Ambition Lord

Chapter 183 3 Enrollment Dead

Chapter 183

The body of Village Chief Nof hit the side fence directly, the wooden fence was shattered by the impact, the broken wood flew out, and the body of Village Chief Nove also fell to the ground.

"Village Chief!" "Village Chief!"

"How are you doing?"

The villagers of Anwei Village who reacted hurriedly ran to Nuofu and asked worriedly.

"Ahem! I'm fine, help me up!" Nuo Fu's mouth was bleeding, and he stood up again with the support of the villagers.

Nove moved slowly to Carlos' side and said, "My lord!"

"I'll say it again, call me Sodick!" Carlos glanced at Nove contemptuously.

"Cough! Cough! Lidio, go find Sodick!" Nove coughed twice, with his back bent and helpless, he said to a young man beside him.

"No need, I'm already here! Lord Carlos, I don't know what you want from me, why are you hurting my father?" Sodick walked out from the crowd, looking at Carlos sitting on the horse with a little anger.

"Sodick! Shut up! Why are you talking to Lord Carlos? Watch your tone! Lord Carlos, please don't blame Sodick for being rude!" Carlos begged.

"Father! Why should we be afraid of them? Even though Heisang Village is stronger than our Anwei Village, we can't invade our Anwei Village for no reason!" Sodick said dissatisfied.

Carlos glanced at the naive Sodick with a gloomy expression, pointed at Sodick with the tip of the gun gleaming in his hand, and said, "Sodick of Anwei Village, a few days ago, blatantly violated the regulations of the Heisang Village Market and fought in the market." , Ignore the regulations made by my Heisang Village, disrupt the normal trade of the market, and come to Anwei Village to punish him!"

"How? Impossible, I've never heard of such a regulation!" Sodick questioned in surprise. In fact, he didn't know if there was such a regulation in Heisang Village, but he never heard of it in his image. Pass.

In fact, this regulation really exists. There have been similar regulations since the fair was held in Heisang Village, but it has been a long time, and there are not many conflicts in the fair, and Heisang Village is too lazy to manage it, so this regulation has long since disappeared. Be well known.

After Gnar received Alan's letter, he thought of using this method to deal with Anwei Village.

"Those who ignore the rules will be punished by my Black Sang Village. Now you have two choices. One, go to Giant Rat City, and follow the rat hunting army of Giant Rat City to the Rat Blood Fortress on the border of Heilan City. Three years later You can go back. Two, resist me for three moves, and I will spare your life!" Carlos said coldly like a machine, regardless of the guy's unnecessary roar.

"Lord Carlos! Lord Carlos! I beg you, let Sodick live! Please..." Upon hearing Carlos' words, the village chief Nove knelt down on the spot, approached the horse, and pleaded with Carlos.

The two choices Carlos gave Sodick seemed to Nove to be dead ends. The Rat Blood Fortress was a front-line fortress against the Ratmen. People who went there were basically close to death, and very few people could come back after the three-year period expired. If Sodick and a mid-level knight like Carlos were to fight against each other, Sodick would be dead.

"Go away!"

A strong wind blew past, and Nove was swept away by Carlos again.

"Father!" Sodick yelled worriedly, and was about to run to Nove, but was blocked by Carlos' spear.

"Sodick! Make your choice!" Carlos said coldly, the cold spear shining silver on Sodick's face.

Sodick's expression was ugly, and he knew that if he didn't make a choice today, it might be difficult to calm down, but from these two choices, it was obvious that Carlos was making things difficult for himself.

"I choose the second one!" Sodick's face was slightly gloomy. Compared with going to the Rat Blood Fortress, he felt that the probability of living under Carlos's hands was higher. In Sodick's eyes, the horror of the Rat Blood Fortress was still ahead of Carlos. superior.

The Rat Blood Fortress is the frontline fortress of the three giant cities against the Ratman invasion, and it is also the most important military site. The Rat Blood Fortress is located at the border of Heilan City and the center of the entire Heilan Island.

Every year, the major cities will recruit fighters from various large and medium-sized villages to form a rat hunting army and go to the Rat Blood Fortress. In the Rat Blood Fortress, countless fighters die every year under the hands of the Ratmen, and the fighters drawn every year are to fill the vacancies.

"Okay!" After hearing this, Carlos got off his horse and walked towards Sodick.

Sodick looked nervous, took his knight gun from the attendant next to him, and tightened his hand holding the spear tightly. Sodick stared at Carlos who was walking towards him. All he wanted now was to be able to After receiving Carlos' three moves, as long as he can take the next three moves, he can survive.

Listening to the sound of Carlos' heavy footsteps, in Sodick's ears, it was like the sound of death approaching.


Suddenly, Carlos moved, and the flaming spear in his hand drew a semicircular red surface in the sky, and let out a roar that broke through the air, and the spear slashed at Sodick in front of him.

Looking at Carlos' movements, the speed was so fast that Sodick couldn't even hide in time, so he could only subconsciously hold his gun to resist.


Carlos' spear slammed straight on the gun shaft between Sodick's hands, and the instant collision produced a violent sound.

A huge force struck, and Sodick's arms went numb. He could only barely grasp the gun barrel in his hand, and he slid back a few meters with the man and the stick. The numbness gradually disappeared, and Sodick felt a huge pain in his arms again. Looking at the burned arms, Sodick's expression changed.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Carlos made a second blow. Like the first blow just now, he still held the flame gun and struck at Sodick. Sodick reacted, his face was ugly, and he could only raise the gun again. block.


Sodick could no longer hold the spear this time, and the spear in his hand was thrown out under the action of great force. Sodick's body also retreated a few meters again, and the injuries to both hands became more serious.

However, this time Carlos didn't wait like the first blow, and didn't give Sodick a chance to react. After the straight cut, Carlos hit Sodick's chest with a horizontal shot, sending him flying.


Seriously injured by the blow, Sodick in the air vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, his face was not only not in pain, but a little happy.

At the end of the three moves, Sodick survived and successfully blocked Carlos' three moves.

"It's your fate!"

Carlos tried his best to make his face look ugly, pretending to be angry, and angrily led the soldiers of Heisang Village out of Anwei Village.

That's right, Carlos deliberately let Sodick survive. If Carlos really tried his best, Sodick probably wouldn't be able to withstand a single blow.

 Thank you book friend "Book friend 20180924224511326" "Hongyun non-staple food shop" for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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