Ambition Lord

Chapter 158 The Principality of Sid

Chapter 158 The Principality of Sid
The current situation is a bit weird, and everyone neither refute nor support it, and Allen sees it all.

Earl Reagan didn't need to tell them about this at all. He had the right to directly confer Stark as Viscount Blue Water, regardless of Stark's meritorious service.

Now Earl Gen actually said it here, which made Allen a little puzzled!

Is it because he is afraid that other viscounts will be dissatisfied?Or just let me know?
But even if there is some dissatisfaction in their hearts right now, the viscounts who are concerned about Earl Reagan's actions will not express it, after all, no one wants to offend Earl Reagan.

"However, everyone should know that Stark has never made any meritorious service to Earl Reagan. It is really inappropriate to confer him the Viscount of Blue Water rashly. Therefore, after Stark becomes the Viscount of Blue Water this time, he will start to rebuild the Blue Water. As for the reconstruction of the blue water caravan, Stark will be responsible for the reconstruction of the blue water caravan. The ships of the blue water caravan were destroyed. This time, Stark will bear half of the money for the purchase of the ships, and the other half. It will be shared by all the viscounts, of course, your share will not change, I don't know what you think!" Earl Reagan said again after a pause.

After hearing this, Allen secretly thought that the Twilight Collar was really rich, saying that Stark was responsible for the expenses, but in fact it was not borne by the Twilight Collar. In order to get the support of the various viscounts, Earl Reagan spent all his money. This approach is saying When I went out, I not only looked decent, but also achieved my goal.

Allen believed that these viscounts would definitely agree, and stood up to express support for Earl Reagan. Compared with dissatisfaction with Earl Reagan's actions, these guys valued interests more, and even Allen himself could not refuse.

"Lord Earl! It would be the best if Stark came to be the Viscount of the Blue Water Collar! Letting Stark be the Viscount of the Blue Water Collar is the most important choice!" The Viscount Goway on the side said with a hypocritical smile.

"Yes! Stark's talent is obvious to all. The real young talent is the same as our Viscount Allen!" Viscount Curry glanced at Allen with a smile, and said with a smile.

Is this disgusting me?After feeling Viscount Curry's gaze, Allen couldn't help thinking.

Sure enough, when these old guys saw the benefits, they were all shameless!
After Viscount Goway and Viscount Curry expressed their views, other viscounts also expressed their views one after another, expressing their affirmation of Stark's talent. Naturally, Allen could not make an exception, and could only perfunctorily express his support for Earl Reagan's decision.

"Okay! Since everyone is so optimistic about Stark's ability! Then I can feel relieved that Stark can manage the blue water collar well! I plan to confer on Stark early tomorrow morning. I hope everyone It's an honor to participate! Hehe!" Earl Reagan said with a smile.

Then there was another echoing sound from the mouths of the viscounts below.

"Now that this matter has been clarified! There is only one thing left! That is about the conscription of the Grand Duke Diff!" Earl Reagan's voice changed.

"Everyone may not be clear, this time the wolf man's invasion is not just a territory of our Earl of Reagan, the Marquis of Lane and the Earl of Andre are also in it. The number of jackals who invaded the Marquis of Lane is close to [-]. It was a wolf man with high-level strength who led the team. The Marquis of Lane's carelessness led to his defeat. The entire Marquis of Lane was bloodbathed by the wolf men. It was much worse than my twilight collar. As for the situation of Earl Andre and our Reagan The Counties are similar, and have suffered heavy losses!" Earl Regan's face was serious.

"The invasion of the gnolls has seriously affected Duke Diff's recruitment plan! Due to the heavy casualties of the soldiers in the Marquis of Lane, Duke Div has reduced the intensity of the Marquis of Ryan's conscription and increased the intensity of conscription for us and the other two counties. , So this time the number of fighters that our Earl of Reagan will send out is 8000, which is 6000 more than the original plan of 2000!" Earl Reagan sighed.


"My lord! There are too many people!"

The viscounts below were extremely surprised. Did Duke Difu want to withdraw all the soldiers in their territory?

"Okay! Be quiet first! Listen to me!" Earl Reagan rubbed his head.

The people below fell silent in an instant, staring at Earl Reagan above them all.

"According to Grand Duke Difu's plan this time, 1000 people will be dispatched from each territory, but the blue water collar was accidentally destroyed, so the share of the blue water collar will be led by me, Twilight, which is [-] soldiers, and each of your territories will send out [-] soldiers." One thousand soldiers! This is the order of Grand Duke Diff!" Earl Reagan said helplessly.

The viscounts below didn't speak rashly after hearing this. This was ordered by the Grand Duke of Dive. Earl Reagan didn't dare to change it at will, and they themselves were powerless to object!I can only suffer in silence, and honestly send out the prepared thousand soldiers when the conscription order comes.

"However, although the Principality of Kane is currently in a severe situation, it is not without a turnaround. I have received a letter from the Duke of Difu. He stated that the Principality of Kane has now contacted the Principality of Sid and formed an alliance with the Principality of Sid. The Principality of Sid has already had some Conspiracy, once it succeeds, the crisis in our Principality of Kane will be resolved!" Earl Reagan looked at the lifeless below, and broke out good news in good time.

The Principality of Sid is also a principality near the Principality of Kane. If the Principality of Kane, the Principality of Linton, and the Principality of Bru are put in one field, then the Principality of Kane is in the lower left corner of the field, and the Principality of Linton is in the upper left corner. , the Duchy of Bru is in the lower right corner, and the Duchy of Sid is in the upper right corner.

The national strength of the Principality of Sid is similar to that of the Principality of Kane. If the Principality of Kane can successfully form an alliance with the Principality of Sid, the situation will change to an even match again, from one-on-one to two-on-two. The risk of the Principality of Kane will be greatly reduced. .

"Great! Now our Principality of Kane will be able to overcome this difficulty!" The Viscount below was pleasantly surprised. This is a matter of life and death for them. If the Principality of Kane is really destroyed, they will not have it. What a fate!

"My lord! Then I wonder if Grand Duke Difu has revealed when he will recruit us?" Allen asked with some doubts.

This is the topic that Allen is most concerned about at this time. Now the number of troops left by Mu Senling has not reached a thousand. If Grand Duke Difu suddenly recruits, he still can't get together a thousand soldiers!
"This matter! The Grand Duke's letter did not specify when it was, but it did say an approximate time, which may be around May! Of course, this is the case when the alliance fails! If the alliance goes well, the time will be changed! " Earl Reagan replied.

Is it May?There are still more than three months, enough for me to take a wave of Heilan Island!Allen said in his heart.

 Thanks to the book friend "bie" for the monthly ticket of "I feel super amazing"
(End of this chapter)

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