Ambition Lord

Chapter 185

Chapter 185
After Andy and Antonio left one after another, Allen sat alone on the chair in the lobby, frowning, and kept tapping the table with his index finger, thinking about how to deal with the blue water collar.

Although from the perspective of real strength, the Musen collar can crush the blue water collar, whether it is the number of fighters, or the quality, or high-end combat power and weapons and equipment, but the actual situation is that the large team that represents the facade of the Musen collar now He was transferred to Heilan Island by Allen, and Allen couldn't show his strength, so now only Antonio, the middle-level knight and the fighters of the [-]th Brigade, can make a move in Mu Senling.

It's a pity that this kind of strength does not have the slightest advantage in the face of today's blue water collars.

At this time, it is unrealistic to transfer a large team back, and it is too late to make the Qinghuang crossbow, and it is even more impossible to recruit troops. Allen is at a loss at this time.

In the end, Allen decided to change the planned frontal defeat plan to a sneak attack. Allen planned to secretly attack Bluewater City when the Knights of Bree led people to resist the attack of the sea monster in the harbor and had no time to take care of Bluewater City. However, the plan was to Operate well to prevent any mistakes in the plan.

A few days passed in a flash, and the time Allen was waiting for finally arrived. Because Black Shark Harbor was constantly attacked by Krakens, Knight Bree and his [-] cavalry had already camped in Black Shark Harbor, resisting Krakens all the time, and did not return to Blue Shark. Water City rests.

Under the bloody moonlight, the purple-black earth, and the hazy mist, eight hundred soldiers from the second brigade of the Blue Desolate Knights set off under the leadership of Antonio.

Under the dark night, the Knights of the Blue Desolation are marching in a hurry. The dark night can't stop the soldiers from advancing at all. The soldiers of the Knights of the Blue Desolation basically eat a sea-monster eye raw, and of course some eat two. One or even three or more, the vision in the dark is greatly improved.

It was almost early morning, and the Blue Desolate Knights were getting closer and closer to Blue Water City. The guards on top of Blue Water City had already fallen asleep. Naturally, they couldn't have imagined that someone would rush to attack Blue Water City.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Following the several shadows that had already sneaked in, the two gates of Bluewater City were gently opened, and with a few creaking sounds, the Blue Desolate Knights outside the city began to quickly enter Bluewater City, approaching the newly repaired Bluewater Castle.

The heavy gate of Bluewater Fort, under the full force of Antonio's impact, opened with a bang, and a loud noise shocked the entire Bluewater City. It was too late, and Stark, who had not had time to escape, was captured by Antonio himself, and all the other people in the castle were also controlled.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you break into Blue Water Castle without permission. Do you know who I am? I am the Viscount Blue Water, the son of Earl Reagan! You better let me go, otherwise none of you will be able to escape!" Being trampled by Antonio, Stark said bitterly, trying to use his identity to intimidate these ignorant guys in front of him. Those who neglected their duties were all killed.

Most of the guards of Bluewater City who came to rescue at this time surrendered, and a small number of people who wanted to resist had naturally returned to the west.

Time passed quickly, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

"My lord! We have found a large number of golden dragons and some element spars in the castle. Among them, there are at least 50 golden dragons!" A soldier was excited. He had never seen so many golden dragons before. Several huge ones The boxes are stuffed with golden dragons, and the initial estimate is more than 50!
"Well! Let the soldiers load the car, and we will take it away!" Antonio's tone was tinged with excitement.

"No! You can't take those golden dragons? My father gave them to me! Believe me, you will definitely cause disaster if you take them!" Hearing this, Stark secretly thought that it was not good, the money was all handed over by his father. Give yourself part of it to buy a ship, and part of it for territory construction. If these guys take it away, it's okay.

"Ah!" Antonio secretly exerted force, causing Stark to feel a sharp pain.

"Leave him alone! Get ready!" Antonio said.

"Yes!" The soldier walked out after hearing this.

"You guy doesn't even know what trouble you have caused yourself, you will definitely regret it!" Stark who was lying on the ground said bitterly.

As Bluewater Fort was looted, Antonio ordered the soldiers to gather most of the population of Bluewater, and those who violated the order would be forcibly brought in. In just two hours, nearly 2 people gathered in Bluewater City. Come here, Antonio is going to bring them all back to the Wooden Land, and these people will be the citizens of their Wooden Land in the future.

"What are you going to do? What is the purpose?" Stark said hysterically, seeing that a group of people in front of him had summoned all the people from the blue water collar and prepared to take them away.

In the end, the hysterical Stark was hanged on the head of the blue water collar by Antonio, and Antonio took a large number of golden dragons, more than 2 citizens and more than 200 captive soldiers and began to return to Musen collar overnight.

Due to the large crowd, the team moved too slowly. It was not until noon that Antonio led the people across the border of the two territories. At this time, Antonio felt relieved. He was really worried about what he did in the blue water collar. He was discovered by Bree, and he came to chase him with five hundred cavalry. Fortunately, it seems that Bree either didn't notice it, or his speed was too slow, so he didn't catch up with them, but no matter it was that, now he can't catch up with them. Don't worry!
A large number of people have already been prepared on the border. Some of them came to accept the more than 200 captives. Now several iron mines are in urgent need of manpower, and more than 2 people have been claimed in batches by officials from nine household registration offices in each town. Some of them were brought back to the town, and then a second distribution was carried out in this town, and all the citizens were sent to each village.

In this way, all the blue water collars were separated, the possibility of these people reporting to the group was eliminated, and it was reasonable for the Mu Sen collar to digest these blue water collar citizens, which increased the burden on Mu Sen. Forest population data.

As for the more than 50 golden dragons, they have already been dragged back to Musen City by the officials of the Finance Department, one of the nine headquarters with bright eyes, and began to carefully count them.

In the end, after the accounting was completed, the figure given was 57!Undoubtedly a huge number, even if it is converted to elemental spars, there are still 620 elemental spars, the number is extremely huge, it is unbelievable.

After seeing that Antonio found such a large sum of golden dragons, Allen guessed that these were most likely purchased by Earl Reagan for Stark to buy ships and build territories. How should I face my father...

 The third update to today's daytime update
(End of this chapter)

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