkhole. Fortunately, under Allen's observation, the five water-marked giant frogs were normal, and there was no sign of being promoted to a mid-level monster.

As long as they are fed until June, these water-marked giant frogs will be able to reproduce again. By then, the number of water-marked giant frogs in Mu Sen will increase greatly. Just now that the Qinghuang Knights are expanding, the blood potion needed will increase greatly.

Although there are not many who have reached the limit of cavalry now, there are already some. Allen plans to establish a merit system after the Harvest Festival, allowing soldiers who have reached the limit of cavalry to exchange merit for blood potions to attack knights. Accumulated, by then the number of blood potions needed must increase greatly.

After checking the giant water-marked frog and confirming that there was nothing wrong, Allen found a war horse in the castle, and rode it to the valley where Flame Mai was located.

"Eyee! Eyee!"

As soon as he saw Alan coming, Xiaoyi yelled happily a few times, and swayed back and forth around Alan.

Alan came to pour the fire element liquid into the flame wheat. After making the fire element liquid from [-] fire element spars exchanged from Musen City, Alan rushed to the valley.

After absorbing a large amount of fire element liquid again, Xiao Yi entered the flame wheat mother plant again, and began to digest the excess fire element. Through the connection with Xiao Yi, Allen could clearly feel that the flame wheat was transformed into the third stage. It's getting closer.

Looking at the flaming wheat fields like a sea of ​​flames, Allen unconsciously thought of another magical plant in Musenling, which is also a fire element firewood vine.

Unlike the contract signed by Flame Mai and Allen, Firewood Vine is more difficult to promote to the second stage of transformation than Firewood Vine, which can break through and transform into the second-level Flame Mai with only the fire elemental liquid.

Since he got the firewood vine last time, Allen went back and checked the conditions for the firewood vine to be promoted to the second level of transformation. Among them, the firewood vine not only needs a large amount of fire elemental liquid, but also needs the blood of high-level knights or high-priced monsters. The blood is fused into the fire element liquid to form a new advanced medicinal liquid, which can make the fire wood vine break through to the second level.

It's a pity that Alan can't get the blood of high-level creatures at all. Although his combat power has reached a high-level level now, he can probably collide with others a few times, but it is impossible to kill the target To, unless he summoned all the warriors of the Blue Desolate Knights to siege.

Moreover, the whereabouts of high-level monsters are unpredictable, and the entire Earl of Reagan is the only one of the high-level knights. He can't run to Earl Reagan and say that he needs his blood!And Earl Reagan is an earth elemental knight, his blood doesn't match fire wood vines at all!
Therefore, Huo Mu Teng's advanced plan has been put on hold, and it will only be considered after obtaining the corpse of a high-level knight or a high-level monster in the future.

After finding out that Xiao Yi would not be able to come out for a while, Alan didn't stay long, and returned to Qinghuang Castle on his war horse.

Early the next morning, every household in mainland China ushered in the Harvest Festival!

The whole town of Qinghuang Town is very lively, every household is busy decorating the inside and outside of their house.

At this time, Allen also got up under the entanglement of Alisa!
After washing up, Allen came to the hall to prepare for breakfast.

"Brother Alan! Where is the gift you gave me? When will you be able to give it to Alyssa? Can you give it to me now?" Alyssa said anxiously, leaning on the chair made by Alan.

Alisa ran to Allen's house early in the morning to find out what present Allen would give her today, making Allen so noisy that he couldn't sleep.

"Alyssa! Don't worry! Sister Irene and the others haven't come yet? I'll give you a gift when they arrive!" Alan pinched her nose and said.

"Then... alright!" Alisa climbed up the chair feebly and began to eat her own breakfast.

It didn't take long for Mrs. Lisa and the others to come together. At this time, all the Charles family was wearing new clothes, including Ellen.

After seeing that everyone had arrived, Allen didn't delay, and after signaling to the guard, the guard hurried out, but returned in a few minutes with a big wooden box in his arms. It was Allen who put it in this wooden box Ready for a gift for a member of the Charles family.

Taking the wooden box from the guard, Alan placed the wooden box under his feet, opened the wooden box casually, and saw some small wooden boxes inside the wooden box, each with a name on it, Irene, Alisa and so on, the names on the names correspond to the Charles family one by one.

"Alan! Is this the Harvest Festival gift you prepared for us?" Mrs. Lisa asked in surprise.

"Yes!" As he said, Allen took out two wooden boxes of the same size from the wooden box, with the names of Ebner and Aite written on them.

"Aite, Ebner, this is a gift from the two of you!" Allen handed two wooden boxes to the two of you.

"Thank you, Brother Alan!" The two said in unison, excitedly.

As the two opened the boxes one after another, the items in the two boxes attracted everyone's attention. There was a golden spiral horn in both boxes.

What's this?The others looked at Allen suspiciously.

"This is the horn of a golden element monster, which is an elemental material. You two can use it to make a piece of elemental equipment, but the horn is a bit small, so it's just right for making a dagger!" Alan nodded and suggested.

"Wow! Warcraft! This is the horn of the Warcraft!" Ebner exclaimed loudly, and Aite next to him was no different, both of them hugged the wooden box in their arms with excitement.

As for the others, they also looked at Allen in surprise.

 Thank you book friends for the monthly tickets of "The Heart Is Not Cold, It's Cold" and "A Bottle"
(End of this chapter)

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