Ambition Lord

Chapter 177 Precious Warcraft Tome

Chapter 177 Precious Warcraft Tome
"Alvin! Let them out!" Allen said to Alvin, looking at the seven wind-scale dragon horses who were acting very gentle now.

"But! Lord Viscount! What if they..." Alvin said hesitantly.

"If you let it go, you can let it go, Lord Viscount is here, what are you afraid of!" Barton reprimanded at the right time.

"Yes! I'll release them right now!" Alvin finally realized that now that the Viscount is here, what else should he worry about!
As Alvin opened the heavy stable, seven wind-scale dragon horses came out of the stable one after another, and circled around Alvin.

Alvin has been in charge of taking care of these wind-scaled dragon horses, so these horses are very familiar with Alvin, from time to time they rub their horses' heads in Alvin's arms, rubbing them, they are very gentle, and they are not at all violent as Alvin said before Phenomenon.

Allen stepped forward slowly, and touched the back of a wind-scaled dragon horse with his right hand. After the wind-scaled dragon horse looked up at Allen, he did not refuse Allen's touch.

Then Allen touched the other six windscale dragon horses one by one.

Allen slowly withdrew his right hand. He just stretched out his hand to touch the wind-scaled dragon horse. Naturally, it was not without purpose. The answer given was that none of the seven wind-scale dragon horses were abnormal, and all of them were in a normal state.

Alan still believed in the answer given by Yuanyuanzhu. The reason for Fenglin Ryoma's irritability now does not seem to come from within the horse. The factor causing this situation is likely to be interference from the outside. Alan has a guess in his mind.

"Alvin! Go find all the war horses that have been injured by the Windscale Dragon Horse, and remember not to miss one!" Alan said wistfully.

Allen can't guess the external cause that can make the wind-scaled dragon horse emotionally irritable, but he thinks that he should be able to find the answer from which horses. After all, the wind-scaled dragon horse will not bully other war horses for no reason, unless it feels threatened. Or these war horses can affect the mood of the wind scale dragon horse.

After watching Alvin pull out sixteen war horses covered in scars from two stables, Allen's pupils shrank slightly, and an unbelievable emotion emerged.

Barton on the side also showed surprise, and looked at Allen with some hesitation.

"Barton, do you feel it?" Allen asked abruptly.

"Yes! Lord Viscount! But this is too unbelievable!" Barton couldn't believe it.

"Master Viscount! These are the war horses injured by these wind-scaled dragon horses. There are a total of sixteen horses, all of which are here!" At this time, Alvin also led the sixteen war horses to Allen.


Suddenly, the seven war horses on the side roared, staring at the approaching war horses with slightly angry eyes, and made an attacking movement.

"Barton! Take these war horses away first. Alvin, lock up these wind-scale dragon horses!"

Allen reacted, and quickly asked Barton and Alvin to isolate the Windscale Dragon Horse from these war horses.

However, after seeing the attitude of Windscale Dragon Horse towards these war horses, Alan already had the answer in his heart, and these war horses were external causes.

As for Alan's surprised look just now, it was naturally for those war horses. After all, what Alan felt was too strange. He actually felt the overflowing dark elements on these war horses!
Barton also felt the dark element just now, so it's a little unbelievable!

Ordinary warhorses actually have elemental fluctuations on their bodies. It is very difficult for mortal beasts to mutate into monsters, just like the giant rat monster that Allen killed before. It doesn't have scarlet eyes like the giant rat, nor is it aggressive, so the possibility of mutation is unlikely, and this guess is not valid.

Then Allen thought of the example of the wind-scaled dragon horse. Could it be that these war horses were lucky enough to be visited by some dark elemental dragon?Pregnant with a Warcraft pony with dark elements?

But if I read correctly, there are several stallions in those war horses!Yalong wouldn't do such a thing even if he wasn't taboo anymore!And stallions are sterile, Allen shook his head again.

After both possibilities were ruled out by himself, Allen chose to seek help from the Origin Bead. After all, this kind of strange thing is beyond the scope of Allen's knowledge

After Barton took the sixteen horses away, Allen also rushed over. Without hesitation, Allen put his hands on the horses' backs, his consciousness entered his mind, and he used the origin beads to investigate the situation of the horses.


Horse—an animal called a horse, with a height of 1.9 meters at the shoulder, a weight of..., weak state, the body was invaded by black blood bee eggs, and died after many days.


Black blood bee!Allen was surprised, so it turned out, no wonder he could feel the dark elements in the horse's body!

Black Blood Bee, a low-level dark element beast, the adult Black Blood Bee is as big as a human's fist.

As for the Black Blood Bee, Allen read it in a treasure book of Warcraft. "Treasure" does not refer to how powerful and rare the Warcraft recorded in the book is. It is of great help and of great use value to human beings.

For example, it is recorded in the classics that the black-armored ox, wooden rabbit, thunder-grained toad and other monsters can be raised artificially, as well as jade-armored tortoises and wood-spirited ants that can produce precious treasures that are of great benefit to human beings. Warcraft, the jade armored tortoise can shed the jade armor on its back, the texture is extremely hard, and the defense is amazing. It can be used to make shields and armors. It has excellent circulation of earth elements, and the wood spirit ant can devour a large number of trees. Finally, a treasure called Wood Essence is discharged, which can be used to speed up the training speed of the Wood Elemental Knight.

And the black blood bee is also among them. Although the black blood bee is a bee, it does not live on nectar and pollen. They eat meat. The black blood bee itself has a very paralyzing and corrosive toxin. After injecting the toxin into the prey, within a few minutes, the prey will become weak and unable to move, and become the meal of the black blood bee. Within a few minutes, a huge beast will be gnawed into a skeleton.

As for why the black blood bee is listed as a treasured monster?

That's because although these guys can't brew honey, they can produce a baby called "blood ointment".

Not long after the black blood bee eats the flesh and blood into its body, it will spit out a blood-colored and sticky substance from its mouth. These thick substances gather together and become the blood ointment in the mouth of the human race, just like honey. Blood ointment is the food of honey larvae, which can make these young bees grow rapidly.

 Thank you book friend "Goblin Warrior" for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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