Ambition Lord

Chapter 18 Windscale Dragon Horse

Chapter 18 Windscale Dragon Horse
Two days later, wooden rattan collar, morning.

Baron Jean, who was eating breakfast, received the news from the steward that the disappearing caravan was found at the border, but the carriage was full of corpses full of maggots, and all members of the caravan were slaughtered!
Listening to the news, Gene felt as if he had been hit hard. He put down the knife and fork in his hand, calmed down his emotions, and wanted to calm himself down.

"Where's Werner?"

"My lord baron, among the corpses...we found the remains of Mr. Wiener."

"Have you found out who did it?" Gene looked at the butler with red eyes.

"My lord, from the wounds of the caravan personnel, it can be seen that they should have been attacked and killed by a large group of people, except for a few barons... I guess no one can take out these people?" The steward said solemnly.

Kurit! !

It must be him.Baron Jean unconsciously thought that he had no worries and no complaints with other barons, and it was unlikely that he would send troops to attack and kill his caravan, except for Kurit.

No!Kurit did not form such a large team at all, with the help of Viscount Bernard?Jean thought more and more deeply, but he didn't know that he was thinking too much and skipped the real murderer.

"Go! Call Jason to me!"

Gene suspected that it was Viscount Bernard who gave Kurit his support, otherwise, how could Kurit have so many troops? It seems that Viscount Bernard couldn't bear it at last, Gene thought sarcastically.

After his great-grandfather accidentally got the fire wood vine, Viscount Berner wanted to buy it, but because the Musen collar had been at war with the night collar, and the wood rattan collar was close to the night collar, Viscount Berner was afraid that the wood rattan collar would join the night collar, which would have an impact on the war , I didn't dare to be too tough, and this matter has been dragged on until now.

Today, the war between the Night Color Territory and the Wood Vine Territory has not broken out for several years.

Looking at Jason in front of him, Gene said: "Jason, you will go to the night leader yourself. I don't worry about the others. Tell Viscount Curry that I have agreed to his request, and I hope he will fulfill his promise."

"Yes, my lord." Jason turned and left.

Gene didn't know if his decision was right or not, but he had to take a gamble now. Firewood vines were the foundation of the territory, and no baron would give up magical plants.

Night collar.

After Jason left, looking at his father who was laughing heartily, Harvey, the son of Viscount Curry, asked suspiciously: "Father, do you really agree to help Baron Jean to the position of Viscount Musenling?"

"Oh, Harvey! You have to take a long-term view of things. As long as you can kill Viscount Bernard and his family to avenge your grandfather, it doesn't matter if you choose Jean as Viscount Musenling. Don't forget, Viscount Bernard." The elemental grass still belongs to me, Yese."

"Without the elemental grass, it doesn't take long for Gene to rely on fire wood vines to obtain enough resources to break through to the middle-level knights, and Jean promised to give me 50.00% of the mineral deposits of the Mu Sen collar to the Ye Shi collar."

Baron Currie said greedily.

The nobles can't help but kill, but due to Earl Reagan's regulations, they can't invade the occupied land at will, so even if the Ye Shilord occupies the Wooden Land and kills the Viscount Bernard's family, the Wooden Land still has to choose one of the barons of the Wooden Land to inherit the title of Viscount. This is why Viscount Curry agreed to Jean.

"Oh, that's right! Send an order to get the barons ready, and bring soldiers to the Nightshade Castle to join us at the end of August. We will launch an attack on the Musen Land on the first day of September, and go straight to Musen Fort. I want to take Use the old Bernard's head." Viscount Curry looked very high-spirited.

In mid-July, Qinghuangling, stables.

Allen came to the castle stables early, and today is the day when the seven mares gave birth.

In the large stable, seven mares were lying on the withered grass, screaming pitifully. The mare's belly was really too big. After Alan fed each of the mares two wind element spars, the mare The young horse in the horse no longer absorbs the nutrients of the mother, which also leads to the fact that the mare can live until now, but the belly of the mare is much larger than before.

"My lord, the mare's belly is too big now, and it will definitely not give birth." Alvin the groom said, looking at Allen.

"Do you have a solution?" Allen was also a little anxious at this time. These young horses had given them great expectations. Now if they died of dystocia, he couldn't accept it at all.

"My lord baron, now it seems that the only way is to take the horses out of their stomachs, but if this is the case, the seven mares probably won't survive." Alvin said truthfully.

This is a multiple-choice question, but in Alan's view, there is no need to choose at all. In Alan's mind, a mare cannot be compared with a young horse.

"let's start!"

"Yes, my lord the baron."

Then Alvin began to prepare tools.

Half an hour later, with a few screams, the seven mares died of abdominal dissection, and Alvin pulled out seven cyan foals from the horse's belly.

The seven foals got together and licked each other. Allen took a closer look and found that the cyan color was not the color of fur at all, but scales.The pony's body is covered with tiny blue scales, densely packed, its four feet are like dragon claws instead of horseshoes, its face looks like a lizard's head, but it is fuller, and its blue eyes make it look full of strength.

But calling them foals, Alan thinks it’s inappropriate, because they are too big. The mare is just an ordinary horse with a height of about 1.7 meters, which is considered a large horse. Allen was taken aback.

The relatively rare heavy horses in the Principality are only two meters tall when they grow up, but now the foals are 1.5 meters tall, and Allen has no doubt that they will reach three meters in height when they grow up in the future.

Since you have the blood of the wind elemental dragon, let's call it the wind scale dragon horse from now on, and Allen named them.

Looking at the wind-scaled dragon horses that looked like monsters instead of horses, Allen asked the guards to carry the seven mares out, and asked Alvin to confirm the gender of the seven wind-scaled dragon horses.

"My lord, there are one stallion and six mares."

so close!Allen said in his heart.If it was all mares, his farming plan would be ruined.

I am planning to form the Knights of Alien Horses.

However, Allen still feels a bit slow about the breeding of one stallion and six mares.

It is planned to wait for the stallion to grow up and squeeze the stallion wildly for the lucky ordinary mare. This may make the blood of the foal not as pure as that of the wind scale dragon horse, but it is still very suitable for the cavalry, after all, it has the blood of the sub-dragon The war horses in China are hard to come by, but Allen plans to use them to establish a knight order.

And the six mare Allen plans to let them and the stallion breed pure Windscale Dragon Horse, which can be used by knights like Antonio in the future.

It is estimated that it will take a year for a male horse to mature. After one year, the male horse can meet the breeding requirements. Alan does not know how many ordinary mares he can impregnate, but he just needs to squeeze as much as he can.

Let Alvin take good care of the seven horses, and let them go out for a walk from time to time under the protection of the guards.

Then Allen was going to go to Xiaoyi to have a look. After he broke through the middle-level knight a few days ago, Xiaoyi had been sleeping in the mother plant of the flame wheat, and no longer communicated with his consciousness. Allen felt uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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