Ambition Lord

Chapter 170 The Dominating Race

Chapter 170 The dominating race (third update)
The combination of fire ox and fan ox is not without disadvantages. The fire spot ox born is like the mule in the previous life, which is naturally sterile. However, even so, Fire Bull Village still earns money by selling fire spot cattle to other villages. Lots of crystals.

It can be seen from this that the fire-spotted cow is a very rare commodity. It can help cultivate the land, and it can also be used as a fire-attribute monster to be eaten as meat. One word is not enough to describe it.

As for the gold-eating snakes in Jinsnake Village, they also have special abilities. The gold-eating snakes can swallow some metal ores, purify them in their bodies, and then excrete the purified metals from their bodies.

It's not that there are no metal mines on Heilan Island, but there are few metal veins, coupled with immature drilling techniques, the quality of the ironware is not good, but the price is very expensive. The quality of the ironware made by Jinsnake Village by relying on the Golden Snake far exceeds that of the entire island. average level, which made Jinsnake Village earn a lot of crystals.

It's a pity that because there are not many golden snakes in Jinsnake Village, the output of ironware in Jinsnake Village is in short supply every year.

The reason why Allen knew about these two mine veins was naturally from Heisang Village. After all, Heilan Island uses spar as currency, so there must be spar mines, there is no doubt about it.

Sure enough, after Alan asked Gnar, he learned that Giant Rat City has two small spar mines, a fire element spar mine, and a wind element spar mine.

Alan silently put away the map. He asked Abis to inquire about the location of these two mine veins as a precautionary measure, and he didn't want to stroke the tiger's beard right now.

In the early morning of the next day, Allen took Bud Barton and the two to Heisan Village. As for what Allen asked Gnar yesterday about the mid-level water element beast, Allen had already received a reply from Gnar last night. It's a pity that the description in the letter is not clear, Allen only knows that there are monsters he needs in the Crocodile River.

So without delay, Allen planned to go to Heisang Village early in the morning to ask Gnar clearly.

Arriving at Gnar's office, after asking the guard to report, Allen led the two into the room.

At this time Gnar in the room was already waiting for Allen.

"My lord! I don't know why you came to me this time?" Gnar wondered.

"It should be true that you said in the letter that there are mid-level water element monsters in Crocodile River!" Allen took out the envelope and shook it.

"That's right! There are not only mid-level water element monsters in Crocodile River, but also many high-level monsters. They are all the same kind of monsters—water crocodile." Gnar nodded.

The Crocodile River is a saltwater river that stretches over half of Heilan Island, and its narrowest point is more than ten meters wide. It completely separates the territories of Giant Rat City and Heilan City. The crocodile family, the communication between the two giant cities, even if they choose to spend a lot of time bypassing the crocodile river, they will not think about building boats to cross the river. No exception, as for those who fell into the river, the fate is self-evident.

"I want to hunt a mid-level water crocodile from the crocodile river!" Allen said seriously.

"Then... I wish you success!" Gnar said with a smile, pulling his face.

"You follow me too, lead the way for me, and that stupid big man is also with you!" Allen said without doubt. Allen was afraid that after he left, these two guys who were stronger than the Knights of the Green Desolate would be a moth.

Gnar's face froze, Carlos was naturally the stupid one, he nodded helplessly and said, "Okay!"

The road was far away, so Allen naturally didn't choose to walk, but asked Nar to pull five war horses from the village, and a group of five people drove the horses towards the west.

Heisang Village is to the east of Giant Rat City, and Crocodile River is the western boundary of Giant Rat City. From Heisang Village to Crocodile River, Alan and the others will almost cross half of the territory of Giant Rat City.

This time, after walking a little and a half of the route, Alan was fortunate enough to see the Giant Rat City not far away. Looking down from the slope, he could see the tall city walls, the crowds coming and going, and Alan could still see some flames. The spotted ox was pulling a cart and slowly entered the city. Above the city gate were engraved with three big characters indistinctly - Giant Rat City.

The appearance of the Giant Rat City always gave Allen a familiar feeling. After thinking for a long time, Allen finally realized that the Giant Rat City was very similar to the Twilight City that Allen had seen. The city wall is bustling and bustling, and the marginal wall cannot be seen at a glance, which is incomparable to Musen City.

Although Alan wanted to go in and have a look at the Giant Rat City, it is most important to help Bud to be promoted to a mid-level knight right now, so after taking a look, Alan took a few people and continued to the direction of the Crocodile River, trying to reach the alligator before noon. Arrive at the Crocodile River.

It was close to noon, and the five of them never got off their horses to rest. Finally, when the horse was already tired and covered with white foam, they rushed to the vicinity of the Crocodile River. Looking at the appearance of the horse under him, Alan knew that if he continued to run, the horse would be ruined. up.

At this time, the Crocodile River has a panoramic view. It is different from the undulating waves, fast-flowing water, and strong beating on the shore in Allen's imagination. The surface of the Crocodile River in front of him is extremely calm, and the river is covered with seaweed. The sound of insects is unusually quiet, and the width of the two banks is about [-] meters.

Allen led the four of them and began to slowly approach the river bank. Not only did no one want to pass through the Crocodile River, but no one would approach it without incident. The reason was that not only these water crocodiles would attack boats, but also water crocodiles would attack people on shore.

Allen didn't forget that crocodiles are amphibians. They sometimes run faster than humans on the shore. Once someone is targeted, it is basically difficult to escape.

"My lord! We can't get any closer!" Gnar looked at the water five meters away from his group and said vigilantly.

Allen paused, and didn't move any closer. The reason was that he had already seen the many yellow-black eyes lurking under the surface of the water. Those eyes were staring at Allen and the others motionlessly, waiting for Alan The approach of Lun et al.

"Patton! Knight Gun!" Allen whispered.

"Yes!" Barton handed the iron knight gun in his hand to Allen.

After binding the rope to the protrusion on the tail of the knight gun, Allen raised the knight gun with one hand, stared sharply at the water ahead, and just listened.

"Whoosh!" sounded.

Like a flash of lightning, the Knight Spear emitted a silver light in front of it, and plunged into the water five meters away in an instant. Suddenly, the water surface exploded, and seven or eight water crocodiles over three meters long rushed towards the shore.

"The four of you block these guys!" Allen snarled, and with a lift of the rope in his hand, the knight gun with its tail exposed to the water moved towards the shore in an instant. You could clearly see a five-meter-long gun above the gun head. The water crocodile was dead, and the sharp tip of the gun pierced into the head of the water crocodile the moment Allen threw it, killing him with one blow.

This is the only mid-level water crocodile among the water crocodiles observed by Allen under the water. As for the other three-meter-long water crocodiles, they are only low-level water crocodiles.

 Thanks to book friends "Wang Erpi" and "Warring States Bear" for the monthly pass
  And everyone’s recommendation tickets, thank you y(˙.)~
(End of this chapter)

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