Ambition Lord

Chapter 180 Small Element Core

Chapter 180 Small Element Core ([-]rd update)

At this time, after Xiaoyi found that Alan didn't take care of him as he thought, he turned around secretly, wanting to see what Alan was doing. At this moment, Xiaoyi was caught by Alan's flame. The ring was attracted, and the big eyes stared at Allen's flame ring without blinking, full of curiosity.

"Yah!" Xiaoyi cried out excitedly, instantly throwing out the dissatisfaction just now, and rushed towards the flame circle.

After Xiao Yi broke through to the third stage of transformation, his speed increased a lot. Before Allen could react, he rushed to the flame ring made by Allen, and shuttled up and down several times in the hollow in the middle of the flame ring , with an excited look on his face, his big eyes blinked.

"Xiaoyi!" Allen was taken aback by Xiaoyi's sudden appearance, and the flame ring in front of him instantly shattered.

Xiaoyi was surprised to find that the ring of fire beside her had disappeared. Looking back, she saw Alan staring at her with an unhappy face, knowing that she had made a mistake, she lowered her head and remained motionless.

Allen was amused, so he ignored her, created a flame ring again, and slowly expanded it. The original one-meter-diameter flame ring directly increased to five meters in size with the continuous output of Allen's fire elements. Under Alan's control, he flew forward quickly, but unfortunately, after only flying five meters away, Alan couldn't control it, and the huge flame ring shattered.

As for Xiaoyi, he didn't dare to step forward rashly now, but just stared at Alan making the flame ring over and over again without blinking, and failed again and again, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

When the fire element in his body was about to be exhausted, Alan was finally able to fly a fire ring with a diameter of ten meters to a distance of 50 meters.

While using the fire element continuously, Allen discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, a small red rhombic crystal appeared in his heart. Whenever Allen used up the fire element in his body, the red rhombic crystal , a large amount of fire elements will quickly emerge, replenishing the consumed fire elements in Allen's body.

Allen just practiced the ring of fire over and over again, constantly consuming the fire element in his body, just to see where the limit of this crystal is, and finally Allen measured that the fire element in this crystal can probably fill up Ai's body. Lun's body eight times, which means that the element content in Alan's body is likely to be nine times that of other high-level knights.

Allen guessed that this should be the extra ability after he broke through the high-level knight. This spar is very likely to be the elemental core that the elemental knight possesses, but this elemental core is not as powerful as the elemental knight's elemental core!
Low-level knights master element attachment, middle-level knights master element release, and now high-level knights condense pseudo-element cores.

After contracting the magical plant, the benefits brought to Allen are unimaginable.

Allen looked at the anxious Xiaoyi, and felt that part of the fire element had recovered in his body, and instantly formed a one-meter-diameter flame ring in front of Xiaoyi, letting this guy drill and play.

Xiao Yi's face was happy at first, and then he reacted instantly. He opened his big eyes and looked at Allen. While recovering the fire element in his body, Lun played with Xiao Yi.

When it was almost noon, Xiao Yi could already control the fire elements in the flame wheat field to form a flame circle.

In today's flaming wheat field, circles of flames floated back and forth above the wheat field, and Xiaoyi first got into this circle, and then into another circle, having a great time playing.

After staying in the flame wheat field until noon, Allen said goodbye to Xiaoyi and returned to Musen City.

"Master Viscount! A letter from Earl Reagan!"

As soon as Alan returned to Wooden Territory, Barton handed Alan a letter from Earl Reagan.

Allen reached out to take it and opened the envelope. There were only two things inside the envelope, an exquisite invitation and a note.

The note was written by Earl Reagan, telling Allen that the invitation came from the Marquis of Lane. The Marquis of Lane is about to hold a 70th birthday party on the first day of May. The Marquis of Lane sent invitations to the entire Duke of Kane and above , This invitation was handed over to Allen by Earl Reagan.

At the 70th birthday party, this old guy is really able to live, he has never abdicated, and he will not give his son a way out!Allen couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The Marquis of Ryan is now 70 years old. As long as human beings do not break through the elemental knights, they are even high-level knights. Due to years of fighting and physical loss, they will basically not live to be a hundred years old, although theoretically a high-level knight can live longer than a hundred years.

The Marquis of Lane is now considered a half-entrenched man, and he still occupies the title without letting go. Allen remembers that the eldest son of the Marquis of Lane, Luce, seems to be almost 50 years old. This guy is worse than other children of the Marquis of Lane who have no inheritance rights. The other children have long been named Viscount Barons by the Marquis of Lane, and they are very happy to have the power in their own territory. However, Luz, who could have become a Marquis, is still only the heir to the Marquis.

Alan still remembers how his father died. It was because the Viscount Bernard wanted to curry favor with the Marquis Ryan, and wanted to give him a precious gift at his birthday party, which caused his father to die of serious injuries in the fight with the monster.

Now it seems that the last time should be the guy's 69th birthday party, and this year it happens to be the 70th birthday party.

To be honest, Alan really didn't want to go. After all, he had to bring a gift to the birthday party. A cheap gift would make people look down on him. The quality of the Musen collar was lowered, and Alan was not willing to pay for the high value.

But it’s really not good if you don’t go. The status of the Marquis of Ryan in the Principality of Kane can be regarded as second only to the Grand Duke of Deve. It is worth mentioning that the Grand Duke of Deve is also similar to the Marquis of Ryan. They are both close to 70 years old and still have not abdicated. The first heir, his eldest son, was boiled to death, and the real white-haired man was sent to the black-haired man.

However, although the Marquis of Lane has a heavy heart for power, the military strength of the territory cannot be underestimated. It is much more powerful than that in the hands of Earl Reagan. Now Earl Reagan has only 3000 people, and not everyone is cavalry, so it cannot be called a knight. regiment, and the Marquis of Lane has a genuine Iron Spear Knights, more than 3000 people, very strong.

It can be foreseen that all the nobles in the entire Principality of Kane who can receive the invitation will be dispatched, thinking of being able to get in touch with the Marquis of Lane.

If Allen doesn't go, what will Earl Reagan think?What do other people in the Earl of Reagan think?Arrogant, arrogant, out of gregarious...Although Allen doesn't care what others think of him, the external image of a territory is indeed very important, including cooperation, communication, alliances with other territories, etc. Who would want to be at odds with this image? Good territorial cooperation.

Thinking of this, Allen decided to send a letter to Earl Reagan, asking him what kind of gift to prepare.

 Thanks for the two monthly tickets of the book friend "Smart Xiaobai"
(End of this chapter)

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